Thursday, January 4, 2018


Explain the step by step process illustrated in these four photos.

Begin with Psalm 34:4(5) and the first window.
Move to Matthew 18:20 and the second window.
Consider  1 Corinthians 13:12 and the third window.
Conclude with John 1:14 and the  last window.

Take some time for lectio divina.

Summarize your insights in a well written paragraph.
1. EMAIL  ME at
Define the following terms
1. original sin
2. original holiness
3. Imhotep
4. Mansa Musa
5. The Talented Tenth
6. Perigee
7. Mary and the Moon as a metaphor for how we are to live.
This work must be posted by 12:00 AM, Sunday, February 5.


  1. THE first step was the kid in the picture was asking God for a message to help him overcome his fears . The second step is that where 2 or more there god is with them so the message is getting to them slowly . Step three says that the message would be showing slowly and in a mirror . Step 4 is when we finally see what god was trying to show us and proved that god was here with us the whole time .

  2. The four pictures above are interesting and takes time to understand. In the first window, the young haysman is embracing God and telling Him to guide him and be by his side. The hayes man's arm also indicate that he holds God in the highest. The two hayes in the second window implies that God is near them. Therefore, the two young men are gathered around God to worship and listen to him.The third picture emphasizes that at the beginning people only know a little about God. As we grow and mature we learn more about God. When we truly love and praise God and go to heaven that is when we come to fully know Him. The last picture asserts that God has shown himself through his son, Jesus Christ. Jesus guides us down a path of salvation and better understanding of the almighty God.

  3. Rj lynch
    1 sometimes you can't see God you have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  4. Rj
    1 sometimes you can't see God you
    have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  5. Rj
    1 sometimes you can't see God you have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  6. 1 sometimes you can't see God you have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  7. 1 sometimes you can't see God you have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  8. 1 sometimes you can't see God you have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  9. I'm just going to do it one more time and that's it

  10. 1 sometimes you can't see God you have to find him too understand the true love of God
    2You can't find God by yourself you need help and find the love of God with other people
    3 when you're close to find the true love of God sometimes it's right there in front of you and you really can't see it but it's there
    4 so the verses talking about seeing the glory of God and in that last picture you see the photo right there in front of you and very clear which means that you are easier to see God and the word Eric Ross also means that Jesus is coming tomorrow when she will be with us soon and you can't understand that unless if you see the the love of God clearly

  11. Jeremy Singh

    The first window relates to Psalm 34:4(5) because the hayesmen with his hands in the air shows his relation to god and god delivering him from all his fears. Matthew 18:20 relates to the second window because the verse “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” directly shows correlation with the two Hayesmen gathered together at the window. The third window relates to 1 Corinthians 13:12 because you see the reflection of “Ero Cras” coming from the stain glass windows you shall fully learn the meaning and go out on your journey. John 1:14 relates to the last window because this verse is all about God becoming a man and all Hayesmen are on a journey to become a man we are all becoming our true selves.

  12. On the first window the Hayesmen are asking Jesus to take away all his fears and to get closer to God.
    On the second window the two Hayesmen are coming together to get closer to God.
    On the third window it shows Jesus telling us he will come again, so we are reminded we see a portion of his plan more will be revealed when he returns.
    On the last window it shows tha5 Jesus is coming as a whole human being again.

  13. He sought to the lord so he can hear him. Also, delivered himself from all his fears. Therefore he was trying to get an answer from god so he can get rid of all his fears in his life. In the second picture either two or three gathered in his name, therefore his name is there to midst of them. third picture there is a mirror with the spelling of "EROCRAS!!". In Corinthians 13:12 says " for now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face, Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I aslo am known. The last window similates to John 1:14 because of the gods word for a men to become strong. -Jimmere Rooks

  14. It means the young man is coming to god coming in his prayer.homo viator. in psalms david prays jesus is helping him with his fears.

    represents two men coming together to workship and praise jesus as it says in as it says in matthew 18

    ero crase means come tomorrow verse corithens 13:12

    In john 1:14 the word became human as he received a father as a son ero crase homo viator.

    by DemetriDrew

  15. The process that is being illustrated by the photos is that each day the writings on the windows will become more visible. Each bible verse talks about how God answered them and they see things clearly. I think this Lectio Divina means for me that God will help us see things clearly. And help us flourish in our future but the future is going to be unfolded day by day.

  16. Psalms (34)4-5
    David surrendering himself he freed me from all my fears
    Matthew 18-20
    Jesus basely said that there were two to three people that come together in Jesus name and that Jesus is there with them.
    Corinthians 12-12
    ERO CRAS means ill come again. And the god shall see face-to-face sees in me
    John 1-14
    The word is Jesus and that Jesus will promise of that he will come again and Jesus becoming a form of a man.

