Friday, February 16, 2018


Saint Augustine' quote provides good advice to Hayesmen in this season of Lent.
What are some of the things you can do for Lent?
Remember Father Tierney gave many suggestions to us on Ash Wednesday!
Give one Scripture quote that speaks of things we should be doing during the season of Lent as we prepare to celebrate the Paschal Mystery .

Give your answer in a simple paragraph of seven to ten sentences. 


  1. Lent is about giving something up that you love. Ash Wednesday was the start of the lent process. lent last for 40 days . Almsgiving and fasting are the wings of prayer.

  2. As we look at the post of Lent, we look back at the bad things or things that distracted us from learing and succeeding in life. For example, something people do that is bad and is a distraction is smoke. Even though its something bad people should use that for lent. Spend 40 days without smoking. Something im tryna do for lent is stop being lazy and focus more. Even though I should be dong that everyday its something that im trying to work on. "Love our enemies" is in the Bible and it relates to the fact that we should be doing this for lent.
    -Ryan Ruiz

  3. Vashaun Wallace
    Period 7
    Lent is a time of repeating your life or fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection of your life and think about all of your actions.In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. During our time now Christians focus on their relationship with God often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of themselves for others. Also during lent we have to give up meat or we are not allowed to eat it. Lent helps alot of people think about there past and this gives people an opportunity to change there lives or there past.

  4. Edgar Guzman-Reyes
    Period 7
    February 19,2018

    Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the 40 days of preparation for the Easter season when Christians/Catholics are called deepen their spiritual lives through the practices of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. We challenge ourselves this year, to go beyond the usual practice of"giving up" something. Here are some things, we can do for Lent.

    1)Make a commitment to read the Sunday Scriptures before we go to Mass. Just the same way that reading up on football players, opposing teams, and coaching strategies will help you experience a game more fully, familiarizing yourself with the readings ahead of time will help you experience them in a deeper way.

    2)Think about what you usually spend your money on. o you buy to many clothes?spend too much on dinner? Pick one expenditure, that you'll fast from during Lent, and then give the money you would usually spend to a local charity.

    3) Read the entire Gospel of Mark in one sitting. As the shortest Gospel,it is the most concise story of Jesus life, and the cross, a central Lent symbol, plays an even more prominent role than in the other Gospel.

    Because 40 is a special number in the Bible .It signifies preparation for something special, as in the 40 day flood of Noah..

    Moses stayed on the Mount Sinai forty days(ex 24:18)
    Jesus, before starting his ministry, spent 40 days, in the desert in prayer and fasting( Matthew 4:2)

    So, as in the Bible, we spend 40 days in preparing ourselves to rejoice at the resurrection of our Lord at Easter.

    Ash Wednesday is then named because this first day of Lent is where we are marked with ashes to show the repentance of our sins and mourning.This is also a Biblical sign that we live today. These are verses in where we can see this.

    "I turned to the Lord God, pleading in prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes "(Daniel 9:3)

    Other verses include Samuel 4:12, John 3:6, Esther 4:1 and Matthew 11:20-21.

    Ashes are still this same sign of repentance and mourning for our sins. They also represent our morality" I am nothing but dust and ashes"(Genesis 18:27) We started as nothing and our bodies will become dust and ashes after our death.

  5. Xavier ricketts
    -Lent is a Christian tradition It is the sacrifice leading up to Jesus' death and Resurrection. During lent Catholics and some Protestants prepare for a Holy Week by fasting and praying.
    -one suggestion that Father Tierney gave us that stood out was giving up somethng.
    -In Matthew 6:16-18 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full".Another quote that talks about lent is 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

  6. Xavier ricketts
    -Lent is a Christian tradition It is the sacrifice leading up to Jesus' death and Resurrection. During lent Catholics and some Protestants prepare for a Holy Week by fasting and praying.
    -one suggestion that Father Tierney gave us that stood out was giving up somethng.In Matthew 6:16-18 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full".Another quote that talks about lent is 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

  7. Xavier ricketts
    -Lent is a Christian tradition It is the sacrifice leading up to Jesus' death and Resurrection. During lent Catholics and some Protestants prepare for a Holy Week by fasting and praying.
    -one suggestion that Father Tierney gave us that stood out was giving up somethng.In Matthew 6:16-18 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full".Another quote that talks about lent is 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

  8. Julian Garcia Period 7February 21, 2018 at 12:00 PM

    For lent I can help my community with extra help for fundraisers, become more active in my church, pray more and become closer to God. My community holds fundraisers every few months and when this fundraiser starts I could ask to help gather money, clothes, etc. I can also attend weekly mass in my church, this will bring me closer to god and bring me closer to my community. I can give thanks to god for all he has done for me and my family, ask god to lead me into the right path that will lead me into heaven and ask god for forgiveness. Matthew 6:16-18 says,” When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to others to be fasting, except to your father who is hidden. And your father who sees what is hidden will repay you.” This quote tells us that we should be proud about what we do for lent and when we reject our belief we have just made others happy. But when we express our faith and when we are not afraid of showing what we believe in is when we will be repaid.

