Thursday, October 5, 2017

For Those Who Missed the First Blog: A Second Chance!



How does the story of  Tobit connect to the  Resurrection. Answer this question with five sentences. Include details. Try to work in the idea of "blindness."


  1. Tobit was a righteous man of God. He always did what was right according to the faith. this includes giving dead people the correct burial rights which was illegal. Tobit was blinded when a bird defecated in his eyes, the Archangel Raphael then came to deliver a message to Tobit on how to heal his blindness, this represents resurrection because before Jesus came to die for our salvation we were all blind to the truth, but when he came to deliver us, he gave us many messages, miracles, and rules to live, then after he died we were healed, just like before Raphael came to Tobit he was blind but Raphael came with a message to heal and give new life to tobit's eyes

  2. Eand Mejía- Period 1: The story of Tobit is about a man who buried dead people for his love for God. Then a bird later pooped in his eyes and Tobit became blind. Then an angel came and cured Tobit making him able to see again. The story of resurrection connects to the story of Tobit because Jesus rose from the dead after being crucified for expressing the Religion and power of God. Tobit got his sight back after doing something for God knowing he might suffer the consequences.

  3. the story of Tobit connect to the Ressurrection by Tobit buried people who passed away because he loved god so much but then a bird pooped in his eye so Tobit cant see anything now. but then a angel came to Tobit to heal his eyes so he can see again. the connects to the Ressurection by Jesus got crucified and died on the cross, hands and feet pierced, got mocked by guards but three days later he rose from the dead. So both these stories connect because it shows the power of god and love for his people.

  4. The story of Tobit was about a man who was righteous and loyal to God. He always did the right thing and always followed God's plan in life. Then one day a bird pooped in his eye which made him blind not being able to see. The Archangel Raphael came from heaven to cure Tobit of his blindness. This story resembles resurrection because when Jesus died on the cross we were blind from the truth. We were doing bad deeds and Jesus forgave us for our sins. God healed Tobit because he is a strong follower of Jesus Christ.

  5. Tobit is about a man who was blinded by bird residue due to his disobdeient actions. During this time you were not able to bury the dead out of love for his God. An angel named Raphael proceeded to cure Tobit allowing him to see once again. The ressurection of Jesus Christ relates to the story of Tobit because rose from the dead after being tortured and crucified and Tobit was able to see again after being blinded by bird poop. Both Jesus Christ and Tobit overcome hard times in their lifetimes,