  17. The young man is coming to God coming in his prayer. He is homo viator! In Psalms David prays to God who is helping him with his fears. The window represents two men coming together to worship and praise Jesus as it says in Matthew 18.The next window is connected to Corinthians 13:12. In John 1:14 the Word became human. As he received human flesh he becomes ERO CRAS. by Demetri Drew on DAY BY DAY: TRYING TO SEE MORE CLEARLY

  18. The first picture illustrates a kid who wants to see the Lord (Psalms 34:5). The second picture illustrates the standing of two or three are gathered in the Lord’s name, while he is standing in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). The third picture is based on 1 Corinthians 13:12 and illustrates that we see indistinctly as in a mirror. The forth picture illustrates the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us (John 1:14). This is the process of getting to the Lord. ERO CRAS gives us 7 titles for Jesus. John Pena

  19. image 1: To see the Lord for wisdom and courage and praise the God almighty.
    image 2: For there I am two or three but their lies truth to be seen
    image 3: Make peace with one another and always,give thanks for each other.
    image 4: You sha'll drink from my body and eat my flesh so u shall become one with each other and to always know teir is faith.

  20. The first window is Psalm 34:4, it lets us know all of our our fears are nothing but problems we are able to get over. These problems try to guide us down the wrong path but to overcome them we must keep our faith in Jesus Christ and God. The second window lets us know as long as two or three men pray for him, he will be there no matter how many people gather to speak his name to help the men on their missions, “Homo Viator”. The last two windows are 1 Corinthians 13:12 and John 1:14, these two Verses not only connect but strike me perfectly, they both speak of flesh or being face to face. When we read the words on a bible we come face to face with God himself as he speaks to us from the pages for a Holy Scripture. The word became flesh because it affects everyone differently.

  21. Maynor Mendoza 1/31/18

    In the first window you cant see the words but in Psalm 34:4-5 he looked at Jesus and he was radiant. In the second window there are is two students but you can see the words but in matthew it say for where there are two or three are gathered in my name i am among them. In 1 Corinthians it says "how can i bring the ark of god into my care" it in the tried window you could see the word erocras. In the last window you could see it more then ever and in john its says the word became flesh and lived among us. all the windows are connect to the bible some way.


  22. 2020337
    Nelson Lassalle February 2, 2018
    Cardinal Hayes High School Homeroom 2D

    Lectio Devina 14 is about the Lord calling the youth and Samuel not recognizing that the Lord is calling him. We are the youth and the four photographs show young men on a journey to find the Lord. In the first photograph, there is one Hayesman with his arms raised to the Lord. In Psalm 34:4-5, it says that the Lord answers and those who look to Him are radiant and their faces never covered in shame. In the second photograph, there are two Hayesman pointing to heaven. Matthew 18:20 tells us that when two or more people gather, like in the picture, the Lord is present. In the third photograph, there is writing on the windows but it is difficult to see. 1 Corinthians 13:12 tells us that we see a poor reflection right now but will see the Lord face to face. The final photograph shows the words Ero Cras on the windows much clearer than in the third photograph. Ero Cras means “tomorrow I will come” an in John 1:14, we learn that when Jesus walked among us, He became flesh and we saw his glory, the glory of the one and only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.

  23. Samuel Obeng

    In the first window of Psalm 34:4, it represents the “E” in ero cras. The “E” means that God is with us and in Psalm 34:4 it talks about those who seek God will never be ashamed. This connects because the window is God and if we seek it and look, we will not be ashamed of what impact he will have in our lives. The second window represents if we have more than one people seek God’s presence, then he will be there for us that seek him. The third window represents How God is ero cras and how we see it dimly at first. His presence then can make us seek for him and his word and we shall fully understand his purpose in our lives. The last window correlates with John 1:14 because the question mark in ero cras represents the questions people have for the Word and they want to know more about the Bible.

  24. Amir Anderson
    Brother Sherlog
    The first picture is applying it don't have to be two or more people to spread the word of God,scripture or anything relating to God.The second picture is saying not only one person care about and love God more than one person can show love toward him. Ero cras means if one start with the last title and take the first letter of each one Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia - the Latin words. But what this word really is saying that tomorrow i will come

  25. The first picture tells us that the boy is giving himself up to god. The second picture shows the two boys coming together to be with god. The third picture tells us that we will see face to face with jesus when he comes. The fourth window tells us that jesus had received glory from god.
    Derrell McClain


  26. Joshua Peralta CHHS

    Br.Sherlog 2/1/18

    • In the first picture the boy raising his hands connects to Psalms 34:4 because david praises to god.

    • In the second picture the two boys connect to matthew 18:20 because they come together to worship jesus and if they do that jesus will be their to better understand.

    •The third picture connects with 1 corinthians 13:12 because picture 3 it's just the beginning of picture 4, it's a mirror image.

    •The fourth picture connects with John 1:14 because Jesus came as a human as was promised in the window which says “erocrast” which means i will come.

  27. PSALM 34 verses 4-5 David surrender’s to God and in the first photo it shows Jake surrendering himself to God by raising his arms in the air.MATHEW 18 verse 20 both Jaylen Y. and Jaylen M. represents verse 20 because when 2 or 3 join together in God’s name he is in the midst of them.1 CORITHIANS 13 verses 12 this shows that Jesus will come back for us EROCRAS MEANS “TOMMOROW I WILL COME” THIS CONNECTS TO EVERYTHING WE AS GOD’S CHILDREN KNOW ALTHOUGH WE KNOW ONLY A SMALL PART OF HIS TRUE GREATNESS.JHON 1 verse 14 and the last window shows that he did what he promise “TOMMORORW I WILL COME”.

