Monday, March 12, 2018

Luke and Rembrandt

Read Luke 15: 11-31 and study the oil painting.
List and explain a detail from the parable that emphasizes humanity.
Select and explain a detail from the parable that emphasizes divinity.
How does Rembrandt try to capture these two details?
Make specific reference to how Rembrandt uses color, space and tone to dramatize the details of the parable.  you might wish to study the painting from another website to better see the details of the painting.


  1. The Prodigal Son is one of the greatest parables because it emphasizes human nature and divinity. The humane part of this parable is when the son regrets leaving his father with a part of the estate, but he regretted leaving and asked his father for forgiveness. People usually take actions and regret it as time passes, and they want to fix the wrong that they did. This is evident when the son went back to his father and asked for forgiveness. Another part of the parable is when the father forgave his son, even though the son did him wrong. The divinity of God is emphasized in this part because God forgives people for their sins, but people do not always forgive each other. The painting of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt promotes a somber, forgiving mood. The color of the painting is very dark which promotes the somber tone. The picture of the father embracing his kneeling son in his arms emphasizes forgiveness. The picture also gives a welcoming mood because the son’s family beside his father are around him to welcome him back.

  2. Jose Torres
    March 15, 2018
    In the parable of the lost son, located in Luke 15:11-31, there are many moments where both aspects of humanity and divinity are emphasized. First, humanity is emphasized when the younger son separates from his father and in need of help, decides to turn back after spending all of his money. Additionally, this moment in the story also dramatizes the temptations that humans can fall into caused by the devil but can still repent towards God if they have the spiritual endurance to do so. Secondly, divinity is emphasized in the parable when the father not only welcomes his son after his return but celebrates it as he gives him the “finest robe,” sandals, a ring, and slaughters a “fattened calf” to feast on. The father’s givings represent not only the son’s importance to the father but also Jesus Christ, when He was sent down from heaven by the Father and died on the cross for humanity.
    Rembrandt, a Dutch painter, dramatizes the aspects of both humanity and divinity in his painting of the parable through space, color, and tone. First, humanity is emphasized in the painting through the bowing of the younger son, the laying of his head on his father, and the missing shoe and sole on the son’s feet because they represent how he lost most of his dignity and spiritual endurance but not the entirety of it since he turned back to his father. Furthermore, divinity is emphasized through the left, masculine, hand of the father and the way he bends down towards his son with his open arms because it represents his forgiveness, which is both a human and divine trait. Thus, the two ways in which Rembrandt captures both humanity and divinity in his detailed painting.

  3. Jeremy Singh

    One detail from the parable that emphasizes humanity is when the younger son gets greedy and wants to take the land for himself. Greed is a human trait that possesses the body that can lead to bad actions. However a detail from the parable that emphasizes divinity is the father forgiving his son and giving up his favorite fattened calf. His son sinned against him and admitted to doing so but the father is just happy to have his back. Another example of humanity is the older brothers anger. He is upset with his dad for forgiving his little brother. In fact he is so upset he calls his little brother his father's son showing he wants no connection after his actions. Rembrandt captures these details through his art. He illustrates the little brother hugging his father on his knees with ragged clothes thankful for his father's forgiveness. The clothes represents that the younger brother was lost but there is still some old sense back with him so he knows he was wrong turning into something bad. Rembrandt also adds the older brothers facial expression showing the deep anger with his jealousy of how the father treats the younger brother.

  4. Dhani Joseph
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog

    Humanity: But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.
    This shows humanity because the older son is jealous of the younger son, and jealousy is a human trait.
    Divinity: My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.
    This shows divinity because forgiveness is a trait of God, and God is always with you.
    Rembrandt captures humanity in this painting by showing the older son looking upset at his father for giving the younger and disloyal son love while the older son never left his side. He captures divinity by showing the father, in royal clothing, hugging and taking back the younger son, with a bald head and ragged clothing. It emphasizes that if you are truly sorry for your sins, God will forgive you.

  5. 1. a detail from the parable that emphasizes humanity would be the younger son, trying to go out and live on his own and resenting his father because he had to wait for his inheritance and blessing.
    2. one detail from the parable that emphasizes divinity would be the father willingly and freely accepting his son back home after he went out on his own and realized his mistake.
    3. Rembrandt captures these two details by portraying his son on his knees sad with only one shoe on, and by showing the father aiding him by showing him everlasting love.
    4. Rembrandt uses color, space, and tone to dramatize the details of the parable by darkening the room and shining a light on the father and the two sons. he uses space by placing the older standing tall a little bit far from his father who is a little bit hunched over very close to the younger son to show how the older brother was perceiving and almost a little bit glorified and blessed while the younger son seemed to need help and was struggling. he uses tone by showing a bright and happy tone for the sons and their father and a darker more despondent tone in the back for the servants.

