Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How is the Church like a barbershop?

Write a paragraph. How is the Church like a barbershop?


  1. Asad Miller

    The comparison between the church and the barbershop, you feel like a new and improve person not saying that the person’s personality changes but a person can feel that there reborn in a sense. The church and the barbershop can be a great outlet to talk about anything that comes to mind personal problems or personal accomplishments. They both are great ways to interact with other people with the same beliefs as you. The cool thing about the church and the barbershop is the brotherhood and sisterhood that’s being shared with each other building a bond, unity and trust with one another sometimes or most times you’ll see childhood friends that live in the same area as you.

  2. Asiyah Lawrence
    Church is like a barber shop because people feel at home and are free to talk about there feelings . Also church is like the barber shop because when your done getting a fresh cut it feels like your a new man as if u just got renewed at church. In church and barber shops everyone is welcomed.

  3. Avian Bracero 1A
    The church is like a barbershop by building a friendship with one another. It's a place where we give back to the community. It's a place where love for one another is spread, through a conversation or religiously. Managing a bond with people and the priest. Being together and spreading a positive message and blessing each other with the word of god. Stories being told about their childhood and incidents that had occurred before in their life.

  4. The church can be and can not be like a barbershop. the church can be like a barbershop cause the church accepts all types of people and a barbershop cuts all different types of hair. the church can also not be like a barbershop because a church is supposed to be a quiet and peaceful and a barbershop is loud and noisy.


  5. in the the church like in the barbershop, both have people that are working because they are choose in( barber, pastor, bishop). barber in the barbershop are people who give you a good haircut but in church pastor or bishop are people who give the word of God. in the barbershop people come to get a new hairline like in the church people come to give their live to Jesus. In the barbershop people celebrate for they good haircuts rather in the church people celebrate because they know because they give their life to God or happy because they went to confession. In the barbershop people speak smack but in the church people speak life like the bible say your tongue as the power of life and death

  6. The Church relates to a barbershop by assuming the position of being a comfortable safe haven for all the customers who are there. Although some evil actions can be commenced by the people in barbershops, like murders and drug deals, mortal sins have also been done in Church by those who proclaim to do justice under God. Also, leaving a barbershop with a fresh haircut allows the person to walk with a smile on their face and a rejuvenated feeling of looking and feeling clean. The Church gives their followers this feeling by volunteer work and confession to empty their sins and become anew again in God's eyes. Finally, another similarity is that barbershops and Churches vary in quality of service and care of the workplace. While some Churches and barbershops may be of top notch quality and have beautiful designs, others can be run down and perform very lackluster until they run out of business.

  7. Samuel Obeng
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog

    The church is like a barbershop because there are many different types of people of different ethnicities coming in looking for their own type of hairstyle they want. This relates to the church because the church accepts all types of people to come in and do the work of God. The barber shop is also a place where the community would talk and bring good vibes to everyone. In the church, we can say what we feel and we all respect each other as a whole. Noone is ever shunned or ignored from a barbershop, just like the church.

  8. How is the Church like a barbershop?

    The Catholic Church has various similarities towards a barber shop. One of them being that both have people that are willing to help you in some way, whether it’s getting a haircut or confessing sins. Another, thing alike is that you can pray in both of the places and you wouldn’t be judged. Also both of them have people that go to that place at least once a week. To add, any local Church and barbershop have many aspects related to each other, that people don’t realize.

  9. Jeremy Singh

    A church can be closely related to a barbershop. A barbershop is like a community and when you walk in you feel the love with everyone talking and getting along. This can be closely associated with a church once you walk in you feel the love everyone together praising jesus. Also you go to the barbershop looking dirty and once you come out you are clean with a fresh cut. You can go to church all dirty with sins and come out fresh with your sins washed away. After a hair you feel good about yourself just like coming out of church. The feeling you get walking out the barbershop is the same as walking out of church you go for a reason.

  10. Rj lynch
    So the way the Barber cut your hair and takes care of your head it's like when God takes care of your knowledge of him and the Catholic Church and sometimes when you have a relationship with your Barber you tell him things and connect to him about your personal life just like you talk to a priest about your personal life just like how you go to the Barbara often just like how you go to church often

  11. So the way the Barber cut your hair and takes care of your head it's like when God takes care of your knowledge of him and the Catholic Church and sometimes when you have a relationship with your Barber you tell him things and connect to him about your personal life just like you talk to a priest about your personal life just like how you go to the Barbara often just like how you go to church often

  12. So the way the Barber cut your hair and takes care of your head it's like when God takes care of your knowledge of him and the Catholic Church and sometimes when you have a relationship with your Barber you tell him things and connect to him about your personal life just like you talk to a priest about your personal life just like how you go to the Barbara often just like how you go to church often

  13. James Castillo
    The church is like family you can say anything in church. In a barbershop same thing you will be treated like family. You can talk about anything with your barber

  14. Demetri Drew

    a barber shop is similar to a church in a way.In a church your become clean with God in a barbershop you become clean with a cut.
    Also, you do confessions in church and in a barbershop you confess and talk about stuff while you are there.