  28. Psalm 34:4(5):
    I sought the lord, and he answered me, delivered me from all my fears.The first picture represents the freshmen opening his arms to the lord.Because Jesus helps you through the bad times and especially when u have fears Jesus is always there by your side.

    Matthew 18:20:
    For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”In the second picture it shows two Hayesmen side by side as there they rejoice with one each other and they encourage each other, agree with one another and the god of love and peace will be with you.
    1 corinthians 13:12
    For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.In this picture it represents those who sinned earlier and all the others, that got warned not to sin.
    John 1:14
    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.In this picture it represents how to word became flesh.

  29. 1)psalm 34:4 says i sought the lord and he answered me in picture 1 it looks like hes praying to god and waiting for an answe
    2)mathew 18:20 says for where two or three gather in my name there i am with them. in picture 2 two kids are infront of a religion class which has bibles which symbolize jesus
    3)1 corinthians 13:12 says for now we only see a reflection as in a mirror. in picture 3 u can barely see wat is written on the windows
    4)in john 1:14 it says the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. in the 3rd picture u can actually see wat was written on the windows with a bolder color

    lucien laurens

  30. Cardinal Hayes Periode 7
    Christian Guzman 1/31/18

    In the first photo the Exegete is calling out to God and is telling us to do it with him. The lord has freed him from all his fears. In the second photo Matthew 18 has shown us that the lord is in the mist of people who belive in him. In 1 corinthians it shows that many parts make one like the parts of the window. That when gods word became his flesh it made it easier to belive so if you make somthing stand out the people will be able to see it and belive it.

  31. Julian Garcia Period 7February 1, 2018 at 1:40 PM

    1) Psalm 34:4(5) talks about having us speak to others about gods name how the lord answers us and lead us from our fears. The first window also shows how the Hayes man is giving himself to the lord. 2) Matthew 18:20 tells us where there are two or more people gathered he is with us and the second window shows us where there are two Hayes men gathered and with the lord presence. 3) 1 Corinthians 13:12 speaks about us striving for spirits and having an abundance for the church and the third window shows the word Erocras faded and how it is going to become brighter. 4) In John 1:14 talks about how the lord’s word became flesh, how we saw his glory and saw the glory of the father’s only son and the fourth window shows how we will become better everyday and be grateful for all that we have.

  32. In psalm 34:4 it talks about the lord heard the man ans delivered him from all his fears. They looked at him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed. The poor man cried and the lord heard him and saved him from all his troubles. Matthew 18:20 talked about how peter asked Jesus how often shall his brothers sin against him and asked Jesus if he should forgive them 7 times but Jesus told him no and forgive him 70 times 7. In 1 corinthians 13:12 it talks about how we see through a glass darkly but then face to face but then know even as i am known. In john 1:14 talks about how the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and full of grace and truth. in conclusion overall it talkes about how god is merciful and full of grace and how you just forgive and humble yourselve

  33. Photo number one correlates with Psalm 34:4-5 because God says to those who think up evil against him to be confounded and to be turned back and the Hayesman does not have his back turned back to the camera because he is pursuing the soul of God. the second verse Matthew 18:20 correlates to the image because God said that wherever 2 or more people are gathered he is there with them and there are two hayesmen standing in the picture. in the third picture the latin term ero cras means "i will be tomorrow" the verse 1 Chorithians 13:12 says that we may not be able to see God face to face today but one day we will so we should just continue to have faith in him. the fourth picture correlates with the Verse John 1:14 because again the term ero cras is used and in the verse it explains how jesus came down to earth and lived with us and the people got to see a model and the Glory of how a child of God is supposed to live .

  34. Oluwagbohunmi OyebodeFebruary 1, 2018 at 3:57 PM

    The first picture included the student with his arms raised because Psalm 34:4,5 states "he heard me and delivered me from all my fears." It also states "They looked unto him and were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed." This supports the raising of the arms because it is expressing that with God by our side we can take over and prevail over everything. The next window shows two guys standing by the window which supports Matthew 18:20 because it states "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." This is telling us that God was in the midst of the two boys pointing at the window. The next window states Ero Cras! This supports 1 Corinthians 13:12 which states "For now we see as through a mirror, in darkness, but then we shall see face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know even as I also am known." This window connects to the "mirror" that God is talking about because at this window we see a phrase meaning "Tomorrow I come" which is telling us that we must see him face to face. Last there is John 1:14 and the last window. John 1:14 states "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth." This also connects to Ero Cras because that bible verse states the word dwelt among us.