  6. The sole of the forgiven son represents humanity by portraying how close we are connected to God yet we are lost in our own personal world. The celestial-like glow upon the father emphasizes the divine and comprehensible love and wisdom given to us by the blind father who sees all. Rembrandt uses subtle details to capture the moral of the parable throughout the dark, cloudy atmosphere by other characters to undermine the father and son's relationship.

  7. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    Rembrandt’s prodigal son painting is a beautiful picture with a fascinating background story to it. In the picture, Rembrandt includes examples of both divinity and humanity. A place in the picture where humanity is shown is the son whose shoe is lost. The lost shoe represents that he has astrayed in life and has done wrong doings. No human is perfect, making this detail intriguing. A place in the picture where divinity is shown is the father holding his son after him coming back. The father has gained the mental and spiritual righteousness to forgive his son. Rembrandt captures these ideas into his painting through use of color, setting and tone. He uses dark, yet powerful colors in a mysterious looking place, and has the characters set out in a dramatized way.

  8. An example of humanity, or descending Christology is when the son confesses to the father and the father is filled with compassion and kisses him. This is an example of descending christology because it expresses the human trait of compassion and missing someone. The father said "this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found" showing how much he missed his son. This down to earth parable also shows some divinity. The lost son had a metenoia that allowed him to put his pride aside and ask for forgiveness, which reunited him with his father. Rembrandt tries to capture the humanity of this parable by painting the son on his knees to show that he's begging for forgiveness. Rembrandt shows the divinity in the depiction of light sppecifically on the father and son.

  9. Cardinal Hayes High School Ryan Napoleon
    Religion 9H 15 March 2018
    Bro. Sherlog CFC

    In the parable of the lost son, verse twenty, “So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him,” emphasizes both humanity and divinity. The father running to his son and embarrassing him shows the human aspect in that the love a father has for his son. The aspect of the father, representing God, forgiving his son, representing humanity, expresses how God will always forgive us and show us unending love and compassion. Rembrandt uses the positioning of the father's arms and shape of the father’s hands to capture the two details. The father’s arms being open expresses how God will always forgive us, be with us, and love us; He welcomes us with open arms. Rembrandt uses light and dark colors to contrast the different standings of the people in the painting. The sun shines on the younger son because he has metaphorically found the light compared to the dimmed brother who is clouded with jealousy. Additionally, Rembrandt created the father in the painting with a vision disorder representing how we are all equal in the eyes of God. The oil painting has a serious but uplifting tone giving hope to all; The narrow door is always open.

  10. Wagner Baez

    When the Prodigal Son decides he wanted to live his life on his own, it emphasizes humanity because us humans feel like we should do everything on our own nut like in the parable the son needed help. We cant do everything on our because we need that one hand that will guide us on the right path, and in the parable that hand was the Father himself. The point in the parable the emphasized divinity was when the son's father forgave the son and threw a celebration for him that included the sacrifice of a calf. It is because in our world no matter what we do God will always forgive us because he is merciful. When the calf was sacrificed it should how Jesus was going to sacrifice himself to save us. In Rembrandt's painting the fathers two hands show the side of a mom and dad that is willing to forgive.
    The sons soles on his feet shows how he figured out he needs the care of his father. The foot with the sole on shows his path that he wanted to live on his own without worrying about others other than himself. The foot with the sole off shows how he wants the forgiveness of his father.

  11. Asiyah Lawrence

    In the picture of Rembrandt one of his hands and male and the other represents female, this shows humanity. If you look at the feet one shoe is off and the other is on , this show divinity. The four characters in this picture is older son , servant, younger son and fattd calf.

  12. The Parable of the Lost Son depicts the main characters of a young son, an older son, and the father of both sons. Within the story the young son would gain the inheritance of the father and would commence spending all of it on his own terms. Then, when a famine hits and he loses of all of his money, he would return, battered and bankrupt. Unexpectedly, he would gain the forgiveness of his father. Though, the older son, required to do most of the work on the farm due to the younger son’s abandonment to sustain the farm was very disappointed and frustrated at his younger brother. I believe that a detail within Rembrandt’s interpretation of the scene has represents the humanity within the frustration of the older son, because as humans it's hard to forgive someone when they betrayed not only your trust but a family member. Additionally, the concept of divinity can be represented within the scene. I believe it takes a lot of willpower and mercy to be able to be able to forgive someone who have deceived you so much, much more than what a mortal man could do. Additionally, the fact that the lighting within the scene emits off of the father implies that he should be the center of focus, similar to God and him being the focus of our lives.

  13. It shows how Jesus made mistakes and he was forgiven. Also it shows how he is divine by showing how Jesus loves all of the people who worship him. Rembrandt uses light to express how the Parable son’s father was forgiving even after his son disobeyed him. He also put his brother in the dark with his hands closed to show that the brother is not willing to forgive and accept his brother.

