Monday, September 18, 2017

Period 4 Exegetes

In this picture is Jesus reading the Scriptures, sharing the bread of the Eucharist, or doing both? Give me an answer and  explain your idea.


  1. Jesus is doing both because he is reading scriptures of his deciples and sharing the body of Christ and the blood od Christ which is the bread and the wine which is telling that god is in him and will always dwells within in him.

  2. I believe that Jesus is sharing the bread of Christ because everyone is on the table is looking at Jesus as if he's going to give the bread of the Eucharist I don't know if that is right but that is my opinion - Johnny Diaz

  3. I believe he is doing both because, from the faces of the mens you can see lots of power and shock value.

  4. 2020337

    Nelson Lassalle September 27, 2017
    Cardinal Hayes High School Homeroom 2D

    I believe Jesus is both reading the Scriptures and sharing the bread of the Eucharist in this picture. It looks like the artist drew this picture based on the Last Supper. However, instead of the disciples, the artist drew other people. I think some of these people are suffering somehow because one of them has a crutch by his chair. Some of the other people might be the poor, who Jesus always helped. They are seated at a table sharing a meal, the Eucharist. They are all looking toward the figure in the center, which is Jesus, and seem to be listening very hard. They are paying close attention to what Jesus is saying. Finally, they are seated at a round table with Jesus in the center which means that Jesus is at the center of everything in our lives.

  5. Jesus is giving bread

  6. In this picture it shows that Jesus is sharing the bread of the Eucharist.Because I remember when the 12 apostles was sitting at the table and Jesus was serving bread and wine to his 12 apostles.

  7. Joshua Peralta 9/28/17

    I think Jesus is only sharing the bread of the Eucharist because he is trying to make everyone very connected by everyone taking a bite of his body which was the bread and the wine.

  8. Is giving his bread to give other people power and feel good

  9. Jesus is doing both because he is reading scriptures of his deciples and sharing the body of Christ and the blood od Christ which is the bread and the wine which is telling that god is in him and will always dwells within in him.

  10. In this picture Jesus is doing both giving bread and wine and spreading the Eucharist. In this picture everyone is giving Jesus there full attention and and look like there really taking in what he's saying

  11. Jesus is doing both because he is teaching the them how many books is in the bible and how to become an exegete and study the scriptures while he is giving out the holy bread. -Jimmere Rooks

  12. Marcos A. Collazo

    I think that Jesus is both sharing the scripture and the bread of the Eucharist, simply because while they chew the bread of the Eucharist he can explain chewing the scripture with the teeth of their mind. kinda like the lesson you gave us with the gum as you explain how to chew the scripture with the teeth of our mind

  13. In the picture Jesus is sharing wine and bread of the Eucharist saying “ This is my body, which is broken for you." And “ This is the cup of redemption”.

  14. In the picture Jesus is giving bread and wine of the Eucharist saying “ This is my body, which is broken for you." And This is the cup of redemption.
