Saturday, May 12, 2018



This is an extra credit assignment for those in my  1st,4th, 7th,and 8th periods who may wish to improve their grade or replace a grade of zero. 


Access the video linked beneath the picture.Watch this three minute video. Post a comment on how its contents relate to  three key points of this year with the 147 Exegetes. Your response must be a well written paragraph of seven to ten sentences.


  1. This wonderful video shows us the way of how the bread and wine is the flesh and blood of our father this videos main question was not what is the Eucharist who is the Eucharist and that is Jesus when he has his last supper this connects to class 147 and cardinal Hayes in general because when we all go to mass it’s a demonstration on how heaven is going to seem by just eatin the bread and drinking the wine this connects with 147 because we read the lectio divina to connect to god with the scripture but we also connect with the logos this is trying to get us closer to god aka our savior aka the father the son and the Holy Spirit by brother kaevon kontosis

  2. Throughout the year, we often talked about Mathew 16:15 which brings up the question who is Jesus. In this video, a man says that Jesus is the bread of life. Who is Jesus is a controversial topic because he can be many things, however, the man states he is the bread of life. When we go to mass and eat the eucharist, Jesus enters us and we become the temple that holds Jesus. The creation story which is mentioned in Genesis is one of the most important topic that we discussed this year. In the video, the creation story is also mentioned. The creation story in Genesis is important because God creates all life and also displays his power. The last supper is also mentioned in the video. The last supper is when Jesus turned bread and wine into His body and blood, which we discussed. The mass is centered around the eucharist and the eucharist is one of the ways we can be in the presence of Jesus.

  3. the idea that Jesus is the bread and life for us remind me of the lectio divina number 25. Jesus talks about how god is the vine grower. I can remember I am being pruned each day just like jesus. it reminds me day by datrying to see more clearly assignment as well. Each day at hayes strive to make our school and community better and this only possible through the bread and wine of our sacrements of holy communion. lastly it reminds me that all Jesus has done for us. if he did not have he last supper with his disciples then go to the cross we would not be save today. the sacremments of the holy communion helps us to love and learn about jesus.

  4. in 147 we talk about trinity which is the father the son and the holy spirit. in mess the holy body and wine that we eat and drink are related to god. in 147, we are people , so we eat and drink the dread and the wine to connect to god because before the father was angry about our sin and almost destroy the world , but had mercy and forgive us after death of is son and the resurrection, and after the son went back to heaven , the holy spirit came down to live with us because it is god .

  5. Jonathan Jenkins

    The video focuses on who is Jesus and the Eucharist.The video states that the Eucharist is the way of becoming closer to Jesus. The eucharist is eating the bread or drinking the wine to bring you closer to Jesus.

  6. Maynor Mendoz

    in the video it talk about Jesus and how everyone went away because he start to say if you don't "dirk his blood and eat his body you are not living". the video also talks about the body of christ is a little bit of heaven that we 'have to die to feel heaven. The way the contents relate to the three key points in this year in the 147 exegetes is that we try to connect everything to Jesus and how everything was made by him.

  7. Jesus, The Messiah or The Redeemer, hosts a great gathering and proclaims he is "the bread of life" sent from heaven. People lacked the faith to continue on believing and truly accepting Jesus as the divine source from heaven he was. The video connected with our class by reinforcing Brother Sherlog’s lectures upon the complexity of the Eucharist and how powerful it is to purify us of our sins. We, The 147 Exegetes, hold saints and their messages/ morals dear to our understanding of Christ or Christology, in academic terms, by using philosophical and influential terms of the greats before us like Thomas Aquinas. Who, with thorough evidence supported by scientific debate and investigation defined the Eucharist ceremony as the term transubstantiation was used to describe the change of the bread into Jesus himself. The video captures the questions and perils within the Christian beliefs and efficiently acknowledges these questions within the Eucharist’s complex and conflicting nature in the short amount of video. This connects our class by ,ultimately, opening our mind and allowing us to understand Christology both Ascending and Descending.

  8. ¨I don't have to die to go to Heaven, the mass is what takes me there¨. That is what a man said in the video, referring to the Eucharist, turning the body and blood of christ into bread and wine. The Eucharist is a key point of our class because of the meaning it has as a holy sacrament and how many people did not believe in Jesus because he said they had to drink his blood and eat his flesh. The people who were believers stayed and took part in the Eucharist. Two other key points of the class are Matthew 16:15 and original sins. When Jesus said ¨who do you say that I am¨, it refers to how if people believe he is the son of Christ, they would take the Eucharist willingly from Jesus. Original sin is when Adam and Eve did not listen to God and deviated from his will. This relates to the clip because those who did not follow Jesus were not saved and those who did went to Heaven with him.

  9. Oluwagbohunmi A OyebodeMay 30, 2018 at 5:12 AM

    This video relates to three key points of the year because it talks about Jesus being the bread of life. It also talks about someone having to eat the bread of life or else they have no life in them. This is very important to the school year because this had to do with the Eucharist, which we talked about several times. The Eucharist is a Christian rite that is considered a sacrament in most churches and an ordinance in others. We talked about this in different lectios and was also discussed when we read certain Bible verse. The video also talks about Passover, which is the major Jewish spring festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. We talked about the holiday of Passover before Easter and also discussed it as a lectio. We also had an assembly mid-year where Father Tierney and 3 brothers discussed Ash Wednesday and Easter. Finally, the video talked about the Eucharist is a taste of Heaven. This is similar to a lesson we had earlier in the year where we discussed how we do not need to die to get to heaven. Jesus had also stated that his body should be broken up and this should be done in remembrance of him. This proves that it is a taste of heaven.

