Monday, September 18, 2017

Period 1 Exegetes

Above is the personal crest ( shield) of Patrick Hayes. Identify the five parts of the shield.
Develop and elaborate some ideas on one part of the shield.
Translate the Motto from Latin into English.


  1. Asiyah Lawrence

    the crosses on the bottoms represents Jesus death with someone good and someone that was evil. The leaves at the top is the shamarocks, the animals on the side is the logo. The crosses on the bottom mean the most to me because its shows how jesus had to deal with both good or bad.

  2. Henry Stay With us o Lord. Lion,Eagle,3 crosses,shamrock,Mary.The 3 crosses represent the 3 Robbers 1 who saw the light of god and the other who decided to ignore That jesus was god

  3. Henry
    Stay with us o lord
    Shamrock,Mary,3 crosses,Lion,Eagle
    The Shamrock is to show his irish heritage and not to be embarrass where you came from.

  4. Isaiah Rivers
    Religion 10
    September 28th,2017
    The 5 parts of Patrick Hayes’ shield are , the three shamrocks, the lion,the eagle,and the three crosses, and a crown. The Shamrocks represent the holy trinity with each side representing the three sides of it, the Father,the Son,and the Holy Spirit. The motto “Domine Mane Nobiscum” is latin for “Stay with us Lord”.

    1. shamrocks also have to do with heritage... good work.. 95

  5. Justin Suriel
    Brother sherlog
    religion 2

    the five parts of the shield are the three crosses, the bird with a lion, the crown , the four leaf clovers and the gold cross. I think the three crosses mean Jesus in the middle with the two thieves the good one and the bad one. I think the bird and the lion show a sign of natural relation. the crown may be a high role. the 4 leaf clovers maybe representing st Patrick , and the the gold cross showing this all comes from god.

    1. Motto? eagle and lion are actually connected to divine revelation. good effort 90

  6. This is Giovani Clarke Brother.This shield symbolizes a coat of arms,badge,lion and a cross.The cross reminds us of who died for us and also helps stay in touch with god.I dont know how to translate that word sorry Brother.

  7. The three crosses symbolize that on the day Jesus died there were also three people that died with him. But that can also symbolize that he not only just died once, but everyday he sacrifices his life for us and tries to help us survive. The three leaf clover represents lucky, but not only does it represent life but also wisdom and life.

  8. The 3 Shield are The lion, the golden cross and three leaf clover.

  9. the 5 shields are the lion, the 3 leaf clover, the 3 crosses, the crown and the eagle.

    1. Comment on the "M" that appears on the shield.

    2. The M stands for Mary. The importance of Mary is that she is the mother of Jesus. Mary is a virgin who was pregnant with Jesus. She was blessed by the Holy Spirit and Jesus was created in her womb. She was also born without original sin which means that she did not suffer or have any pain in child birth. She experienced pain when Jesus was crucified. She is a role model for all of us. Jayron Paula

  10. The three Shamrocks represents the blessed trinity and to be proud of our heritage. The M represents his love and devotion to Mary. The Lion and the Eagle is a symbol of Mark an John, he really enjoyed the writers. And the three crosses is Jesus and the two thevies. We are united in the cross of Jesus. Jeffrey Santana Period 1

  11. Jaequan Williams

    Brother sherlog

    Period 1

    October 1

    The 5 parts of the Patrick Hayes shield are the lion, the eagle, the 3 crosses, the crown and lastly the three shamrocks. The 3 crosses represent Jesus and the 2 robbers one who believed Jesus was the savior and one who ignored him.

  12. The five parts of the Patrick Hayes shield is the 3 crosses, the 3 shamrock, the crown, the lion and the eagle. The 3 crosses represent Jesus death on the cross and one person who believed Jesus was the savior and one who ignored Jesus.

  13. The Shamrocks represent the trinity, the 3 crosses represent Jesus and the 2 theives, the "M" represents Mary's power as Queen of heaven and earth, and the lion and the eagle are powerful animals on earth and in the air respectively.Stay with us Lord. The trinity is a nice part of the Shield because the Trinity will always be there to guide you.

  14. The Shamrocks represent the Trinity, the three crosses represent Jesus and the three thieves,
    The “M” represents Mary’s power as queen of Heaven and Earth, and the lion and the eagle are both powerful animals on Earth and in the air respectively. Stay with us Lord. The Trinity is a nice part of the shield because the three persons in one God will always be there to guide you.

  15. This is Shalamah freeman, All the parts of the shield are the 3 shamrocks, the lion and the eagle, the 3 crosses, and the “M” for Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. The M represents his love and devotion to Mary. The lion and the eagle is a symbol of Mark and John. The 3 shamrocks represent the blessed trinity and to be proud of our heritage, and the 3 crosses is jesus and the 2 thieves. Mane nobiscum Domine of the holy father John Paul the 2nd to the bishops, clergy and faithful for many years.

  16. The cross in the bottom represents how Jesus was hung on a cross . The eagle represents the logo or the animal .the crown represents that god is king. The leaves represents that with god and all of this there is luck involved and it will be helping u

  17. The three crosses represents how god was hung up on the cross . The lion and eagle has to do with divine revelation. The crown represents that god is king . The three shamrocks represent that with god anything is possible almost like luck .

  18. the three Crosses represent our savior Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross along side of him were two criminals, one had realized that Jesus was the son of God and he other laughed in disbelief he was then pecked by crows in the eyes. the three shamrocks represent Patrick cardinal hayes' irish heritage and the blessed Trinity. The M with a crown above it represents the mother of God, Mary. the lion and the eagle represent the disciples mark and john and cardinal hayes love for their work. the motto on the front of the shield means stay with us ,Lord.

  19. Kashiem Mcdonald Period 1-The 5 parts Among this shield of Patrick Joseph Hayes Crest(Shield) is His Motto Which is "Domine Mane Nobiscum Meaning (Stay with us O Lord)The Three Shamrocks that lie across the top is the blessed Trinity which also means the Father and the son and the holy spirit. The "M" with a crown above it represents His love For Mary.The Lion And eagle that are placed across from each other is connected through Divine Revelation. The Three Crosses that lie across the bottom Is Jesus as the middle cross and one side of the cross Good and the other bad.

  20. the three crosses represent the death and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ, along side Jesus were two criminals, one began to realize that Jesus is the son of God and the other just hung there and laughed in disbelief, he was then pecked by crows in the eyes. the three shamrocks represent the Great Trinity and Patrick cardinal hayes, irish heritage. the M with a crown above it represents the blessed mother of Jesus, Mary. the lion and the eagle symbolize saint john and saint mark and cardinal hayes, love for them and there work. the motto on the shield means "stay with us , Lord" showing cardinal Hayes' love for God.

  21. Justice Chalen
    This is shield of patrick hayes or known as the coat of arms "Domine Mane Nobiscum" or stay with us o lord.The 3 shamrocks and the 3 crosses represent the trinty "god the father the son and the holy sprit.The lion and eagel is Mark and John.And the M is for Mary the mother of God

  22. Eandre Mejia- Period 1: The leaves on the top are the shamrocks, the three crosses represent Jesus with the good theft and bad theft, and the animals the lion and the eagle. The three shamrocks represent good luck to me.

  23. Amani Allen
    Br. Sherlog
    November , 2017

    The five parts of the shield represent the shamrock, Mary, Lion, Eagle, and the 3 crosses. The shamrock shows where he is from and how he is very proud of where he comes from and his background heritage. Also the shamrocks can represent a sense of good luck. (Period 1).