  15. Isaiah Rivers 2/7/2018

    Believe it or not but the church and a barber shop have many similarities. For example a barber shop allows you change your appearance. Just like the Church allows to cleanance your soul during penance. The church and a barber shop are also like homes away from home. Since in both your able to be in a place of comfort.

  16. The church is like a barbershop. Anyone is free to enter, and leave a changed man with a new sense of confidence in their look/God. The way how a barbershop posses many different styles to choose from, the church posses many ways to practice your faith. From tapers, to caesars, to confession and prayer. The barber is the priest. The hair products he uses represent the the Body and Blood which changes the course of the spiritual renewal. The church is like a barber shop because it changes your attitude and perspective on yourself and your day. The only difference is, the church is free, a haircut isn’t.

  17. Maynor Mendoza 2/7/18

    The way that church and a barbershop are alike is that there could be good and bad people in both places. You could also get good advice and you go to change the way you are and look and are. There could also be people trying to help you.

  18. Christian Guzman
    periode 7

    A Churchis like a barbershop because it brings people together. in the barber shop we get shpe ups and trims but in church we shape up our relationship with God. In the church we sing as a community of people with strong beliefs. In the barbershop peopole come together in the joy of looking fresh and feeling better than they were before. In the church we cleanse our sins so that we can start a new and god always forgives us. In the barber shop we cut our hair so that we can look good and not get jug in school. in the barber shop we learn more about our barber and it is a place where you can get along with other people like church. in the church we learn how to cast out satan and to find our way to heaven.

  19. A church is like a barbershop because when you go to church you get to have a fresh start because you relieved your self I say this because this is similar to barbershop because we will get a new cut then that our fresh start. Another way a church is like a barbershop is that you get to have that one friend that you can talk about anything with. Another way is that we get to meet new families.

  20. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion Per.2
    February 6, 2018

    The church is like a barbershop because it fixes you up. When you go in a barbershop you come out differently because your hair is now neat. When you come out a church you are different because you changed how you look at things. If the barbershop is good then there will be a lot of people just like in a good church. Finally, a barbershop makes you feel more confident in yourself as you now look better. When you exit a church you feel more confident in yourself now that you feel your sins have gone away.

  21. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion Per.2
    February 6, 2018

    The church is like a barbershop because it fixes you up. When you go in a barbershop you come out differently because your hair is now neat. When you come out a church you are different because you changed how you look at things. If the barbershop is good then there will be a lot of people just like in a good church. Finally, a barbershop makes you feel more confident in yourself as you now look better. When you exit a church you feel more confident in yourself now that you feel your sins have gone away.

    Write a paragraph write how the church is like a barbershop?
    ---People go to the Barber to share ideas just like how the Priest gives ideas to the people in the church. People often feel good when they get out of the barbershop and people feel good when coming out of the church. People listen to music while getting a hair cut and people in the church listen to church music to get to god.

  23. Joshua Peralta Period:4
    CHHS 2/8/18

    How is the Church like a barbershop?
    The reason I think the church is like a barbershop is because when you go to the barbershop your hairline gets healed the same way you get healed in the church.

  24. Joshua Peralta Period:4
    CHHS 2/8/18

    How is the Church like a barbershop?
    The reason I think the church is like a barbershop is because when you go to the barbershop your hairline gets healed the same way you get healed in the church.

  25. A church & barbershop are similar because in a barbershop you come in for a haircut and become a new person and in a church you come in to pray to god and leave a new person and forget about your sins. Also they are alike because people gather in a barbershop and talk about things and in an church they do the same and talk to god and meet other religious people; inside of barbershops there are lots of religious people. Both churches & barbershops do things for the poor & the community , for example they both might give out food or a place to stay for if there is a storm etc . God created both things and we are his children and believe in him, they both been around for years and is a place people don't have to worry about going and being judged on how they look or talk. Therefore they both is a place of love and don't hate and is like a second home .

    sincerely ~ Jaheim Lloyd

  26. The Church is like a barbershop because everyone gather with each other and everyone talks with everyone and in Church it's the same thing but we listen to God and we follow him and follow his rules. Whenever you get a nice cut from the barbershop you feel like a whole new person and that's what God wants everyone to be, God wants everyone to be there self and not be a follower and just be a leader. So both church and barbershop are the same we listen to nice music and be social with others. The barbershop is full of people that likes to talk about the Lord and how their lives are perfectly good because of the Lord and in church is the same thing we like to talk about about Jesus and good things he does of us by giving life for us we thank him a lot.