  35. Vashaun Wallace

    1. In the First Window it is empty but can be answered by the lord and deliver us from all of our fears and sins.

    2. The second window shows 2 of my brothers jaylen young and jaylen murray pointing and according to the scriptures it states For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

    3. In the third window it says erocras! This means For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

    4. In the window on the top right it shows January 14 and in corinthians states For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

    Vashaun Wallace
    period 7

  36. The first window through psalm 34:4(5) shows us how we praise God and that praise will remain preached by us.The second window shows us how we are gathered through Matthew 18:20. The third window shows us how we see indistinctly as in a mirror from an angle but can then see face to face through the mirror in 1Corinthians 13:12. The final window which shows us how full of grace and truth God is, and we could see his glory like we see the window.~ Gio period 7

  37. In Psalms 34:4 and 5 it is said to Magnify the Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me, delivered me from all my fears. The first picture has a young man welcoming people with open arms to exalt the Lord. The Lord washed away his fears and now he looks like he can take on the world. Matthew 18:20 says For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. These two student have gathered and there are pointing to the words ero cras. The Lord is in between these students because he is in everything as such he is in these words. 1 Corinthians 13:12 says At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. the third picture represents people seeing the words ero cras and not know what they mean. John 1:14 says I write to you, children, because you know the father. i write to you, father, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you,young men, because you are strong and the word of God remains in you, and you have conquered the evil one. The fourth picture represents a message which is tomorrow I will come.
    Destine Straight Period 7

  38. Henry Castillo
    Psalm 34 Explains That God is there all the time in the good and in Your bad times. When you invoke his name he is always listening.
    In Matthew 18 It explains That where there are two or more gathered in his name he is there. That God is there for us while we are praying in his name without us not knowing his presence.
    1 Corinthians 13 12 The body is made up of many different parts. The body needs all the parts to work together, in order for the body to function properly. For we have been baptized into one body by the same Spirit. Our background does not matter anymore. Our spiritual life will guide us to eternal life.
    In John 1 14 it explains that Jesus words became flesh and is among his people to save us from sin. The glory of God and his manifestation is now centered Towards Jesus

  39. This is Giovani Clarke Brother.The first window and Psalms connect beacuse the hayesmen in the picture looks like he been freed from all doubts and fears.Hes hands in the air is a sign of happiness and relief.In the second picture they can feel that God is with them and that God brought them together.?I really didnt get the third window at all brother.Therefore with John 1:14 and the last windown its showing the meaning and all the things God did for us.Shows us truth and grace.

  40. Justin Suriel

    1.the first window and psalms 34:4(5) relate by the phrase "there faces shall never be covered with shame."in the picture there is a Hayesmen that looks like he has no shame.

    2. Matthew 18:20 relates to the second window by two gathered people in gods name coming together and god is in the middle.

    3. 1 Corinthians 13:12 relates to the third window because it talks about seeing a mirror dimply and there are words on the window seen dimly.

    4.john 1:14 relates to the last window because it basically ties into a sort of revelation with the lord but in the picture the words on the window.

  41. Andrew Vega
    Period 8
    In the books of psalms 34:4(5) is related to the first window by how psalms says " Those who look at him radiant." What this means is that those who look at him are glowing brightly and how that Hayes student is trying to the word more clearly. Matthew 18:20 is related to the second by staying "For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them." Meaning how two Hayes students are trying to see the world clearer and how God is with. 1 Corinthians 13:12 connects with the third window is by how the book says "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face." Meaning that we see the third window as a reflection only and how two or more people are trying to see the word. Now in the last window we can see the word er cars meaning Tomorrow I will come.

  42. The first window corresponding with the scripture shows that we open our hearts to G-d and let G-d into our lives. The second window corresponding with the scripture shows that when two or more people are gathered in Jesus name he is in the mist, the lord is with you. The third window corresponding with the scripture shows that at first things may not be so clear to us but soon like in the last window things would become clear as day and we will see his glory. Jeffrey Santana P1

  43. Jose Torres, February 1, 2018

    The first process in the first photo presents happiness and faithfulness as a Hayesmen is being joyful and full of excitement because he seeked the Lord, and received an answer. Furthermore, through Psalms, chapter thirty-four, verses four through five, the Lord’s answer causes the Hayesmen to exalt His name as he also wants “us to exalt his name together,” attempting to unite other Hayesmen to follow and love God. The second process in the second photo represents a divine God as He states “there am I in the midst of them,” stating His presence in the middle of the Hayesmen. However, the Hayesmen do not realize God’s divine and holy presence as its only revealed to us in our lives through hints, and not obvious appearances. The third process in the third photo represents visibility as the letters of EROCRAS are obscure. However, after a while, you can tell what the letters are and what they each mean as in 1 Corinthians, chapter thirteen, verse twelve, it states “I know partially; then I shall know fully.” Lastly, the fourth process in the fourth photo represents clearness and truth as the letters in the word EROCRAS, along with JN 1:14, are highlighted in green, making it easier to see. Furthermore, in John, chapter one, verse 14, it states “full of grace and truth,” which relates to the highlighted EROCRAS because now they are full of clearness, truth, holiness, and meaning.