  9. Avian Bracero 1A
    There is plenty of stuff we can do during lent. For example anger.. Anger is something a lot of people deal with till this day struggling to keep it controlled and not taking it out on others. Lent day is perfect for something so strong as anger to finally let it go and be stress free. Another example can be Xbox.. It's a distraction to my work ethics and its like a get away from all this stress but distracts me from my work. “Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Joel 2:12-14

  10. Matthew 4:4 says "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew's quote is my favorite for Lent due to its both transcendent and imminent nature. The way I take the scripture as imminent is by understanding the verse as a metaphor for Christian's to stop indulging in their own physical desires. Also, it may represent the immanence in human nature by using an example of our talking over God's will or any other significant person in our lives will. The transcendent approach to the quote is less complex and possible to interpret from the quote's words alone. The word of God is absolute and should be a goal for all devoted Christian's to hear through the silencing of desires for Lent. Possible sacrifices I can give up for Lent is watching sports and increasing my study time. The silencing of hobbies and social media may allow me to reflect within myself and hear God's calling.

  11. Steven Reyes

    Fasting and Almsgivings are the wings of prayer a quote by Saint Augustine. You’re probably wondering what is fasting and almsgiving but for me to tell you first you must understand what Lent is. Lent is a 40-day period before Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday. The reason why Lent is forty days is because these 40 days represent Jesus sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. During Lent we prepare ourselves by changing and trying to sacrifice or give up anything for this 40- day period. For example, like me I can give up video games, Tv, music, or maybe just giving up my favorite drink. So, with fasting it is a willing reduction from some or all food and even drinks or basically both. This means basically either eating less of your favorite food or drinking less of your favorite drink or maybe just not touching it. We can fat everyday but on the first Wednesday of lent and every other Friday we do not eat meat in respect for Jesus sacrifice. Then there is almsgiving which is the giving to other as an act of virtue, love and kindness. During lent what anyone can do is just give something up. Because remember if Jesus was able to sacrifice all he had and go into a desert for 40 days. Then we can simply just give something up for forty days. So, because lent is a season sacrifice and giving and loving God by sacrificing like he did I follow a quote from John chapter 3 verse 30 which says, “He must increase; I must decrease.” Because God watches what we do and everything we do we should do for him because form dust we came to dust we shall return.

  12. Steven Reyes

    Fasting and Almsgivings are the wings of prayer a quote by Saint Augustine. You’re probably wondering what is fasting and almsgiving but for me to tell you first you must understand what Lent is. Lent is a 40-day period before Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday. The reason why Lent is forty days is because these 40 days represent Jesus sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. During Lent we prepare ourselves by changing and trying to sacrifice or give up anything for this 40- day period. For example, like me I can give up video games, Tv, music, or maybe just giving up my favorite drink. So, with fasting it is a willing reduction from some or all food and even drinks or basically both. This means basically either eating less of your favorite food or drinking less of your favorite drink or maybe just not touching it. We can fat everyday but on the first Wednesday of lent and every other Friday we do not eat meat in respect for Jesus sacrifice. Then there is almsgiving which is the giving to other as an act of virtue, love and kindness. During lent what anyone can do is just give something up. Because remember if Jesus was able to sacrifice all he had and go into a desert for 40 days. Then we can simply just give something up for forty days. So, because lent is a season sacrifice and giving and loving God by sacrificing like he did I follow a quote from John chapter 3 verse 30 which says, “He must increase; I must decrease.” Because God watches what we do and everything we do we should do for him because form dust we came to dust we shall return.

