Monday, November 20, 2017

Period 8 Exegetes: Salvator Mundi

Do some research on this Leonardo DaVinci painting, "Salvator Mundi."

List 5 facts about the painting.

How does the story of this painting's existence relate to the existence of the Church ?


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  3. 1.Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci.
    2.Salvator Mundi had the highest price paid for a painting.
    3.The painting shows Jesus, in Renaissance dress. was rediscovered in 2005,and restored
    5.Latin for Saviour of the World

  4. Maynor Mendoza 11/29/17
    1)The paining supposed to be Jesus.
    2)The painting went missing for about 150 years.
    3)The painting withstood a bombing in one of the world wars.
    4)The painting was sold for 45o million dollars.
    5)In the painting the orb with symbolizes the universe.
    The story of the painting relate to the existence of the Church by telling how people have try to change the church but just as the painting was try to fix it but missed it up. The painting and church are both immanent and transcendent .

  5. Adam Negron
    Religion 8

    Part 1
    1.Salvator Mumdi painting sold for $450,000,000.
    2.This is Leonardo Da vinci’s panting of Jesus Christ.
    3.jesus is holding a orb in his hand .
    4. Da vinci’s use his hand to create a dent on the forehead in the panting .
    5.for a long time now one knew if da vinci’s painting this picture

    Part 2
    People try to change the painting but they shouldn’t because they ruined the picture .trough out history people being trying to change catholic church like when they took Latin out of mass some people feel that they ruin the church.

  6. Rj Lynch Nov.29,17
    Br. Sherlog
    Part 1
    1 patting represents god
    2 in World War 2 photo was never touch
    3 patting is worth 400,000
    4 missing about 150 years
    5 the globe in the patting represents
    Part 2
    People in the church have been changing everything and it was not so good just like how the patting was change and they made it worst so never change that had a lot a meaning so the point is never change a lot to things that have a big imports in life

  7. Asad Miller
    Brother Sherlog
    Part 1.
    1. Salvator Mundi it’s a painting by Leonardo DAVINCI which means savior of the world.
    2. This is Da Vinci’s portrait of Jesus Christ
    3. It was lost for 150 years
    4. When it was found there was a lot of disagreement as to whether or not Da Vinci was the artist
    5. It was auction off in New York City in November 2017
    Part 2. Throughout history people tried to change the church sometimes it wasn’t always a good change this is similar to the painting because people tried to change that to.

  8. Jonathan Jenkins

    1. Lost in holocaust
    2. Hundreds of years old
    3. Ruined
    4. Survived the holocaust
    5. Priceless artifact

    The relation the painting has with the church is that they both talk about the immanent and transcendent sides of god.

  9. Facts:
    1. Was created in 1490
    2. Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi
    3. Around 20 other versions of the work are known, by students and followers of Leonardo.
    4. The painting shows Jesus, in Renaissance dress
    5. it was rediscovered in 2005

    The story of this paintings existence relates to the existence of the church because since the the painting was almost lost it relates to the church because the church was almost lost too. If Martin Luther didn’t speak up for the church then we wouldn’t have it today.

  10. Andrew Vega
    List 5 facts about the painting.
    1. The painting survived a bombing in WWII
    2.Sold for $450 million in 2017
    3.Many painters try to restore but failed.
    4. Painted in 1490
    5.The painting shows Jesus Christ as a man and as a Savior

    The story of this painting's existence relate to the existence of the Church by how people try to rebuild the church and failed and how painters try to fix the painting and failed also.

  11. Steven Reyes Nov29,2017
    Period 8 Religion 9E

    They say this represents Jesus as both Savior of the world and master of the cosmos. This pictures shows how Jesus is both Transcendent and Immanent. The way Jesus has his hand positioned means that he is man Jesus is man. Then the orb shows how Jesus is fully divine and has the universe in his hand. But the great thing about this painting is that it shows both of Jesus nature as fully human and fully divine. This painting is said not to be an original copy the truth is this painting original over the time this beautiful painting of our lord and savior has ruined. So over the time it has been tried to be restored to it's full and original form. This is related to the because their was time when the church was ruined it wasn't as it was. Then just like the painting people tried to restore to its original. Then just like the bible even though new stuff has been added and it's not the original sometimes you just have to keep digging to find it.

  12. 1.Salvator Mundi had the highest price paid for a painting.
    2.Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci.
    3.Latin for Saviour of the World
    4.The painting shows Jesus, in Renaissance dress. was rediscovered in 2005,and restored

    1. the painting is 500 year old
    2. the painting was mad for king louis XII
    3. Salvator mundi is latin for savior of the wolrd
    4. the glass ball in his left hand is for the holy spirit
    5. he is not wearing his usual red color
    it relate to the existence of the church because of how holy it is and the detail of everything in it have a purpose.

    1. the painting is 500 year old
    2. the painting was mad for king louis XII
    3. Salvator mundi is latin for savior of the wolrd
    4. the glass ball in his left hand is for the holy spirit
    5. he is not wearing his usual red color
    it relate to the existence of the church because of how holy it is and the detail of everything in it have a purpose.

    1. the painting is 500 year old
    2. the painting was mad for king louis XII
    3. Salvator mundi is latin for savior of the wolrd
    4. the glass ball in his left hand is for the holy spirit
    5. he is not wearing his usual red color
    it relate to the existence of the church because of how holy it is and the detail of everything in it have a purpose.

  16. I read that "Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was more commonly know as Leonardo da Vinci or simply Leonardo, was an Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture."

    Born on April 15,1452
    He wanted to be so many things in a life time
    His of Mona lisa is one of his famous
    he wanted to be an engineer
    He also wanted to be a scientist

    This is related to the existence of the church because it has a mixture of Jesus with Mona Lisa I say this means that Jesus is in everyone he is around


  18. James Castillo November 30, 2017
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9
    Part 1
    1 sold for 450 million dollars
    2 lost for 150 years
    3 untouched during World War 2
    4 Globe in the painting represents god watching us
    5 The title means savior of the world

    People tried to fix the painting and messed it up.
    The relevance of the painting and the church is

  19. Isaiah Campbell Period 8 11/29/17
    1 The work is billed as the final Leonardo work held in private hands.

    2. The bidding was expected to start at around $100 million, but opened at $75 million.

    3.The painting cost about $450 million.

    4. The painting was gone for a long period of time and reappeared.

    5. The painting broke into pieces and was rebuild and cost way more than it did in the past.

    Cause all the paintings have a purpose and is related to god.

  20. Diancarlos Grullon

    5 fact about the painting is that Leonardo Da Vinci made the painting,Jesus is in the painting, cost a lot of money in the museum, Was lost in 1763 and founded in 1900,Leonardo presents Christ as he is characterised in the Gospel of John 4:14: 'And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son as the Saviour of the World.'

    This painting is connect to the Church because Jesus has the world