  44. The four windows pictures of room 147 can all be connected to a scripture verse through the power of exegesis. In the first picture, we see a young hayesman holding his arms high. In Psalm 34:4-5 the author is exalting the Lord and he wants us to join in. Just like the author of Psalm 34, the hayesman is exalting the Lord with his hands raised high, and maybe he wants us to join him. In the second picture there and now two young hayesman pointing at what we literally see as a wall. However, when we exegetically look at Matthew 18:20, Jesus tells his disciples, where multiple people are gathered in my name, he is there in the “midst” with them. Figuratively, the students are pointing at Jesus who is there with them. Pictures three and four go together because they both have the same writing. However, there is a clear transition from “Ero Cras” being written faintly to being written much more boldly. This relates to 1 Corinthians 13:12 because in that verse, Paul is trying to say that not everything is clear at first but as we continue to dig, with the guidance of God we can fully understand it. As for the quote “Ero Cras,” meaning “Tomorrow I will be,” it relates to John 1:14 where the author describes Christ as “the word became flesh.”

  45. Isaiah Rivers

    Psalm 34: 4 reads “Magnify the Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together”. Both the first window and the quote both try to put more focus Lord,the lord represented by the window. Matthew 18:27 relates to this as two people focusing on the window. Ero Cras translates to “Tomorrow I will come”,this and 1 Corinthians 14:21 all refer to the second coming of Christ. John 1:14 also refers to Jesu Christ, the word that became flesh.

  46. Avian Bracero 1A
    Psalm 34:4-5 Describe a journey by finally magnifying the lord and letting the lord delivering David from all of his fears.
    Matthew 18:20: Describe a journey by finally reaching his destination where he stands in the middle of two or three people who had gathered in honor of his name.
    Corinthians 13:12: Describe a journey by finally knowing who we really are individually as a person.
    John 1:14: Describe a journey by finally coming to the end by finally seeing the "glory as of the Father's only Son. Full of grace and truth."

  47. Jonathan Jenkins
    Religion 9
    Brother Sherlog

    In the first picture & in psalms 34:4-5 they embraced the Lord
    In the second picture & in Matthew 18:20 two people know that their Lord is there but not visible
    In the third picture & in 1 Corinthians 13:12 the Lord knows that he is fully known without being visible
    In the fourth picture &in John 1:14 they started to take in the word of the Lord

    In all of the images there are changes between them. The scriptures readings also help the images tell the story. The story being told says that it’s a challenge to understand the words of the Lord. It also lets you know how to understand the word of the Lord.

  48. Miguel A. Berrios-Serrano
    Religion 10
    Br. Sherlog
    February 2, 2018

    Psalms 34:4-5 tells us “I sought the LORD and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” The picture of the boy with his hands extended to the Lord says to me that he also has sought the Lord and found him.
    Matthew 18:20 explains to us that whenever two or three people gather together in the Lord’s name, that he too will be with them. The two boys together in the picture are an example of that.
    In Corinthians 13:12, Jesus is a reflection. The empty windows tell us that when we look into them, we will see Jesus in our reflection.
    John 1:14 is saying that Jesus is the Word and how he lived among us and he was a real human. In this picture there are no people. Ero Cras means “Tomorrow I will come.” , leaving one to believe that the boys will return to the picture.

  49. The first posted images within the blog relates to the our first steps, we can see where we need to go but we don’t know how to get there. We don’t have a strong spiritual connection to God so we get only a hint of his guidance. As we build up our faith slowly, by using Lectio Divina or the slow thoughtful reading of the sacred scriptures, we can advance to the next step of the journey. The first scripture, Psalm 34: 4, states “Magnify the Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together”. This represents that we must magnify the word, we cannot see the name until we reflect and meditate, God will answer. Psalm 34: 5 states, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me, delivered me from all my fears”. As we constantly call out to God for guidance through prayer he will answer to his creation. When God gives us the guidance we require, we will finally be able to see what paths that we need to go on throughout our journey. The scripture, Matthew 18:20, proclaims that “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” We may not realize that God is right next to us due to the obstacles “the enemy” uses to try and obstruct our views and goals towards our mission. As stated in Psalms 3: 4, But you, Lord, are a shield around me; my glory, you keep my head high it shows that the enemy will try and stop our mission but we have a shield that protects us from his malicious intentions. As we realize that God was closer than we thought, and that he is always protecting us we realize the next step within our journey. 1 Corinthians 13: 12 asserts, “At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.” This means that we begin to comprehend who we truely are, and understand what we need to do in order to finally finish the journey. Finally, with us absorbing the words of the scripture and grasping the traditions of the Church, we find the final verse. John 1: 14 declares that, “And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.” As we conclude our quest, we realize that we are at our highest waxing point, we can reflect the power of God to other people to aid them on their passage. When the word becomes flesh, or when lectios become the logos, we can see all the connections between them and how God connects to each, and how God connects to us as a completed person at that point. Finally, the conclusion of our mission allows us to witness the full glory of God, reflecting it towards the people who need aid spiritually and mentally; as we finish our journey by entering Heaven as we use our new profound knowledge to now guide in God’s name.