  13. Steven Reyes

    Fasting and Almsgivings are the wings of prayer a quote by Saint Augustine. You’re probably wondering what is fasting and almsgiving but for me to tell you first you must understand what Lent is. Lent is a 40-day period before Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday. The reason why Lent is forty days is because these 40 days represent Jesus sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. During Lent we prepare ourselves by changing and trying to sacrifice or give up anything for this 40- day period. For example, like me I can give up video games, Tv, music, or maybe just giving up my favorite drink. So, with fasting it is a willing reduction from some or all food and even drinks or basically both. This means basically either eating less of your favorite food or drinking less of your favorite drink or maybe just not touching it. We can fat everyday but on the first Wednesday of lent and every other Friday we do not eat meat in respect for Jesus sacrifice. Then there is almsgiving which is the giving to other as an act of virtue, love and kindness. During lent what anyone can do is just give something up. Because remember if Jesus was able to sacrifice all he had and go into a desert for 40 days. Then we can simply just give something up for forty days. So, because lent is a season sacrifice and giving and loving God by sacrificing like he did I follow a quote from John chapter 3 verse 30 which says, “He must increase; I must decrease.” Because God watches what we do and everything we do we should do for him because form dust we came to dust we shall return.

  14. Steven Reyes

    Fasting and Almsgivings are the wings of prayer a quote by Saint Augustine. You’re probably wondering what is fasting and almsgiving but for me to tell you first you must understand what Lent is. Lent is a 40-day period before Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday. The reason why Lent is forty days is because these 40 days represent Jesus sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. During Lent we prepare ourselves by changing and trying to sacrifice or give up anything for this 40- day period. For example, like me I can give up video games, Tv, music, or maybe just giving up my favorite drink. So, with fasting it is a willing reduction from some or all food and even drinks or basically both. This means basically either eating less of your favorite food or drinking less of your favorite drink or maybe just not touching it. We can fat everyday but on the first Wednesday of lent and every other Friday we do not eat meat in respect for Jesus sacrifice. Then there is almsgiving which is the giving to other as an act of virtue, love and kindness. During lent what anyone can do is just give something up. Because remember if Jesus was able to sacrifice all he had and go into a desert for 40 days. Then we can simply just give something up for forty days. So, because lent is a season sacrifice and giving and loving God by sacrificing like he did I follow a quote from John chapter 3 verse 30 which says, “He must increase; I must decrease.” Because God watches what we do and everything we do we should do for him because form dust we came to dust we shall return.

  15. Jonathan Jenkins

    A quote of saint Augustine that provides good advice for a hayesman is that "fasting and almsgiving is two wings that help our prayer fly up to heaven". Somethings you can do for lent is sacrifice things so you can be closer to god. one scripture quote that speaks of things we should be doing during the season of lent to prepare for the paschal mystery is Matthew 4:1-11.

  16. Justin suriel

    There are many things you can do for the Lenten season. Somethings I’ll do for the season of lent is get my ash and I gave up fish .lent is the season that you give up something for the love of Jesus Christ. Lent last 40 days and during lent we fast

  17. Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three key factors of the Lenten season, according to St. Augustine. Fasting is the act of giving something up; commonly food or drink. Jesus fasted and prayed for forty days and forty nights in preparation for the beginning of his ministry. Most people will give up a type of food they eat a lot such as chocolate or candy. For a hayesman, we should fast from something that stops us from being the best person we could be, in all aspects of life. For example, If TV prevents us from getting good grades we should give it up. As a hayesman, we should follow in the footsteps of Patrick Hayes who is renowned for his charitable acts, and be charitable just as he was, give alms. Finally, some would say most importantly, pray and give thanks to God for all he has blessed you with because there are people less fortunate than you.

  18. Jorge Perez
    Brother sherlog
    February 26, 2018

    On wednesday me and my class began celebrating the season of Lent, which lasts 40 days. We do this to honor the sacrifice of Jesus. What we can do for Lent is fast on one type of expenditure that we spend too much. For example, I usually spend a lot of money on take out food so, to honor Jesus’s sacrifice, I will fast from that for 40 days. I can even take on a challenge and do 40 acts of kindness. While doing this, I will remember Matthew 6:16-18 as where it explains that when you fast, only the Lord should know instead of letting everyone else know.

  19. Jorge Perez
    Brother sherlog
    February 26, 2018

    On wednesday me and my class began celebrating the season of Lent, which lasts 40 days. We do this to honor the sacrifice of Jesus. What we can do for Lent is fast on one type of expenditure that we spend too much. For example, I usually spend a lot of money on take out food so, to honor Jesus’s sacrifice, I will fast from that for 40 days. I can even take on a challenge and do 40 acts of kindness. While doing this, I will remember Matthew 6:16-18 as where it explains that when you fast, only the Lord should know instead of letting everyone else know.

  20. I can give up eating, stop using the internet, and donate my money to a church; this relates to Matthew 6:21, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Lent is also a 40 days in which the Catholics wait for Easter. Easter is the celebration of Jesus resurrection. The resurrection is the core of our belief.