  14. Samuel Obeng
    Luke Rembrandt
    The thing that emphasizes humanity in that parable is love and forgiveness. These two things emphasize divinity, however, forgiveness seems to emphasize divinity in a more spiritual way. The colors show red and yellow; Cardinal and the Gold in the picture. The son was shown to have the gold when the father forgives him. The cardinal color was shown on the father and the son, meaning he had to suffer to get his son back

  15. After reading Luke 15 11-31 a detail that emphasizes humanity is the young son suffering and going through obstacles on his own when he left his dad for money that he thought would make him happy in life.A detail that emphasizes divinity is when the young son realized he couldnt do it on his own.For example the young son said " I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, Father, I have sinned against and heaven and you.When the father saw his son with one shoe looking for him, the father ran up to him hugged and kissed and forgave him.This shows divinity.Rembrandt captured these two details with the son on his knees infront of the father showing humanity and the father hugging the son showing divinity.Rembrandt uses color very well because everything behind the father and son is dark while the light is shining on them.To show whats really important in the painting.This is Giovani Clarke Brother.

  16. Oluwagbohunmi A OyebodeMarch 19, 2018 at 6:29 AM

    A detail from this parable that emphasizes humanity is verse 21 when he states "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you." This emphasizes humanity because when people sin time after time and must learn to repent of their sins. A detail that emphasizes divinity is verse 32 when he states "But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found again." This expresses divinity because when he is lost and then found, this shows the abundance of life and God's mercy. Rembrandt captures these two details by showing the immanence and transcendence of God. He shows the immanence by illustrating God sitting down in the presence of people. He shows the transcendence because because God's hands are illustrated differently and it appears that someone is repenting of their sins next to God.

  17. Detail from the parable that emphasizes humanity is when the older brother got mad because his little brother came back home after leaving the house and disrespecting his father and he came back and his father forgave him and threw a big celebration for and gave all the special attention to the younger son while the older brother is doing all the work and obeying his father and doing everything his father asked him to do and still get no special attention or celebration. A detail that emphasizes divinity is when the son came back home and the father forgave him and threw a big party for his son even though his son messed up big time but the father decided to put the past behind them and forgave him and act like it never happen

  18. The parable shows us that we may get loss along the way but we can always return, for example even after the younger son spent all his money on women and left his family, when he realized what he did was wrong his father instead of being mad was very happy. Rembrandt shows this by the sons feet, one foot has a shoe on and the other doesnt, showing that part of him was still on the good side of things. Also that the son is on his knees shows us he is begging for his fathers love and approval. This reminds us that G-d will always love and welcome us.

  19. Justin suriel

    a detail from the parable that emphasizes humanity is when the father forgives his son because that is something anyone can do which is forgiveness . Also a detail from the parable that shows divinity are the two different hands of the father. one is masculine the other is more feminine. which shows god like a mother and a father.

  20. The rembrant picture shows a man holding a kid. The mans arms are different sizes meaning that he is both father and mother figure which is a divine trait.The red color means the love he has towards the son.In the background if u see closely you can see a man in the dark and next to the father and the son their are 2 person next to him.The son also only has one shoe and his foot is dirty which is the human trait. -Jayron Paula

  21. Isaiah Powell
    Br. Sherlog
    Religion 9 (per.8)

    -" Now this Elder son was in the field; and when he came and the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on.

    - get the fatted calf and kill it it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is now alive again; he was lost and is found! And they began to celebrate.

    - He shows the humanity within the elder son by showing him in the background. The brother dislikes the fathers decision on celebrating the younger sons return out of hatred and jealousy.
    -He shows the divinity by showing gods power to forgive. The father forgives and praises the son for coming to his senses. God forgives all no matter the situation and/or form of disobedience out of his divinative power.

  22. Period 1 Exegete
    Kashiem McDonald
    This Picture By The dutch artist Rembrandt emphasizes humanity several different ways among this picture. Fro example one of the ways he Emphasizes humanity is by having the shoe missing off of the man sitting and giving it to the child shows he interprets the Christian idea of mercy which is helping thy neighbor or supporting. In which way he did and also the picture includes many other people.His shading and toning to express many different ideas to the person viewing the image.

  23. Rembrandt sets a dramatic tone in the painting with his choice of using dark earth tones and golden highlights, the colors create depth in the painting and a center of interest. Rembrandt used it to emphasize the faces and hands in his portraits; what his subjects were wearing and their setting are of less importance, merging into a dark background.

  24. The picture shows a man holding a kid withe mans arms are diffrent size.rembradt used to empasizs the faces and hands in the potraits and what his subjects were wearing and their setting are of less importance and were merging into a dark background