    From Brandon Castelan

  27. The relationship between a barbershop and a church is you gather around and talk about life and talk about special moments in life.They listen to music and to enjoy it and to dance and to sing to whom ever is listening.They respect each other and they talk about their everyday life and getting to know one another and to be one with each other. Ethan Zayas

  28. How is the Church like a barbershop?

    Write a paragraph. How is the Church like a barbershop?

    The church is like a barbershop because of the way the barbershop accepts all types of people the church accepts all types of people as well. Additionally the barbershop allows people to go in and check themselves, as the church allows people to confess their sins as a way of them checking themselves. The church and the barbershop are both alike because of the church and barbershop help people when help is needed. The church and the barbershop are alike because they both are cleaned. The church and the barbershop are alike in a way that both places are designed, the church with the cross, and the barbershop with hair clips. The church is like a barbershop because in both places music can be played. The church and the barbershop are similar because in both places people feel safe. Tn church and in a barbershop money is collected. The church and a barbershop are similar because in both places people are helped with making decisions. Additionally they are both alike because they both bring people together.
    john Pena

  29. They are both a place where people come together, talk about things, and a place you need for the rest of your life because everyone needs a nice cut and Jesus.

  30. Christopher Olivera Feb 8,2018
    Cardinal Hayes Bro.Sherlog

    The church is like the barbershop because when you enter the barbershop the people that are in there they greet you and they ask how are you and what have you been doing lately. Another reason why the church is like the barbershop is because when you get a haircut you feel fresh and when you go to church the priest blesses your soul. When you enter the barbershop you are with people and when you are in church you are surrounded by a lot of people. In the barber shop they play music and they get ur barber in grove in he starts getting happy and when you are in the church they play music and the people in church start singing and getting all joly. All these things that i have listed about the church and the barbershop show resemblance.

  31. The church is like a barbershop because of the way the barbershop accepts all types of people the church accepts all types of people as well. Additionally the barbershop allows people to go in and check themselves, as the church allows people to confess their sins as a way of them checking themselves. The church and the barbershop are both alike because of the church and barbershop help people when help is needed. The church and the barbershop are alike because they both are cleaned. The church and the barbershop are alike in a way that both places are designed, the church with the cross, and the barbershop with hair clips. The church is like a barbershop because in both places music can be played. The church and the barbershop are similar because in both places people feel safe. Tn church and in a barbershop money is collected. The church and a barbershop are similar because in both places people are helped with making decisions. Additionally they are both alike because they both bring people together.

  32. The church is like a barbershop because of the way the barbershop accepts all types of people the church accepts all types of people as well. Additionally the barbershop allows people to go in and check themselves, as the church allows people to confess their sins as a way of them checking themselves. The church and the barbershop are both alike because of the church and barbershop help people when help is needed. The church and the barbershop are alike because they both are cleaned. The church and the barbershop are alike in a way that both places are designed, the church with the cross, and the barbershop with hair clips. The church is like a barbershop because in both places music can be played. The church and the barbershop are similar because in both places people feel safe. Tn church and in a barbershop money is collected. The church and a barbershop are similar because in both places people are helped with making decisions. Additionally they are both alike because they both bring people together.
    john pena

  33. Well when you go to the barbershop you get clean up physically, And when you go to the church you getting clean up spiritually. Also in the barbershop after you get your haircut the barber spray some type of water on you , I can say that's kind of connected to the church cause some times when you get bless they throw holy water on you. Also when you have a lot of hair on your head its kind of like you got demons on you and you feel like you need to get that off of you and that you need to have a fresh start. When you go to church and you pray and you walk out of there you feel like you have release all of the bad things you did. And plus you feel like you are off to a fresh start. Jaylen Murray

  34. Justice Chalen

    The Church is like a barbershop because everyone is welcomed. You go into Church unclean because you are full of sin waiting to be cleansed trying to be a better man similar to a barbershop you want to get cleaned up so you can look better. You can speak your mind to anyone and express your feelings to someone just like in church.


  35. 2020337

    Nelson Lassalle February 9, 2018
    Cardinal Hayes High School Homeroom 2D

    The Church is like a barbershop for many reasons. First, the Church is open to everyone, just like a barbershop. Everyone is welcome. Secondly, while at Church, we speak with others, like the priest and God about what is going on in our lives. Some people do the same at a barbershop and tell their barbers about their lives. The Church listens to its parishioners just like a barber listens to his customers. In addition, Church and a barbershop are peaceful places. When we walk into Church and a barbershop we are greeted by those there. Finally, in Church there is music. Hymns are sung and in my barbershop, music is also played.

  36. the church is like the barbershop because in the church you build a relationship with god and the people in the church like the pastor and the people that comes to visit,and in the barbershop you build a relationship with your barber you build a relationship with other barbers and the people that go to that barbershop. The church is also like a barbershop because in the church anyone is welcomed and in the barbershop anyone is welcomed also. To add on when you get a haircut you start off new the same way how you repent to Jesus Christ.

