Saturday, October 21, 2017


Mercy Triumphs Over Justice in All 73 Books of the Bible!


As a Hayes 147 Exegete(one who studies the Bible)  you are expected to do work( exegesis).
You are expected to have a Bible for my class.  Have the NABRE- New American Bible Revised Edition.  It is almost November. You need a Bible.

Many students are emailing me about low grades. Here is a way to improve your grade.
You must meet the due dates for assigned work.
This work must be done before midnight, 12:00 AM, Wednesday.
If you are not passing this class or have a low grade it is probably because you are not posting your work on the blog page. There are only four class days left in this marking period! Empower yourself!
Computer literacy is a key skill for you to develop.  I realize not all of us have computers, however, there are computer labs and libraries and I give you sufficient time to do the work. Many of you are doing excellent work. Continue to be quintessential!


Remember to type the work in Microsoft Word. Use the correct heading . Save the document. Copy and paste into the comment box on this page. When you see the box appear saying "Comment is awaiting moderation" you know  you have successfully completed the assignment. If you do not see this message then you have not properly  completed the assignment properly.


List the Seven Lectio Divinas and the Three Logos of the Week that we have studied this year. They all appear on the Cardinal Hayes Webpage under News and Announcements. They also appear  in my Notebook.

Explain how these Scripture verses and nature pictures tie together. How are they related?
What theme do they create? How do they help a Hayesman?


  1. Amir Anderson
    lectio#1 1st Corithian 3:16
    lectio#2 Matthew 10:29-31
    lectio#3 Jeremiah 15:16
    lectio#4 Philippians 3:8-9
    Lectio#5 The rosary is simply a bible on a string
    lectio#6 for a week when Hayes celebrate the Hispanic heritage
    lectio#7 Hebrews 12:22-24
    This ties together because this is telling us to have our own thoughts because we are our own person

  2. Bryan Martinez Homeroom:1E
    Lectio Divina #7
    As we prepare to celebrate All Souls Halloween and All Saints
    Lectio Divina #6 For a week when Hayes celebrates Hispanic Heritage
    Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra. Cantad la gloria de su nombre.
    Salmos 66: 1
    Lectio Divina # 5
    Luke 2: 19
    For a week that includes the distribution of Rosary Beads
    The Rosary is simply “A Bible on a String!” Think about it
    Lectio Divina # 4 Philippians 3: 8-9
    For a week that includes the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.

    Lectio Divina # 3Jeremiah 15:16
    For a week that includes
    The Feast of Michael, Gabriel
    and Raphael, Archangels,
    Yom Kippur
    and the Feast of Saint Jerome.
    LECTIO DIVINA # 2 Matthew 10:29-31
    (verses from Gospel for Mass of the Holy Spirit)
    LECTIO DIVINA #1 1 Corinthians 3:16
    Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
    these helps a hayes me buy show us hayesman how to become a man

  3. Ryan Ruiz-As we reviewed the seven lectio divinas and the three logos of the week we ask ourselves how does this all tie in together? They all tie into together because of the rosary also known as the bible on the cross.They also have key words that God wants you to follow.The theme it creates is the saying make by birth men by choice. If you don`t understand the lectio divinas or logos of the week it doesn`t allow you to be a man. It ties into being a hayesman because of what it says on our blazers. For god and country. If we`re not for those things it will be hard to succeed in hayes

    1. Good conclusion!
      Actual list?
      Hayesman and God get caps!

  4. The first lectio is 1 Corinthians 3:16.The second lectio is Matthew 10:29-31.The third lectio is Jeremiah 15:16. The fourth lectio is Philippians 3:8-9. The fifth lectio is Luke 2:19.The sixth lectio is when Hayes celebrated Hispanic Heritage.The seventh lectio is when we prepare ourselves for All Souls Halloween and All Saints.The first logos is the roster, the second logos is the flowers on parking lot on the way to the Duff.and the third logos of the week is leaves from the fall. The Scriptures verses and nature pictures tie together because Theology and science tie together. nature is like the science part and the scriptures is the theology. They are related because God made animals in the first creation account. This helps Hayesmans understand why god is a big role in our life and how he made everything around us. Jayron Paula