  21. Justin Cabrera
    Lent is the time of year when Hayes man prays, give alms, fast. Doing these things brings us closer to us to God and Jesus. As we pray we are reminded all that Jesus did for us. John 16:33 “these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world’’. This remind us to pray and to be positive even throw difficulties because Jesus overcome the world through his resurrection.

  22. Christopher Maldonado
    Brother Sherlog, CFC
    Religion 9 Per. 2
    26 February, 2018

    Lent is season of sacrificing something important to us for 40 days. During lent, people fast and give alms to those who are less fortunate. Lent is inspired by Jesus’ 40 days and nights in the desert where he faced many challenges as we do in Lent. People can focus on giving something up or giving to others, in Lent. We get rid of things that distract us from God and focus on thanking and praising God for all He has done. A good thing to give up in Lent is electronics. Electronic distract us from improving ourselves as people and tempt us to hurt other people's feelings online. Another good deed to do in Lent is focus on helping at least one person everyday. Aiding another person can cleanse our soul and is the main point Jesus taught us to do. John 16:33 "In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world" is a great quote that deals with Lent. The quote means that we may struggle in giving something up for Lent, but we shall have courage and do it so we can get closer to God’s kingdom.

  23. Jose Torres 1D February 26
    During the sacrificial season of Lent, Jesus sacrificed many things in order to pray in the desert for forty days and forty nights. Out of love and faith, Catholics take in this same responsibility at the same time Christ did. What I have given up for Lent is biting my nails. In the past, I have been told countless times to stop biting my nails, and the only reason I have slowly been stopping is when I basically lost my whole nail on my middle finger. Fortunately, it recovered. Since then, whenever I bite my nail, I think back about that time and stop right away in order to prevent it from occurring once again. One Scripture quote that speaks on what we should do during Lent is Psalm 73:26, stating "Though my flesh and my heart fail, God is the rock of my heart, my portion forever." The way this quote relates to our purposes in Lent is because the quote relates to not giving up, and in Lent, giving up your promise to the Lord is very tempting. Furthermore, this verse states that even though you may be on the verge of giving up your promise, that God is still with you to keep going with your sacrifice.

  24. Some of the things you can do for lent is prayer the no-meat eating and give back to people and to help the community of getting ready for lent for thanking God for every meal and praying to God for every meal and for the chance of life all around the world.Matthew 6:14- If you forgive others their transgression; your heavenly Father will forgive you. Ethan zayas

  25. Christopher Olivera Feb 26,2018
    Bro.Sherlog Cardinal Hayes

    During the time of Lent we are supposed give up certain things that we desire. Lent is also a time when we are supposed to cleanse our minds and our bodies in order to prepare for the Paschal Mystery. Some things we can do for Lent are not eating meat, giving up certain foods that we love to eat such as, candy, doing good deeds for others, and donating clothing that you do not wear anymore. Lent is a time for us to also give to others that are in need. Matthew 6:16, “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.” When we fast during the season of Lent, we should only fast for ourselves and to be closer to God and Jesus Christ. We should not fast for others or to show others that we are better than them. If we give up certain things just because we are told to or because we want others to see that we are fasting for Lent then it will not mean anything. We must want to sacrifice during Lent just as Jesus sacrificed for us.

  26. Jeremy Singh

    Saint Augustine' quote provides good advice to Hayesmen in this season of Lent. Some things you can do for lent are give up bad habits that you have or give to others. Lent is about fasting and almsgiving so you care about others more than yourself for a time. “Return to me with your whole heart” and “Charity is no substitute for justice withheld” are two quotes from Saint Augustine that closely related to fasting. You should give out to charities and give back to people who gave to you. Also feel good doing it and have your heart do it for a cause not for others to see you being nice.


  27. Some great things you can do for lent is instead of praying once or twice,push yourself to pray 4 times a day , give God as much praize as you can.Give more appreciation to our civil rights and historical leaders who made it for us as young african american men to have a voice and have rights in this country.Show more appreciation to our mothers and women all around the globe.Always strive to do your best in school,feed the homeless and shelter them and show them love and respect because that’s someone’s child and they are especially God’s children.Lent is about sacrificing the things that you crave and cherish most for the greater good to better oneself in in return gain self discipline and self purity. ACTS 14:23 “THE CHURCH PRIASE AND FAST AND ARE GIVEN TO JESUS AND THEN OUR SOULS ARE GIVEN TO JESUS.

    ASAD MILLER 2/26/18

  28. Oluwagbohunmi A OyebodeFebruary 26, 2018 at 1:03 PM

    Some things we can do for lent are things such as giving up bad habits. It is a time that allows us to give up things that we don't need in our lives that can also ruin our futures. Things such as smoking, giving up video games, and junk food are good examples. A Scripture quote that speaks of things we should do for the season of Lent is Joel 2:13 which states "Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity." This bible verse is basically saying that we should care more about God than any provision that we do not need on Earth. This bible verse can also be connected to the Paschal mystery because it also states that he resents from sending calamity, or disaster, which tells us that he has forgiven us for our sins.