  37. Julian Garcia Period 7February 8, 2018 at 2:21 PM

    The church is like a barbershop because every time you go into a barbershop you get cleaned up. Just like a church and a barbershop a lot of people go inside for a reason. When you go inside you can learn something new and or teach something new. A church and Barbershop make you feel brand new and connected with the people around you. Both the church and barbershop bring communities together and unites us all. In church you learn about god, his good news and his teaching. In the barbershop you learn about haircuts and about each other.

  38. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    Although they might not seem much alike, a barbershop and a church are similar. The church is a place where people get together and pray and learn the word of God, as a community. The barbershop is a place where people go for haircuts and have conversations with neighborhood friends. Like the barbershop, the church shapes you up, but instead of your hair, it is your life that is being shaped. Another way the barbershop and church can be compared to one another is we trust people. In the church we are trusting our brother and sisters and the word of God, and in the barbershop we are trusting are barbers to give us a nice cut. They might seem much alike at first, but when compared this is how a barbershop and a church are similar.

  39. The church and a babershop can be very similar, alot of people go to both of those places. The Church is a place where people find the need for answers to a life problem that is bothering them,when a solution is needed or to find a guidance about what direction to take, or why something is happening to that person however it is also where people go to make them feel like they need to change themselves to someone better and clean away all the negative things about them. The barbershop is a place where people go get hair cuts to fix themselves and get rid of the bad things from the hair that make them look bad just like the church ,they both change on how people look. When people get a haircut they act a different way jut like when they leave the church after doing their prayers. These places change people in two big different ways but is still similar to each other because they still change the way a person acts.

    Demarco Goodwin 2/8/18


    A church is like a barbershop because the barber put's a black cape on you to get a hair cut and in church the brother has on a habit and it looks similar. also in church everyone is welcome and in a barber shop to. Also in the barber shop you can talk about your life to the barber and in church you can talk to the father about your lie .

  41. Henry Castillo
    It's like a barbershop because when we need a new haircut we feel much better just like getting our sins forgiven. We renewed with the holy spirit of God. We cut down our sins, just as if they were cutting our hair. WE also must try to build our relationship with god , just like our hair is growing . We must grow in spiritual life.

  42. Amani Allen
    Br. Sherlog
    Religion 9
    February 8, 2018
    Church is like a barbershop because when one enters the chair in desperate need of a new look one is a remembrance of their
    old self and their old ways of living. After one gets a haircut or change in their overall appearance, that is kind of like going to church on Sunday and asking God for a second chance and forgiveness for the sins one has committed. This allows everyone a fresh start and to become closer with God through Christ who strengthens all.

  43. Vashaun Wallace

    The Church is like a barbershop because both places want the best for there people. At the barbershop we step on hair but at the church we step on Satan. Both places protect and care for there customers. Also when we come out of both places we fell fresh right out. A church building or church house, often simply called a church, is a building used for Christian religious activities, particularly for worship services. A barber is a person whose occupation is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and shave men’s and boys' hair.Both places help the people with there ideas and at the end of the day they help their customers with anything.

  44. Edgar Guzman-Reyes


    Religion 9

    Period 7

    February 8,2018

    How is the church like a barbershop?

    A church is like a barbershop because a church is where you go and reveal your sins and confess all the mistakes you have made in your life and a barbershop is where you make a connection with your barber as you make a connection with God when you go to church, but instead a barber removes all the hair, to make you look better and presentable.A church is also similar to a barbershop because you feel safe when your getting a cut, knowing that your barber wont mess up just as you feel safe when you enter the temple of God. A barbershop is not only a place where you only go whenever you feel bad and look awful, like majority of us do, but to go as something you really want to do and is coming from your heart, just like we only go to Church when we need help from God, but not as something consistent that we can do on our own. We shouldn't wait for things to happen to us in order to make us do something, let the spirit of God dwell in you, and open your heart to others, just as a barber and God do to receive us at their shop and tempel.

  45. Edgar Guzman-Reyes


    Religion 9

    Period 7

    February 8,2018

    How is the church like a barbershop?

    A church is like a barbershop because a church is where you go and reveal your sins and confess all the mistakes you have made in your life and a barbershop is where you make a connection with your barber as you make a connection with God when you go to church, but instead a barber removes all the hair, to make you look better and presentable.A church is also similar to a barbershop because you feel safe when your getting a cut, knowing that your barber wont mess up just as you feel safe when you enter the temple of God. A barbershop is not only a place where you only go whenever you feel bad and look awful, like majority of us do, but to go as something you really want to do and is coming from your heart, just as we only go to Church when we need help from God, but not as something consistent that we can do on our own. We shouldn't wait for things to happen to us in order to make us do something, let the spirit of god dwell in you, and open your heart to others, just as a barber and God do to receive us at their shop and tempel.