  5. Justice Chalen

    lectio divina 1) Corinthinas 3:16
    lectio divina 2) Matthew 10:29-31
    lectio divina 3) Jeremiah 15:16
    lectio divina 4) Phillppians 3:8-9
    lectio divina 5) Luke 4:18
    lectio divina 6) Salmos 66:1
    lectio divina 7) Hebrew 12:22-24

    Logos of the Week 1) What is the relationship between a chicken and Jesus Christ on september 12th?
    Logos of the Week 2) What is the relationship between a golden mums plant and Jesus Christ?
    Logos of the Week 3) What are going on in the world that call for prayer?

  6. Kaevon kontosis -The 7 lectio divinas were 1corinthians 3:16 , jermiah 15:16 , philipians 3:8-9 and the three logos we learned was "quacko" the chicken ,the flower at the back of the school by the "duff" , and the leaves. The scripture help me be a hayesmen because it shows me what jesus was like and the ways of my farher.

  7. Lectio Divinas
    1 1 Corinthians 3:16: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
    2 Matthew 10:29-31: “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
    3 Jeremiah 15:16:When I found your words, I devoured them;
    your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart,
    Because I bear your name, Lord, God of hosts
    4 Philippians 3 8-9:More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.
    5 Luke 2: 19 And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.
    6 Salmos 66:1 Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra. Cantad la gloria de su nombre.
    7 Hebrews 12: 22-24 No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and countless angels in festal gathering, and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven, and God the judge of all, and the spirits of the just made perfect, and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently than that of Abel.

    Logos of the Week
    1 Quacko/Ecotone
    2 Flowers at the Duff
    3 Maple Leaf, Elm Tree Leaf, Jesus Christ

    The connection between all these scriptures and these pictures of nature is that God is apart of everything. He created the all of the logos and he made people to write the scriptures so others can learn his word to become more like him, Imago Dei. The theme that this creates is Life. They help a Hayesmen because it lets them know that with God anything can be done and as long as you have faith, no matter how hard the challenge is, he will help you.

  8. Justin Le period 7 exegete

    The 7 Lectio Divina is,Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you.

    I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

    Our exegesis of the curing of the demoniac encourages us to ask for help.

    More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.

    Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.

    Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra,Cantad la gloria de su nombre.

    Fires in California began our discussion of the sitz-in-lebem for Genesis 1 and its relevance to Vladek, Artie, and ourselves.

    No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God,the heavenl Jerusalem,and countless angels in festal gathering,23 and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven,and God the judge of all,and the spirits of the just made perfect, 24 and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant,and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently than that of Abel.

    The 3 logos are,What is the relationship between a chicken and Jesus Christ On September 12th this chicken evidently escaped the Poultry market on 680 Grand Concourse and took refuge on the Hayes front lawn.

    What is the relationship between a
    golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ.

    What is the relationship between a silver haired bat( lasionycteris noctivagans)andJesus Christ?

    I’m my opinion all the scriptures,pictures,logos,and lectio divinas tie together because they all represent one thing God and how much he sacrificed for us even sending down his own son to save us. They are all related by telling us God story and what he did to save us, like in logos number 1 he dwells inside each and everyone of us even though we might not notice or realize he is always there for us. The theme they create is the love and sacrifice God went through to save us. These all help a hayesman by being humble God didn’t tell go around saying I did this I did that no he did it Because he loved us he puts all of us in his image, I also believe this would help hayesman but not only us but everyone because we are all brothers and sisters we believe and what we truly believe in and don’t let anyone talk us down or make us feel small because we always know in our heads that God loves us.

    1. Good observations.
      Watch punctuation in that first sentence.
      Exactly what is lectio divina?
      What is a logos?