  50. Steven Reyes Religion 9

    Psalm 34:4(5) says Magnify the Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me, delivered me from all my fears. In the first photo it shows Jake under the window trying to show us the word Erocras. But we cannot see it well or all of it. So just like Psalm 34: 4(5) says lord magnify the lord with me and let us see his name. So, Magnify the picture so we all can see ask and learn its meaning. Matthew 18:20 which says for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst. This gives us the idea that even though one person showing us Jesus name is good but if more come together better. In photo two where you see both Jaylen’s who came together to present to us Erocras and give us a better view but just like the first one the word Erocras isn’t so clear, but it is getting better. But this mainly shows how these two guys came together to give us a better view. Then 1 Corinthians 13:12 says at present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but the face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. In the third photo we see clearly what the window is trying to show us which clearly is Erocras. This photo is like a mirror because it reflects to us what the windows are showing us for just like in 1 Corinthians it show exactly what is going on in the first three windows. The point is it was first partially seen and because it wasn’t completely visible and now the message on the window is completely and fully shown and know the message involving Jesus is fully known. Lastly John 1:14 which says, and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, Full of grace and truth. The last window shows us the message but now it’s darker and clearer to us. A way you can say that we couldn’t see it at first but now the word became flesh which we can now be understood, embrace, and just ask and say wow interesting. Jesus is amazing I want to learn what that says. Because even though is just a word its about Jesus and Jesus’s presence and message is clear to us because just like Jesus and the window even though we can’t see him at time he becomes clearer and more present to us.

  51. Steven Reyes Religion 9

    Psalm 34:4(5) says Magnify the Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me, delivered me from all my fears. In the first photo it shows Jake under the window trying to show us the word Erocras. But we cannot see it well or all of it. So just like Psalm 34: 4(5) says lord magnify the lord with me and let us see his name. So, Magnify the picture so we all can see ask and learn its meaning. Matthew 18:20 which says for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst. This gives us the idea that even though one person showing us Jesus name is good but if more come together better. In photo two where you see both Jaylen’s who came together to present to us Erocras and give us a better view but just like the first one the word Erocras isn’t so clear, but it is getting better. But this mainly shows how these two guys came together to give us a better view. Then 1 Corinthians 13:12 says at present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but the face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. In the third photo we see clearly what the window is trying to show us which clearly is Erocras. This photo is like a mirror because it reflects to us what the windows are showing us for just like in 1 Corinthians it show exactly what is going on in the first three windows. The point is it was first partially seen and because it wasn’t completely visible and now the message on the window is completely and fully shown and know the message involving Jesus is fully known. Lastly John 1:14 which says, and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, Full of grace and truth. The last window shows us the message but now it’s darker and clearer to us. A way you can say that we couldn’t see it at first but now the word became flesh which we can now be understood, embrace, and just ask and say wow interesting. Jesus is amazing I want to learn what that says. Because even though is just a word its about Jesus and Jesus’s presence and message is clear to us because just like Jesus and the window even though we can’t see him at time he becomes clearer and more present to us.

  52. The "E" in Ero Cras is Emmanuel meaning God's personal connection to you and Almighty control over your faith. The Psalm makes an example using fear being overcome through solid prayer and connection with God. The second window and Matthew connect as the Rex or "R" in Ero Cras signifies the relationship between brothers and sisters and that success is not individual in the eyes of God. The "O" or Oriens in the third window and 1 Corinthians share the same spiritual theme of God and his light either being directly placed on the blessed person or reflected to allow the recipient to understand the "face" or reveal of God. Finally, the verse in John 1:14 and the complete formation of Ero Cras meaning "Tomorrow, I will come" are the promises of both God and Jesus proclaiming the Word as facts of the Holy covenant of Jesus renewing us and the eventual second coming of him.

  53. Gilson Melo
    Religion 9 Pd 7

    Psalm 34:4(5) correlates with picture 1 because it speaks about exolting God’s name and the person in the picture has his hands up in praise.Matthew 18:20 correlates with the second picture because the verse says,”For where two or three are gathered together I’m my name,there am I in he midst.”In the picture there are two people gathered outside room 147.1 Corinthians 13:12 says,”At present we see indistinctly,as in a mirror,but then face to face.At present I know partially; then I shall know fully as I am fully known.”Ero cras means “tomorrow I come” and in the verse it speaks of the present in which ero cras has already arrived.John 1:14 and the last picture correlate with each other because in the last bible verse 1 Corinthians 13:12 spike about being face to face and John 1:14 says,”Instead,I hope to see you soon,when we can talk face to face.”