  46. Justin Suriel

    A church is related the a barber shop in many ways such as how in a barber shop you fix your self up same way with the church. Also in a Church you can talk to god and in a barber shop you can talk to others this is a way of communication that they both share.

  47. Kaevon kontosis- A church is like a barbershop because they both bring people together and they both have open hearts for people to come in and after a haircut you feel like a new person and when u leave church you feel fresh from sins

  48. This is Giovani Clarke Brother.The church is like the barbershop cause in every church and barbershop, theres a vibe and certain connection within your enviorment.Most people go to the barbershop to become a new person when they get out of that chair.In church you come to repent and ask jesus to take away all of your sins.These two places are very important to people they look forward to coming back and being apart of something good.Therefore the church and the barbershop have some similarities.

  49. Miguel A. Berrios-Serrano
    Religion 10
    Br. Sherlog
    February 9, 2018

    The barbershop and the church are related because when you enter both you gather together with people. The church and the barbershop both provide a place of fellowship. They are places where you come together with people you know and are able to talk. Both the barbershop and the Church have music. When mass is ended and you leave the church, you leave with a fresh feeling. It is similar to leaving the barbershop, you leave with a fresh cut. You have a sense of renewal.

  50. The church is like a barbershop in several ways.The church for one brings everyone together for one group characteristic in common. The church brings people of the same belief together to celebrate their faith.The barbershop brings people together to get their fresh cuts. Both of these places are provided as a haven where you can be yourself. They both provide deep conversation among all people in many different types of topics. From my experience in both places i can say that both places are a pleasure to visit and you always walk out with a fresh mind or a fresh cut.
    ~Gio Period 7

  51. A barbershop and the church are very similar to each other. After mass, anybody is welcomed to talk to the priest. People can also have a conversation with a priest about their problems so they can receive guidance. A person can mention their joys, suffering, or painful experiences when talking with a priest. Just as a person can talk to a priest at church, people can conversate with a barber too. As a barber shaves a person head, both can have a calm conversation with each other. In the conversation, both can talk about problems and try try to help and give advice to make the situation better. Comparing the church and barbershop reminds of the bible verse Ephesians 4:29, which states “No foul language should come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for needed edification, that it may impart grace to those who hear.”

  52. A church is like barber shop because like br. Tylik said it brings people/communities together. They also have similarities like making life better, church makes people feel good about their selves so those a fresh new haircut. Church has music so those the barber shop. God may appear in a church and a barbershop. The cross may also appear in both barbershops and church. When you get a nice hair cut you feel brand new so do when you leave church.

  53. Steven Reyes February 8, 2018
    Period8 Religion 9

    How is Church like a Barbershop? What an interesting question. Well let me start off with the fact that anyone can go to a Church and anyone can go to barbershop. You’re probably wondering how in the world can these two things be alike. Well that’s why its take a deeper thinking to get an idea. When you go to church you can go for many reasons forgiveness, advice, love or maybe for just a deeper connection with God. Then there’s a barbershop you could go for a haircut, hair dye, advice or just to have a conversation with your barber. But your still probably wondering how these two places can have anything in common. Well think about it like this. When you go to Church sometimes you go to renew yourself either emotionally or mentally. When you go to a barbershop you go to renew your self physically by getting a haircut. This means you can feel good both on the inside and outside. Yes, you can get advice in church either from a priest or deacon or anyone in the church. But not everyone always gets advice from church. Many people get advice from someone very close to them and to some people that is their Barber. There are many things the church does that you can compare to a barbershop like the fact that the church gives us something like the body and blood of Christ. A barber shop gives us a better look, keeps us fresh, gives us something. Also, in barbershops there is a lot of gossip always something interesting going around just like Church. The reason why I say this is because the Church gossips something interesting to which is the word of God which they try to share with everyone. So, my point is who say Church isn’t like a barbershop or that a barbershop isn’t like a church because to me they have a lot in common.

  54. Steven Reyes February 8, 2018
    Period 8 Religion 9

    How is Church like a Barbershop? What an interesting question. Well let me start off with the fact that anyone can go to a Church and anyone can go to barbershop. You’re probably wondering how in the world can these two things be alike. Well that’s why its take a deeper thinking to get an idea. When you go to church you can go for many reasons forgiveness, advice, love or maybe for just a deeper connection with God. Then there’s a barbershop you could go for a haircut, hair dye, advice or just to have a conversation with your barber. But your still probably wondering how these two places can have anything in common. Well think about it like this. When you go to Church sometimes you go to renew yourself either emotionally or mentally. When you go to a barbershop you go to renew your self physically by getting a haircut. This means you can feel good both on the inside and outside. Yes, you can get advice in church either from a priest or deacon or anyone in the church. But not everyone always gets advice from church. Many people get advice from someone very close to them and to some people that is their Barber. There are many things the church does that you can compare to a barbershop like the fact that the church gives us something like the body and blood of Christ. A barber shop gives us a better look, keeps us fresh, gives us something. Also, in barbershops there is a lot of gossip always something interesting going around just like Church. The reason why I say this is because the Church gossips something interesting to which is the word of God which they try to share with everyone. So, my point is who say Church isn’t like a barbershop or that a barbershop isn’t like a church because to me they have a lot in common.