  29. Diancarlos Grullon

    For Lent I could give something for example like almsgiving. The time of Lent developed as part of the historical Christian calendar and is typically celebrated by Catholics and some mainline Protestant churches that follow a liturgical calendar. Although its format has varied throughout the centuries and throughout different cultures, the basic concept remains the same: to open our hearts to God's refining grace through prayer, confession, fasting, and almsgiving as we anticipate Holy Week.

  30. Demarco Goodwin

    Lent is the 40 days of preparation for the Easter season when Christians are called to deepen their spiritual lives through the practices of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. For lent theres alot of things you can do for it. For example, one thing you can do for lent is to take something on 40 days of letter writing, 40 acts of kindness, 40 phone calls to the important people in your life. You can also go to a weekday Mass one day during the week. Many parishes offer them early in the morning, at noon, or after work. Daily Masses are often more intimate and shorter than Sunday Mass. Futhermore as a part of your Lenten almsgiving,you can make a point to learn more about a particular social issue and give money to an organization related to your chosen issue that supports the dignity of the human person. To conclude this a last thing you can do is pray for somebody, as you’re walking the streets, driving the highways, or sitting in your cubicle at work, pick out a person who appears to be in need and pray for that person.

  31. Samuel Obeng
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9H

    For this Lent season (If I participated in it) one thing I would do is fast. I would not only fast on food, but also other things such as social media and technology. I would do lectio divina so that I can have a closer relationship with God. Doing these thing will help us be imago dei with ourselves and God. The verse I am citing from the Bible is Matthew 6:16-18 and it reads, “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 17 But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”. These verses will help me through my fasting and oms giving. It helps me know that God is with me and will reward me for my sacrifices in this season of Lent.

  32. maynor mendoza
    Through out lent we should be doing good things as pray,help the poor and, not eat meat on Fridays for the whole lent, this is something we should all do for Jesus after all he gave his life for us to life and to be forgiven for our sins.

  33. Lent is an important time of year for a catholic, eventually leading up to the celebration of the Paschal Mystery. During Lent, catholics would give up certain things in order to get closer to God during that time. Some things that a person can do for Lent is give up a prized possession, such as a phone, or give up foods that a person eats. A scripture quote that relates to what catholics should be doing during the season of Lent is John 3:30. The scripture says “He must increase; I must decrease.” The “He” refers to God, and when it says he must increase, it’s explaining how Lent is a time to get closer to God and to reflect on all he has done in your life. “I must decrease,” means that a catholic should give up something they connect with personally, to not give in to idolatry, and ultimately pray and try to understand God.

  34. Henry Castillo

    Zephaniah 3:17
    "The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior, who will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love." This explains after the suffering of the servant we will be freed from original sin. Once the wait is done we will rejoice, when Jesus opens the gate of heaven sacrificing himself for us. Many obstacles may appear during your journey. Just Jesus was tempted
    By Satan, we must fast pray and give alms. So we can be successful in repenting and coming back to God.

  35. lent is what we christian shall do to remember our self that we were made dust and we will return dust . so their are struggle that we are going to face but can only surpass this struggle like a air plan wing that we call it wing of prayer and which one wing is fasting and other wing is amlsgiving. those wings are a hard way to get through heaven but they are the only way to heaven. Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior, who will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love." this scripture is during your lent and the your wings of prayer god will be there to be with and assist you.

  36. One of Saint Augustine's is that he once said " The world is a book and if you do not travel you read only one page'' it's a good advice for us Hayesmen because we need to read books and also read the Bible so we can all learn more of Jesus background and while we read some books we learn how to stay focus and read better smarter people and at the same time we become smarter and be better writing. One thing I can give up for Lent is junk food because it's not good for my body it makes me lazy and I wanna eat healthy and not be lazy. One Scripture quote that speaks of things we should be doing during the season of Lent is "Let your faith be bigger than your fear" we need faith in our self and not fear about anything that can stop us from being happy. = Brandon Castelan period 4

  37. the season of lent is 40 years and one scripture quote is jeremiah 29;11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    adrian andujar 7pd