  10. Ryan Ruiz
    As we all know the Eucharist plays a key role in either a Christian or Catholic life. It is a time to pray and share the bread and the wine. It is not just a regular bread and wine, its spiritual bread and wine. The wine is the blood of Jesus and the bread is Jesus himself. As we take a look back at the logos of the years we can see the relationships that certain objects had to Jesus Christ. But can we say if there is a relationship between Jesus Christ and the Eucharist. The answer is that they are basically the same thing. The Eucharist is what we eat and drink which is Jesus Christ. We can also ask the question who do you say i am. The answer can be i am a believer in Christ by eating and drinking the bread and wine. We also read scriptures in room 147 that always has a lesson. The lesson we can learn by the Eucharist is to not be afraid to take an extra step.

  11. Adam Negron

    3 key point in 147 this year was going to mass.In the video it says that mass is like in cardinals hayes and room 147 they always say that mass is in sunday. secondly the video was talking about the Eucharist.In room 147 Brother put the word Eucharist in the we and the people form the street could see it. It also showed the body and blood of god the we eat and drink out of mass. this relate to this because in room 147 we go to mass and some people receive the body of god and the blood for god.Those are 3 key points in room 147

  12. Jose Torres 1D Period 2
    The short video relates to the three terms of ecotone, Incarnation, and Eucharist. First, the video correlates to the Eucharist because that is the prominent topic of the video. The main purpose of the trailer was to introduce and explain the mysteries of Jesus’ actual presence within the bread and wine at mass. Thus, its clear relation to the video. Secondly, the video connects to the term Incarnation as it is also one of the most important subjects in the film. The Incarnation of Jesus is represented through the Eucharist at Mass. Additionally, Christians believe that the bread converted at Mass is the actual body of Christ that once roamed the earth. Lastly, the term that also correlates to the short trailer is the ecotone as that is what is trying to be discovered. Currently, it is unknown as to how the Eucharist at every single Mass across the world is the actual body of Christ and this film is supposed to emphasize the confusion and amazement it causes and discover how this mystery occurs.

  13. Jeremy Singh

    The content of this video relates to the key points in our religion class. The Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ which is bread and wine. Typically you usually see the Eucharist during mass as the priest praises Jesus body and blood. Like our key points throughout the school year, the Eucharist symbolizes so much. For example the Ecotone closely relates to the Eucharist. The Ecotone is the boundary between science and religion. The bread and wine are scientific made things but they have a symbolic meaning. Also in the video, the men who were talking, constantly talked about who is Jesus and the beginning of everything, This closely relates to Matthew 16:15 which is reads “who do you say I am” and this is all about your understanding of Jesus. His name has so much meaning as he is the father, son, and Holy Spirit all in one. In addition, the content of the video also relates to homo-viator. Homo-viator is inspired by Saint Thomas Aquinas and means man on a journey. From the moment Jesus stepped foot on the Earth he was on a journey bringing faith. He did so much in his life from being a carpenter having many followers before being crucified. On his journey he taught a symbolism of his body and blood would be the bread and the wine. Ultimately Jesus did many great things while being fully divine yet fully human.

  14. Tristin Fong
    Religion 9 Honors
    May 30,2018
    Brother Sherlog
    The video link correlates to three key points of the school year with the 147 exegetes. The three points are Matthew 16:15, Eucharist, and Incarnation. Matthew 16:15 states "Who do you say I am?" and through the video we can infer that no one understands or knows who Jesus really is, we create our own interpretations to help further our understanding. The Eucharist connects to the video because it is specifically stated in the video as the hardest concept for us as catholics to grasp and understand. Finally the Incarnation ties to the video because, time is used to talk about how God has been preparing humanity. This can be connected to reasons as to why God sent Jesus Christ down to experience what it is like to be man.

  15. Jeremiah Johnson
    Period 2 - 1D
    The Eucharist is the pinnacle for Christianity and is the literal body and blood of our Lord Jesus for Catholics. The Eucharist is a reminder that Jesus redeemed the world from sin and is also an example of God’s constant love for mankind. When the Room 147 Exegetes watch the video it allows us to understand what the Eucharist is, and aids in trying to understand what we are drinking/eating when we take the Holy Communion.  The transubstantiation of the Eucharist allows us to experience the flesh and blood of the same Jesus Christ that walked 2,000 years ago. The passionate evangelists within the video allows us to understand the power the Eucharist contains, through the tone of their voice and the explanation of the Holy Communion. The Eucharist is both transcendent and immanent, it being the body and blood of Jesus, meaning that he was man, and then when we eat his flesh we are reminded that he is our Lord and Saviour  The video serves its purpose efficiently and is enlightening for Catholics who believe the Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus in their minds and not in their hearts and souls.