  55. in both churches and barbershops they have "customers." Avid barbershop goers and pious church attendees. They both play music and create a sense of community. Just like people talk to their pastor or ask advice they go to their barber. Barbershops and churches collect money from willing people. People make friends attending their churches and barbershops. There are people who come to sell things at both places.
    -Gilson Melo

  56. The Church is like a barbershop in that people go to both places. They make you feel brand new once you walk out. For example, when you leave Church you feel like a better person and have a better relationship with God. When you leave the barbershop, you walk out with a fresh new cut. The Church cleanes you and the barbershop cleans your hairline. Period 7

  57. Andrew Vega

    The church is like a barbershop by how it is open to the communities all world and same as how the church welcomes everyone to be apart of the church. Some people can get advice from your barber just like how some people go to confession and the priest gives advice about how you can be closer to God. The barbershop has open doors same as the church.

  58. The Church is like a barbershop because like a barbershop the Church fixes peoples problems. For example when your hairline grows out of shape you go to the barber to help you fix it.
    just like when you have an emotional or spiritual problem you go pray to God for help in your situation.also most barbers tend to have good relationships with their loyal customers. just like God will save those who love him and a have a loyal relationship with him.

  59. Jonathan Jenkins
    Religion 9
    Brother Sherlog

    The church and barbershop has many similarities but the one that sticks out the most to me is that they both allow you to change for the better. The church allows people to come in and confess there issues and walk out feeling better. The barbershop allows people to come in and get a new look so they can fell like a better person. The church and barbershop have many more similarities but none like this. These similarities make them very alike but it doesn’t make them the same.

  60. Saul leal
    A church is like the a barber shop. Church is like a barber shop because when people go to the barber shop, they go there because they need something. They want something. It’s the same with the church. When someone goes to the church is because they need blessings from god or they just want to hear his powerful words during mass. Sometimes even to confess. That’s why the church is like a barber shop.

  61. Jose Torres 1D February 8, 2018
    The Church is like a barbershop because both offer a variety of ways to change your life and give people a fresh start in their life. In barbershops, there are a variety of hairstyles in which you can receive, making you feel “fresh,” or good and new in your life. In the Church, there are many ways in which you can change your life, whether it be praying, doing confession, or becoming part of the Church’s clergy, in order to be renewed of your sins, feel closer to God, or to experience a new beginning in your life. Furthermore, the Church is like a barbershop because both let in anyone willing to feel new in their life. In barbershops, anyone who is willing to receive any type of haircut available and feel good about the way they look is welcome. Furthermore, in the Church, anyone who is willing to become closer to God, pray to the Lord, or have a new beginning in their religious or regular life is welcome as well. Therefore, the Church is very similar to a barbershop in many different ways. However, there are many diverse ways that a person may feel new in the Church than in a barbershop because of the many different options and opportunities you can decide on.

  62. The church is like a barber shop because just like everyone needs a shape-up everyone needs a way to connect to God. I think also it isn't like a barbershop because you can forget to go to a barbershop, you shouldn't forget to go to a church. SONNY PASTRANA

  63. the church is like a barbershop because anybody is welcome in both places. You have a specific goal when u go to church and that is to get closer with god and when u go to the barber shop your specific goal is to get a good haircut. Another reason is, you can talk about anything with God and when you go into the barber shop the barber himself talks about his life and all the stuff that is going on with you. Many people visit the barbershop more then they go to church to praise God and that isn't okay. We have to make more effort into praying and preaching our God to get closer with him spiritually.

  64. The church is like a barbershop because in both places you could get very helpful advice . You could also meet a positive and influential person in both a church and barbershop . Also the reason why they would be a little bit similar is because you could blessed in a church and start your day off fresh and happy and when you get a haircut you would fresh and happy -Jaylen young

  65. The church is like a barbershop because in both places you could get very helpful advice . You could also meet a positive and influential person in both a church and barbershop . Also the reason why they would be a little bit similar is because you could blessed in a church and start your day off fresh and happy and when you get a haircut you would fresh and happy -Jaylen young

  66. The Church is like a barbershop anybody is welcome in both places. You have a specific goal when u go to church and that is to get closer with god and when u go to the barber shop your specific goal is to get a good haircut. Another reason is, you can talk about anything with God and when you go into the barber shop the barber himself talks about his life and all the stuff that is going on with you. They are alike because your barber is like a priest. Tell him what you need. And both places are places everybody goes often. And there’s always people in and out of both places.