  38. A person can do many thing for the Holy Season of Lent. A person could abstain from some kinds of food or drinks (fasting). A person could also give money or food to poor people (almsgiving). In order to replicate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ's journey into the desert for 40 days many people commit to fasting. Many of these people mark the season with the traditional abstention of meat. Joel 2:12-13 says " Yet even now-oracle of the Lord-reture to me with your whole heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rend your heart, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God, For he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and relenting in punishment.
    Destine Straughn

  39. The things we can do as catholic is that we give up meat on every Friday during lent. We also give up anything else we want too. We fast and give alms. We can pray. We also can go to Stations of the Cross in the chapel. One structure quote is Matthew 6:16-18 says " When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." By: Miguel Berrios-Serrano

  40. Isaiah Rivers
    Period 1

    “Fasting and Almsgiving are the wings of pray”. This quote from Saint Augustine relates very much with the lenten season as people as people are making sacrifices for the season. My sacrfice is to eat only vegetables for lunch and water and milk as my only beverages for lunch. Job 23:10 "Yet he knows my way; if he tested me, I should come forth like gold." This quote establishes the fact that the lenten journey is difficult. Just as how Jesus’ journey to the cross and his sacrifice was difficult. This lenten season we should all make sacrifices just as Jesus did us no matter the diffculty.

  41. Amani Allen
    Br. Sherlog
    Religion( Period 1)
    February 26, 2018

    One scripture that speaks on things we should be doing during the season of lent to prepare for the celebration of the paschal mystery is Matthew 15:16 because it helps speak on certain things we can do to help us prepare for lent such as pray and forgive.

  42. Randerli Garcia

    The saint Augustine's quote provides good advice to hayesmen in this season of lent. As the quote showed that you should always sacrifice something. One thing that we should be doing is chewing scripture with the teeth of our minds. This lent we should devour scripture and make our connection even closer to god. One piece of scripture is in 1 peter 5:6. It shows that for lent you should remain humble.

  43. Justin Le
    Period 7

    I feel like what’s we should be doing for the season of lent is to give up the things we disire he most. Helping our faith by doing things after school to really show our commitment to our religion and relationship with God. One scripture quote that stands out to me for the season of lent is by 1 Peter 5:6 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time“. This scripture shows to me that we shouldnt show off that we are doing something but to humble ourselves and God will only know the answer and not show it off. Many of the ways all of us can show appreciation for God and Jesus is to actually show that we care and not to pass by the opportunity we get.

  44. Andrew Vega

    Lent is a period of fasting and self denial, we are supposed to give up something we love very much. We have to sacrifice some things just as Jesus did. As we are in the week of lent we can pray for others, and we could help the poor or known as almsgiving. A quote from the Scripture that relates to what we should be during the season of lent is from 1 Peter. 1 Peter 5:6 humble your self, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in in due time.

  45. Some people do things for the season of Lent.Some things people do is make promises for 40 days. They do it for 40 days because that's how long God suffered until he got resurrected.Another,thing people do is go to church.People go to church during those 40 days a pray and ask for forgiveness for there sins. Lastly,people eat fish on Fridays.They eat fish on Fridays because you cant eat any type of meat.In Matthew 6:16-18 it states,"put oil on your face and wash your face,so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your father, who is unseen;and your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. This quote means not to show people that your doing all the dirty work and just to be humble and be patient and wait for the result of all that work.- Jayron Paula

  46. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    Saint Augustine once said “Fasting and almsgiving are the wings of prayer” which can be good advice for lent season. During lent season Roman Catholics do not eat meat and sometimes give up something such as drinking. We celebrate lent season in commemoration of Jesus Christ when he fasted in the desert for 40 days and nights, which is how long lent lasts. Lent helps hayesmen realize that making sacrifices in life is sometimes necessary. A verse from the bible that helps hayesmen during the lent season is Matthew 4:1 which explains how Jesus was tempted by the devil. As hayesmen we will always be led into temptation, but we shall not led our own greed distract us from what we need to do.

  47. When Lent comes most people sacrifice something visible or an object, but what father said really struck me. He said try going to church once during a week day, at first i thought of it as except giving something up im just adding something but i quickley realize i was giving up time. Time is something we take very seriously.

    Joel 2:12-14
    This scripture speaks to me because not only does it tells us to fast butit also tells us that we must tear our hearts not our clothing. And the last verse says we may recieve a blessing when we do these acts without looking for acknowledgement.

  48. Some things I can do for lent is I can go to mass once every week and pray and make a commitment to Jesus. I can also go to mass and pray for somebody maybe somebody that have passed away or somebody I knew or know that’s important in my life and they are struggling. I can also be a apart of lent in a spiritual way. So Lent is for 40 days so I was thinking I could text or call somebody important in my life and ask them for 40 straight days how there doing and to tell them you are always praying for them.

