Saturday, April 21, 2018


       They all run
       Some with hope
       in different directions
       Peter and John, a slower pace and a faster one,
       Sprinted with faith to
       Where Jesus laid
       After the woman
       Came and shared 
       Jesus had risen.
       The other disciples feared, locked up in the Upper Room
        Run, Peter, run.
                          Edgar Montalvo and Br. Sherlog


  1. Jeffrey Santana

    john and peter hit the dash
    made it to the tomb gassed
    jesus just pulled up
    two disciples is enough
    spreading the kerygma
    jesus is back from his kingdom
    i was running towwards the GOAT
    no car needed no boat
    i ran with no feets
    my jay sandals cant crease
    me and mans got locked up for praising a lamb that was sacrificed for us

  2. The hope of Jesus
    is very quite mysterious
    I read the Bible
    because I'm curious
    I feel more like john
    who spread the Word
    so his word can be heard
    From heaven to hell
    we cheer for the tomb Peter shares the news
    the tomb releases us from doom. ETHAN ZAYAS

  3. Running
    Daybreak arises and sorrow overcomes
    Need for comfort and closeness, but the stone is almost gone
    Tears and fears, our Jesus is gone

    Mary Magdala runs desperate to tell the news
    Hard to believe that Jesus’ body is out in the loose
    Fears cause tears, Peter and John’s thinking scatters
    They forget Jesus’ teachings, the forget that matters

    Running towards the tomb, Sprinting fast, No time to lose
    They enter Jesus’ tomb and can’t believe the news
    The cloth was left behind
    Jesus’ body they cannot find
    Mary Magdala, Peter and John, are about to lose their mind

  4. Sun is bright
    Jesus is right
    On the run
    Gotta find John
    Tomb is empty
    Sins are lost
    Need a foundation
    Peter is strong
    Want new life
    Blessed by baptism
    Freed from sins
    Jesus is alive

  5. Run with Strength
    Fight for what is right
    Peter and John, unmatched with a different pace
    A Sprint and a Jog
    To follow God
    Hate allows others to connive
    Keep the message alive
    John saw first where the body lied
    Yet the tomb was hollow,a lie.
    Jesus can not die
    In Hell, his soul shall rise!
    To save many and bring eternal life.

  6. Jose Torres, Period 2, April 24 2018
    They ran towards Jesus
    To see if it was true
    If he really resurrected
    And rose from the tomb
    Peter and John raced
    Fast yet slow
    With their faith
    Prompting them to go
    But will we continue
    To run towards God
    No matter how hard it is
    Will we or not?

  7. Samuel Obeng
    They were running together
    One faster than the other
    Aiming at one goal
    As if they were brothers
    The names were Peter and John
    Trying to run faster than one another
    The tomb where Jesus was risen
    People would have thought it was a vision
    Meeting for the savior of Christianity as one
    Mark was running from Jesus
    Peter and John instead running toward him because they had no fear
    Alleluia, Amen

  8. Oluwagbohunmi A OyebodeApril 25, 2018 at 6:04 AM

    Jesus has risen
    From the tomb
    We should do so too
    When coming out of prison

    Peter the guardian angel
    Watching us at a 360 angle
    Determination fuels us
    And courageous we must

    We must follow John the Apostle
    Until we arrive to God's castle
    But it isn't going to be easy so we must run!
    And it won't be much fun

  9. Tristin Fong
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog
    April 25, 2018

    They are running
    Who is running?
    John and peter are running,
    Mark is running
    Where are they running to
    Peter and John are running to Jesus
    Mark is running away from Jesus
    Where is Jesus?
    Jesus is in the Tomb
    No he is not
    Jesus has risen
    He has made it to the finish

  10. They are running
    two curious humans are
    why so fast?
    one more than the other
    Peter is his name
    and another ran faster
    a disiple he is
    he go there first
    for jesus was laying there in the tomb

  11. They are running
    two curious humans are
    why so fast?
    one more than the other
    Peter is his name
    and another ran faster
    a disiple he is
    he go there first
    for jesus was laying there in the tomb

    Jorge Perez

  12. Cardinal Hayes High School                      Ryan Napoleon
    Bro. Sherlog CFC                                25 April 2018
    Religion 9H

    Ways carved by John
    Surviving but not living
    Striving, barely breathing in endless ambition

    Echos of tomb doors closed
    Open to see and close to weep
    God made man by an unending love

    Peter grounded at the gates
    Woke in our society
    Reborn came Jesus

  13. Running
                          BY Jeremy Singh

    Peter vs. Disciple
    Who is faster? Who will win?
    Who is more determined? Who will sin?
    Who will fall? Who will succeed?
    For it is Peter and the disciple running for this deed
    They are running to the tomb as fast as they can
    Each wanting to beat the other so who is the real man?
    John wrote this verse but Jesus is the real star
    If you're reading poem I’m glad you made it this far
    Our Lord and Savior what’s better then that
    The Bible is like hitting you in the head with a bat
    A bat of knowledge to see things clear
    You should pick up a bible instead of drinking some beer
    Peter vs disciple
    The Disciple Wins

  14. Obinna Anyikwa
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog

    Run, run, run
    Run like the wind
    Peter, John, and Jesus
    Race for the win

    Determination fuels us
    Gasoline to keep us running
    Never slow down
    Never look back

    Keep chasing the goal
    Run for the finish line
    On the track there is no cooperation
    Only competition

  15. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    The Tomb
    He rose from the tomb
    Everyone thought this was a crime
    Mary entered His room
    She did not find
    The tension rised
    Where was the body
    Mary of Magdala was alerted
    She told Peter and John and was assertive
    They ran to the tomb
    The burial cloths and head cloths were separated
    They were worried and did not know
    Lord has came and Jesus rose

  16. RUnning

    Jesus has risen
    John and Peter was running
    To see what had happened
    John and Peter were the only two
    apostles that went to the tomb
    The other nine didn’t go because
    that’s just what they chose to do
    But John and Peter Stayed faithful
    When they ran to the tomb they were
    So hopeful that Jesus
    That Jesus was there but if he wasn’t
    I don’t think that’s something that John and Peter could bear.

    Jaequan williams

  17. Kenny Offin
    Br. Sherlog
    Religion 10

    Jesus had risen
    From the dead,
    Peter and John
    Ran straight ahead
    Not a doubt
    In their minds
    Running with nothing
    But hope and
    Happiness to the tomb.
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    Nothing in the tomb
    But they knew
    There God had
    Risen and is
    Coming back soon.

  18. Jeremiah Johnson
    Brother Sherlog
    April 25, 2018
    Two fishermen leaving behind their poles
    They march on to have Jesus embedded into their souls
    Disciples they became
    With Him they know their roles

    Peter running to the tomb, where Jesus was last known
    John far ahead, prayed to God alone
    John focusing while in the zone
    Homo viator is what he condoned

    Peter came later
    But he did not wait
    John followed to see Jesus’ fate
    When they went in they knew the prophecy was true

    Jesus had risen from his sacred tomb
    Alive and divine
    Turning water to wine

  19. Running
    Dhani Joseph

    Peter and John ran to the tomb
    As fast as they could, to get there soon
    They couldn’t wait, Peter and John
    After they heard Jesus was gone
    Others stayed
    They were afraid
    But Peter and John
    They were amazed
    When they heard he rose from the dead
    As the wind blows, Peter ahead
    They ran because of Jesus Christ
    His body and blood
    The sacrifice