  67. The Church is like a barbershop. Everyone in the barbershop wants a different cut; Everyone who seeks God obtains a different viewpoint. These viewpoints make up the denominations/identifications of the Church. Not everyone will agree on the same viewpoints and not everyone will get the same haircut. However, all the identifications have the same purpose to fill the gap that lies within our bodies-spirituality; Belief in a divine, immanent, or good force that exist in the world. Different haircuts expresses individuality. The Church allows people to "dance in the moonlight." Mary reflects the light of God in how the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. The barbers reflect the goodness in people and occasionallhy bring out the goodness in people. When the barber does the haircut exact,because of the rarity, you leave with a confindence and a positive tone. The tone will effect people throughout the day. The person would then be reflecting the positivety unto others; the cycle continues.

  68. The church bring people together and this barbershop wants to bring everyone in the community together. There is a lot of danger in the world and god protects us. Such as the barbershop it brings everyone and protects them for the gangs in south california. The barbershop also gives back to the community by giving free haircuts and god gives love back to us. The god and the owners of the barbershop to welcome everyone in the church and the barbershop. Also people straighten their hairline and god straighten up our sins.

    - Bryant Reyes

  69. AndresTheMostExegeticalExegeteFebruary 8, 2018 at 8:16 PM

    The Church can be compared to many things: a home, a family, a bath, but has it ever been compared to a barbershop? I feel a church can be most closely compared to a barbershop than it can be compared to anything else. In certain ways a barbershop ties in the teachings of Jesus in the church. The true barbershop experience is having a relationship with your barber. You walk into a barbershop trusting your barber to make sure you look your best. Its refreshing and renewing just like baptism. You walked into a church to get baptized and you feel refreshed and renewed in Christ.

  70. William Flores CHHS
    2/7/18 Religion 9
    Brother sherlog

    A church and a barber shop are similar in some ways people go to church to get stuff off their mind or go with the people they hang out with. A barber shop is almost similar to a church people go to a barber shop to hang out with people they know get stuff off their mind and have conversations. All of this you can do at church another thing is confessing your sins and getting a fresh start in life start all over. In a barber shop you can some what do that like when u get a hair cut you’re basically getting a fresh start in life. So a barber shop and a church are some what alike but have there differences too.

  71. William Flores CHHS
    2/7/18 Religion 9
    Brother sherlog

    A church and a barber shop are similar in some ways people go to church to get stuff off their mind or go with the people they hang out with. A barber shop is almost similar to a church people go to a barber shop to hang out with people they know get stuff off their mind and have conversations. All of this you can do at church another thing is confessing your sins and getting a fresh start in life start all over. In a barber shop you can some what do that like when u get a hair cut you’re basically getting a fresh start in life. So a barber shop and a church are some what alike but have there differences too.

  72. The church is like a barbershop because you can come in any time wether you haven't gone in a while or you go every week, and everyone who comes in leaves brand new. For example you may go in to church feeling bad but you shape up your soul then come out like a clean slate and when you go to the barber shop you come out like new.But one difference is that Churchs welcome all while some barbershop do not allow everyone to get a cut wether they are mean about or not.

  73. A church is similar to barbershop because both are a community. Also after someone gets a haircut they usually feel refreshed and more confident, which is how u feel after someone prays after church. Most barber shops are a focal point for a lot of communities. The church in many communities and cultures is very important and influential and impacts the people involved in many ways. Barber shops impact people in similar ways as the church. Both the church and Barber shops impact people in positive ways.

  74. Wagner Baez

    The Church is like a barbershop because they are places that people go to to see themselves differently. People attend Church because of culture and tradition, and the sense of hospitality. The same goes for barbershops where your friends and family are all around you giving that feeling of comfort. The Church teaches you about Scripture and how to live your life by making those around you feel better about themselves. While barbershops gives you lessons on how to view yourself through the stories that people tell you during your stay. Both places give glimpses of happiness on why to do things that are meant for a whole.

  75. The Catholic church is like a barbershop because both the church and barbershop "shape" people up to make them feel better and renewed. Also the church is like a barbershop because the same thing happens every day. People walk into the barbershop get a haircut and then walk out. In church people walk in, learn the scripture, then walk out. Although in the barbershop people different haircuts everyday, and in the church people dive deeper and deeper into the scripture learning more and more. -Tristin Fong

  76. Oluwagbohunmi OyebodeFebruary 9, 2018 at 5:24 AM

    Barbershops are similar to the church because they are both working for one purpose which is to restore something. Barbershops try to shape up hairlines while the church is trying to shape up your life. Barbershops do this in order for the best look to come out of the person they served. Like this, the church is also praying and teaching the Scripture in order for the person to look their best. Finally, in both the church and the barbershop many conversations occur that teach us about life lessons and things we might need to know to succeed in life.