  49. Some things i could do during lent is spend at least one weekend or evening volunteering during Lent & make a commitment to read the Sunday scriptures before you go to Mass. one scripture quote is Zephaniah 3:17. "The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior, who will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love."

  50. Cardinal Hayes High School Ryan Napoleon
    Religion 9H 16 February 2018
    Bro. Sherlog CFC

    Lent is a humbling season. We sometimes take things for granted and do not realize the true value until it is gone. Lent gives us a chance to reevaluate ourselves and all things deeply. A lot of people do not have what we have; Education, family, belongings, senses, and the list goes on. For Lent, we can make a difference by giving to those who do not have. Hayesmen can give cans at the entrance in the morning or give money to the missions. Proverbs 14:21 states,“Whoever despises the hungry comes up short, but happy the one who is kind to the poor!” We must help those who are in need; We sacrifice so that others may continue.

  51. Flying!one of the way's people can enter heaven. Entering the narrow gates of heaven won't be easy. The devil will always be pushing us back from entering the narrow gates. Wings!an other way of entering heaven. With the wings fasting and amsgivng, the path to heaven will become much easier. The gates will open up even more when fasting and amsgiving are by your side. While trying to enter heaven there will be alot of enemies trying to pull you down. The path to heaven will not be garentied in your first try. It is fine to have more than one tries because the gates are narrow and you'll have enemies trying to drag you down.
    John Pena.

  52. Obinna Anyikwa

    The Lent season is a time of giving rather getting. It is a critical time in The Catholic faith. For the next 40 days i plan to give up old clothes to salvation army. By doing this I may slowly clothe the naked while also cleaning out my closet. Killing two birds with one stone. A scripture quote that relates to the Lent season is Matthew 25: 45 which is “what you do to the least of my brothers, you have done to me”. When we choose to help those around us, in God’s eyes, we have helped him.

  53. Tristin Fong
    February 26, 2018
    Religion 9 Honors
    Brother Sherlog
    The season of lent began on Wednesday february 14th. Lent last 40 days, and during lent we celebrate reflection and preparation before celebrating Easter. Lent is also when we celebrate when Jesus was in the desert for 40 days and nights. Good things for us to during lent is to give up electronics. People can grow to be wiser and more aware of surroundings when not using electronics. Joel 2:12-13 is a good scripture verse to use for lent because it says how people should open up their hearts up to Jesus and how we should “rend our hearts” and not our “garments.” Lent is a time of reflection and Joel 2:12-13 does show how we should reflect in our hearts.

  54. For Lent I could give money or resources to people who were affected by the shooting in Florida. Also I could stop doing something like coming late to school or eating one type of unhealthy food. Saint Augustine’s quote about fasting and almsgiving says that these two things could help in earning a better relationship with god. Also during the season of lent I could try to pray more than I usually do. Also Matthew 6:16-18 was a scripture that really told me during the season of Lent what we had to do.

  55. Some of the thing that we can do for Lent is we can give up our most favorite things for 40 days and 40 nights. We can give to the poor for example if a man or woman was in need we can give them something to eat or anything else.

  56. Adam Negeron

    Lent things most people will (try) to give up. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent - the festival where people give up a guilty pleasure for 40 days until Easter Sunday. Lent marks the 40 a challenge for people because you got to stop doing something you love.But it shows Jesus how much we pretreat what he dose for us.we do this as a sign saying thank God for the all u done for us.what I did is stopping eating candy for 40 day. as a sign of thank you lord.

  57. Rj lynch
    So the things that we should be doing for Lent are praying staying connect with God not eating meat on Fridays we also have to give up something that's hard for us to do cuz Jesus give up his whole life just helping us trying to teach us the way how to be perfect children of God and some people couldn't see that so went is the time of looking out for each other sort of like a brother that Hayes has and it's also about remembering that we're not just Savages in humans are also children of God and this shows us how we say connect with him and how we accept him into our lives

  58. Dashon McClain
    ash Wednesday is a day we celebrate birth and death. if your participating in lent . you will get the ash put on your for head and u will give up meat until the rest of the week. u can also give up other stuff.

  59. When celebrating the season of Lent, it does not only involve the two processes of almsgiving and fasting, but giving charity to the poor. When we give food and warmth to the poor, it honors Jesus by returning back to society. When I give back to our brothers who hunger for food, it allows me to consider myself an angel like Mac, relating me to the book “Where the Heaven and the Bronx Met” fighting hunger directly. When I begin to meditate and reflect onto these ideas, I think to the verses Matthew 5: 3-10 or “The Beatitudes.” Matthew 5: 3-10 describes that the Blessed are those who are merciful, clean of heart, pacemakers, those who hunger for righteousness. When we celebrate the processes involved within Lent and also take the additional step forward, we become the Blessed who will be rewarded with a closer relationship to the Lord. Charity is the additional step after almsgiving and fasting which will give us the steps to the kingdom of Heaven.