  54. As we take a look at the first image and relate it to Psalm 34 verse 4-5 we can see that it says he frees me from all my fears. The kid is happy with his hands up because of the blessing that god gave us high is to be free. The second picture and the chapter of Matthew chapter 18 verse 20 talks about two to three men gathering together which is shown in the picture also talking about following the lord. 1 Corinthians explains about seeing things on a mirror nice and perfect. Picture number 3 shows Ero Cras nice and proud making it clear for everyone to see. Picture number 4 relates to John chapter 1 verse 14 because with Ero Cras we are not able to have his unfailing love and faithfulness.
    -Ryan Ruiz

  55. Period 7 Justin Le

    In the first photo in psalms Psalm 34:4-5 it said that I sought the lord and he answered me and that he delivered me from my fears. In the second one foxes have dens. In the third Corinthian says that a dim mirror makes it so we don’t see clearly. In the last one he’s says that we are full of grace and truth.

    In my opinion the four pictures show us the fullness in god and Jesus showing us a bigger picture of understanding and meaning. These four pictures also show that the seven days of advent are important and we should keep that in our minds.

  56. By:kaevon Kontosis.
    In psalms 35:4 it connects with the first window because since the window was clear and hard to see the words it connects on how the people felt on being broken and couldn’t be seen.
    In the second picture it connects with Mathew 18:27 because since u could not also see the words on the window it connects when it states “there am I in the midst of them.” This shows u that the window connects with the feeling in the book.
    The third window connects with 1 Corinthians 13:12 when it states I shall know ,as I am fully known connecting with the picture when the window isn’t fully discovered as what it says but it will.
    In John 1:14 it connects with this last window because it states we saw his glory and this connects because we can see the picture beautifully and perfect.

  57. Randerli Garcia

    The four pictures and scriptures describe a journey. The first picture shows how you should praise the lord and exalt his name as they exemplify in psalm 34:4. The next window and scripture Matthew 18:20, depicts two people who were admiring the lord's name. The third window and scripture 1 Corinthians 13:12 illustrated how god is known. To conclude, in John 1:14 and the last window it shows that the son of god Jesus came into this world and dwelled among us.

  58. Saúl leal-Rivera

    I’m the first window there’s a hayesman smiling and shows that he’s not ashamed of anything. That’s what psalm 34:4(5)explains to us. “Faces are never covered of shame..." says psalm 34:4(5). The second window shows two hayes man and in Matthew 18:20 says where two or three are gathered there I am with them. This shows strength and that god is always with them. In the third window it shows letter than can’t really be seen and in 1 Corinthians 13:12 says for now we see in a mirror dimely, but then face to face. This explains the third window. In the fourth window it has red letter and in John 1:14 it tell us that the word became flesh and that explains the color of the words. I’ve noticed that the word became much clearer and that’s because we’ve finally seen gods glory. Every window has its explanation.

  59. The first picture and bible verse refer to the fact that if you want to find Jesus Christ you will have to search on your own. The second set of verses and pictures describe how when someone is on their journey to find God they will find others on the same journey. When a group of people are gathered to find god their journey is one where not only will you be accompanied by friends but by God. The third and fourth set explains how usually God’s word is unclear at first but if you continue to look for His message it will become clear.

  60. Dashon Mcclain
    The sense of being in love.
    two are three people gather in gods name.
    we see only a reflection as in a mirror.
    Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

  61. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    In some sort of way the bible verses Psalm 34:4(5),Matthew 18:20,1 Corinthians 13:12 and John 1:14 relate to each window. Psalm 34:4(5) relates to the first photo because, in the photo it shows a hayesman holding out his arms out high and wide, and in psalm 34:4 it says to exalt God’s name. The hayesman holding out his arms displays that he is exalting God through his body language. Matthew 18:20 relates to the second photo because in matthew 18:20 it says “two or three are gathered in my name” and in the second photo two hayesmen are showed together. Also, in Matthew 18:20 it says “there I am in the midst”, and the two hayesmen are pointing to nothing that a person can visually see. 1 Corinthians 13:12 relates to photo three because you can not see clearly through the window and in Corinthians it says “for now we see in a mirror dimly”. John 1:14 relates to photo four because we now can truly see the glory of our Father just as we see the writings in the window in photo four.

  62. Jake, jaylen and jaylen under the window trying to show us the word Erocras.thepicture of the haysmen show the realation to god and god delivering him from all his fears.mathew says three are gathered together in my name, share the same spiritual theme of God and what god is all about. john talks about howgod will never come and and about being a man

  63. I’m the first window there’s a hayesman smiling and shows that he’s not ashamed of anything. That’s what psalm 34:4(5)explains to us. “Faces are never covered of shame..." says psalm 34:4(5). The second window shows two hayes man and in Matthew 18:20 says where two or three are gathered there I am with them. This shows strength and that god is always with them. In the third window it shows letter than can’t really be seen and in 1 Corinthians 13:12 says for now we see in a mirror dimely, but then face to face. This explains the third window. In the fourth window it has red letter and in John 1:14 it tell us that the word became flesh and that explains the color of the words. I’ve noticed that the word became much clearer and that’s because we’ve finally seen gods glory. Every window has its explanation.