  77. Diancarlos Grullon

    The Church is like a barbershop because it gives you a shape up a better u and clean fresh. Everyone gets a shape up even Saints do.The Church is like a barbershop because it gives you a shape up a better u and clean fresh. Everyone gets a shape up even Saints do.

  78. Dashon McClain
    Church is like a barbershop because when u go in a barbershop and then u come out a change man haircut wise. when u go in a church and then come out a change man.In a church and barbershop u have people who can suport u in and out of the barber.you become a family with people in the barber shop as well as in a church.they stick together.They help people out in ways.They let everybody in with open arms.

  79. Isaiah Campbell period 8 2/8/18

    In a barbershop, people get haircuts but a church is also like a barbershop because you can get blessed with advice from older men with experience in this world. In church there are priest, deacons and brothers and they praise you with blessings just like the barber in the barbershop. you can meet people. Share ideas with people and discuss new things that are happening in the world. Your blessed wherever you go cause god is always watching you.

  80. There are a variety of ways in which the church is like a barbershop. One way is when you look at yourself in the mirror and in the church you reflect on yourself through the scriptures. Another way is when you get a haircut and u feel different, just like when you get out of the church you feel like a different person. In the barbershop you meet new people and make new relationships. In the church you meet a variety of people and make new relationships as well. -Aldo Munoz 10th grade

  81. the church and the barber shop are slimier because when you go in the barber shop to get a fresh cut your starting new. the church and the barber shop when theirs many people going and sharing the space like community. Church is were your forgiven and are able to start over. The barber shop contains lots of people that is one way and when they leave there a different person when they come out.

  82. The church and the barber shop are alike because when you go to the barber shop you get a clean,fresh start.the barbershop and the church is where you talk about what going on in the world and what's you like from what you don't like.Being at a church you can restart and make yourself better, being at a barber shop you can do the same but in a less spiritual way.i say when you at the barber shop you hear everyone ones side but,when your at church you hear god's side only.

  83. The Church is like a barbershop because anyone is welcome to come in. Also getting a haircut is like when you wash your sins away, felling new and fresh.

  84. Isaiah Powell
    Br. Sherlog
    Relion 9 (Per. 8)
    February 6, 2018

                    Like a Barbershop?
    Prompt: How is Church similar to a barbershop?

    In a barber shop you can get advice as well as in    church. In both places you can be blessed. In a Barber shop you can be blessed by your barber with a fresh haircut; and in church you can be blessed by your pastor. In church you are forgiven for all your sins. Both the barber shop and the church that welcome people with open arms. Both of these places greatly exemplify change. In the words of jake; both places allow you to go in as one person and come out a completely different person.

  85. A church is similar to a barbershop because both places you can be cleaned up and have a fresh start. Also they both welcome people in to help them with their needs. During your time in these places, people will talk about current events, and at times will make you happy, upset, and indifferent. Once you come out of these places, you may be a different person than when you came in.

  86. The church is a strong community in which a group of people come to together for a certain purpose but can learn new experiences from the people they meet. A barbershop is similar to the church, because they both take in unfamiliar people to do business, the church accepts new people to the faith and treats them like family. When you keep coming back to both you start building strong relationships to the point where they understand you personally. Anyone can enter both, but you need to spend some time in order to get both done, and each cut is different for everyone.

  87. The barbershop and the church are related because when you enter both you gather together with people. The church and the barbershop both provide a place of fellowship. They are places where you come together with people you know and are able to talk. Both the barbershop and the Church have music. When mass is ended and you leave the church, you leave with a fresh feeling. It is kinda the same to leaving the barbershop, you leave with a fresh hair cut. You feel as if you are brand new.

  88. The church is like a barber shop because you go to the barbershop with your hair messed up . You go there to make yourself look better . You go to church to make you life better . So when you go to church u get fixed up and when you go to the barber shop you also get fixed . Also the barbershop you are comfortable and not thinking about getting judged because your there to look better . Also like in church nobody gets judged because you are all there for the same reason . This is how church is alike to a barbershop

  89. Justin Le
    Period 7

    Write a paragraph. How is the Church like a barbershop?
    The church is like a barbershop by both of them lining you up straight in life and the barbershop accepts all people of all races as well as the church. Like in church you leave your sins with God and in the barber shop you leave your hair on the floor for the workers. In church you leave with a new heart and confidence about the situations that occur and in the barbershop you leave with a fresh cut feeling confident. The barber shop allows violence to stop and the church stops violence by showing us love and peace between God and you. As the barber communicates with us about various topics, and makes us feel whole just like when we do as we are getting a new haircut. In the barber shop we pay for our haircuts but in God’s church we come in for free and we learn about our Father and connect to our faith.

  90. Kashiem McDonald
    The church is like a barbershop because in a barbershop you are able to express yourself to the men around you and not be judge like in church when you admit your sins.Also when you get a fresh haircut from the barbershop you feel clean and brand new like you’ve been blessed which is a good feeling in life.