  60. Edgar Montalvo
    Brother Sherlog
    Saint Augustine quote provides good advice to Hayesmen in this season of lent to ministered the lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called him. We should celebrate the Paschal Mystery that way. Hayesmen can’t eat meat and they give up social media.

  61. Joshua Peralta
    Religion 10
    Br. Sherlog

    The meaning of the planes is us to our journey to heaven or to success. The connection of Saint Augustine quote on the black board is that good works will get us to heaven such as fasting and almsgiving. Some things I could give up for lent as a Hayesmen is not to eat meat during lent or give up something that I desire a lot. The reason for giving up somethings during lent is to remember that Jesus gave up his life for us. According to Matthew 6:18 it states “so that you do not appear to men to be fasting , but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you *openly.”

  62. The season of lent is a new way to better your self. You could better the people around you. In the season of lent you could provide and give to the people that might needs things the most. As Father Tierney said , it’s a new way to start your life Better. It’s also a way you could start your life and make it better if it happend to be bad in the past. This way lent could change you for the better

  63. The season of lent is a new way to better your self. You could better the people around you. In the season of lent you could provide and give to the people that might needs things the most. As Father Tierney said , it’s a new way to start your life Better. It’s also a way you could start your life and make it better if it happend to be bad in the past. This way lent could change you for the better

  64. Aldo Munoz
    Religion 10

    There are variety of ways in what you can do during Lent. One of the things that you can do during Lent is give to the people in need. You could commit to read the Sunday Scriptures, just like how you read about football players and be on social media.Think about what u spend your money on and be more wise in how you spend your money. You could try and have a better relationship with God and get closer to him. Another thing you could do is help out in Soup Kitchen so that you could serve your community and give back. Lastly you could give up meat on Wednesdays and Fridays.

  65. The meaning of the planes is the path to heaven. The Saint Augustine quote relates to the black board will get us to success of the fasting of almsgiving. The things i can give up on lent is not to eat meat as I am being a Hayesmen. Therefore Jesus gave his life for us. Matthew 6:18 states "so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but your father who is secret place. and your father sees in secret will reward you "openly". -Jimmere Rooks

  66. There are many things I can do for lent. I can give money to people who need it instead of spending it on something I don't really need. I can fast. I can give up some things i normally do like play video games.Also go to church more often. pray more. Respect my mom more. ALSO DO BETTER IN SCHOOL. Not laugh at people being made front of and make people feel less of them selves

  67. This season of lent is a way of redemption in my opinion,this is because in life you can always make yourself better.You can prove your way to the heavens.No one is perfect in the life they live but god understands not everyone is the same. Some people go through struggles and pain.But God watches from Above as the savior he is.

  68. NelsonLassalle 2020337 February 27, 2018
    Cardinal Hayes 2D

    Some things that we can do in Lent is make a commitment to read Sunday’s scripture before you go to mass. You should find new ways to practice the disciplines of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. You can donate some of your money to charities. Another was is to write a letter in 40 days, write 40 acts of kindness, and call 40 important people in your life. You should also give up something you really enjoy or like during Lent. Father Tierney told us that Ash Wednesday is the marked by service of penitence. In Joel 2:12-13 says ‘’yet even now’’ declares the Lord ‘’returns to me with all your heart with fasting with weeping and with mourning and your hearts and not your garments.

  69. The advice of Saint Augustine helps me understand the Narrow gate and how much effort it takes to get through it. One thing I can do for Lent is doing penance. This will help me get through Lent. Also I can pray to God or go to Church to repent of the all the sins I did in my life. Repenting will help me enter a new chapter in my life and give me motivation to move forward in life. Almsgiving will be the main important thing I do because giving back shows your heart and soul towards the people you love and people you don’t know. One scripture quote that speaks of everything we should be doing during the season of Lent is Matthew 5:3 “ Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Giovani Clarke

  70. There are many things that you can do for the season of lent. Its not only almsgiving and fasting that the season of lent is all about . Its about giving to the people who dont have . For example if someone in the street is stuggling and you help them out . Also the flying project shows how u have to fight and not give up. Pus threw the pressure cause no matter how hard its pushing you tondo bad just focus and know that you can always figure stuff out . The season of lent is to fast and alms giving and to help out the people who are struggling . So this is the season of lent .