  64. The four pictures and the four scriptures under the blog post are used to describe the journey christians are on in order to see God clearly and to understand him. The first picture and the first scripture are related because the window the person is pointing at represents a person magnifying God’s name and praising him. This is one process of trying to see God clearly. The second picture and second scripture are connected because it states where two or three are gathered in God’s name, God will be in between them, revealing him to those who are praising him. The third picture and third scripture are related because it has to do with the mirror in the picture, and in the scripture it uses a metaphor as seeing God face to face like a mirror. If you don’t look at the full mirror, you’ll only see a little bit of yourself, or in this case, God. If you look at the full mirror, you’ll see all of God.. The fourth and final picture and scripture are related because on the window that says “EROCRAS”, the E means Emmanuel, which means God’s with us. This relates to the scripture, John 1:14, because it says “And the word became flesh”, Jesus being born and brought into the world. Once we understand all of this, we can start to truly understand God and to see him clearly.

  65. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    February 1, 2018

    Window 1 and Psalms 34:4-5 relate because the student has his hands up with no fear as verse 4 says to “magnify the lord with me”. Verse 5 states that the lord delivered him from all his fears. For window 2, the middle represents the lord and two students are pointing at him. Matthew 18:20 states that those gathered in his name he is their , the midst of them. Window 3 has the word “Erocras” meaning tomorrow I will come. This relates to 1 corinthians 13:12 because it says “I am fully known”, stating that everyone has faith that the lord will come. Finally, window 4 relates to John 1:14 because the window had the word “Erocras” but this time it has a question mark. In John 1:14 it says that his words are flesh and jesus is full of grace and truth. This is letting you decide if he will come tomorrow.

  66. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    February 1, 2018

    Window 1 and Psalms 34:4-5 relate because the student has his hands up with no fear as verse 4 says to “magnify the lord with me”. Verse 5 states that the lord delivered him from all his fears. For window 2, the middle represents the lord and two students are pointing at him. Matthew 18:20 states that those gathered in his name he is their , the midst of them. Window 3 has the word “Erocras” meaning tomorrow I will come. This relates to 1 corinthians 13:12 because it says “I am fully known”, stating that everyone has faith that the lord will come. Finally, window 4 relates to John 1:14 because the window had the word “Erocras” but this time it has a question mark. In John 1:14 it says that his words are flesh and jesus is full of grace and truth. This is letting you decide if he will come tomorrow.

  67. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    February 1, 2018

    Window 1 and Psalms 34:4-5 relate because the student has his hands up with no fear as verse 4 says to “magnify the lord with me”. Verse 5 states that the lord delivered him from all his fears. For window 2, the middle represents the lord and two students are pointing at him. Matthew 18:20 states that those gathered in his name he is their , the midst of them. Window 3 has the word “Erocras” meaning tomorrow I will come. This relates to 1 corinthians 13:12 because it says “I am fully known”, stating that everyone has faith that the lord will come. Finally, window 4 relates to John 1:14 because the window had the word “Erocras” but this time it has a question mark. In John 1:14 it says that his words are flesh and jesus is full of grace and truth. This is letting you decide if he will come tomorrow.

  68. By legacy reid
    The church is like a barbershop because in the church you feel safe and in the barbershop you feel safe. When your in the church you feel closer to god and when your in the barbershop you feel close with the people around you. When your in the church you wash away your sins and when your in the barbershop you wash away the dirt. When your in the church you can step on the fallen angel Lucifer and in the barbershop you can step on the hair.

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  70. The church is like a barbershop because just like everyone needs a shape-up everyone needs a way to be connected to God. I think also it isn't like a barbershop, you shouldn't forget to go to a church.

  71. Cardinal Hayes High School                            Ryan Napoleon
    Religion 9H                                    February 1, 2018
    Bro. Sherlog CFC

    The step by step process is our journey to God. Real ascent is when a person wants to be active and involved in a certain thing. To begin their journey, a person must actually want to find the Lord so that they may be answered. Then they realize that God has always been active in their lives. He is amidst us, even when we don’t realize it in everyday situations. Additionally through your journey, God speaks to us and we listen. Ero Cras means Emanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, and Sapientia; It is a hint through our journey meaning, “Tomorrow, I will come.”

  72. The four pictures above are interesting and takes time to understand. In the first window, the young haysman is embracing God and telling Him to guide him and be by his side. The hayes man's arm also indicate that he holds God in the highest. The two hayes in the second window implies that God is near them. Therefore, the two young men are gathered around God to worship and listen to him.The third picture emphasizes that at the beginning people only know a little about God. As we grow and mature we learn more about God. When we truly love and praise God and go to heaven that is when we come to fully know Him. The last picture asserts that God has shown himself through his son, Jesus Christ. Jesus guides us down a path of salvation and better understanding of the almighty God.
    -Jaylen young

  73. Kashiem Mcdonald
    The first window relates to Psalm 34:4because the man with his hands up shows that he seems relieved and that his free .Matthew relates to the second window because the verse “I am Who Am” because this verse is saying I am my self no matter what occurs in life and challenges I come across The third window relates to 1 Corinthians 13:12 because you see the reflection coming from the stain glass windows which can show you god and life is everywhere you just have to look. The gospel of John relates to the last window because this gospel is a way of redemption in life which happens.