  9. Eandre Mejia-Period 1: Lectio Divina #1 1 Corinthians 3:16, Lectio Divina #2 Matthew 10:29-31, Lectio Divina #3 Jeremiah 15:16, Lectio Divina #4 Philippians 3:8-9, Lectio Divina #5 Luke 2:19, Lectio Divina #6 Salmos 66:1, Lectio Divina #7 Hebrews 12:22-24. Logos of the week #1 was the chicken “Quacko”, Logos of the week #2 was the flowers the golden mums plant, Logos of the week #3 was the tree leaves. The scriptures verses and the pictures are related because of science and theology. The theme it create is ecotone. This help a Hayesmen to think about the creation and how the verses and pictures relate to Jesus Christ.

  10. Lectio Divinas 1 is Corinthians 3:16, Lectio divina 3 is Jeremiah 15:16, lectio divina 4 is Philippians 3 8-9, lectio divina 5 is Luke 2:19, lectio divina 6 is Salmos 66:1, lectio divina 7 Hebrews 12: 22-24. The three logos are 1 Quako, 2 flora of Hayes 3 is the pigeon and the fourth is the Halloween bat. all of these tie together by they show us the Environment we live in and certain paths we take in life and how we act. these help a Hayesman by it teach us how to be responsible be more aware on certain actions we take and to think

  11. 1.Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you . LOGOS 1.–“ Quacko

    logos 2 What is the relationship between a
    golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ?

    these all lead to crainal and gold
    like jesus they all relat to jesus -adrian andujar 1b .7

  12. Lectio Divinas

    1.Corinthians 3:16
    2.Matthew 10:29-31
    3.Jeremiah 15:16
    4.Philippians 3:8-9
    5.Luke 2:19
    6.Hispanic Heritage night
    7.Hebrews 12:22-24

    Logos of the Week
    1.Quacko the Chicken
    2.Golden Mums plant
    3.Maple Leaf and Elm tree leaf

    These Scripture verses and Nature pictures tie together because each verse and picture always talked about God and how we reflect the lord and the environment we live in. In each verse has someone talk about how they appreciate God or God helps them go through hardships they are facing in their lives. For example Philippians 3:8-9, "more than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my lord. The theme can be reflection by using God and Forgiveness because each verse there is a person either going through hardships or reflecting about a specific thing. The Lectio Divinas can help a Hayesman because it shows how we can go through things in our lives but still work hard in school and a job that we might have. For example Tobit, he was a good person he'd buried dead bodies even though it was against the law. But bad things do happen to good people too. A bird pooped on eyes when he was sleeping and the poop made him go blind. Tobit could've questioned God for what happen but he didn't he just kept on believing and didn't stop.

  13. List the Seven Lectio Divinas and the Three Logos of the Week that we have studied this year. They all appear on the Cardinal Hayes Webpage under News and Announcements. They also appear in my Notebook. Lectio divina 1 Corinthians 3:16, Lectio divina 3 Jeremiah 15:16, lectio divina 4 philippians 3: 8-9, lectio divina 5 luke 2:19, lectio divina 6 Salmos 66:1, lectio divina 7 hebrews 12 22:24. The three logos is 1 Quacko, 2 the pigeon , 3 the flora, 4 the Halloween bat. These are related because it shows the environment we live in and how we need to be aware of things and choose wise paths. Thse could help a Hayesman by it shows us how to be responsible be more aware of your own actions and learn something new everyday.

  14. the scripture and the natures pictures are related that we all are a creation of god and that good had made us with is image and he also made everything else

    they hel us to understand that we all are male by god and man by choise

  15. Brother this is Giovani Clarke.

    Lectio divina #1 Corinthiains 3:16
    Lectio divina #2 Matthew 10:29-31(verses from the mass
    Lectio divina #3 Jeremiah 15:16 the feast of Gab,Rap, and Arch angels
    Lectio divina #4 The 4 central mysteries
    Lectio divina #5 Luke 2:19 The bible on a string
    Lectio divina #6 Celebrating hispanic heritage
    Lectio divina #7 Celebrating all souls halloween and all saints

    The first logos of the week was about things god created like plants and the chicken.Second logos was about the relationship with the plant and jesus christ.Third logos was the relatioship with the two different leafs and jesus christ.

    They help a hayesmen stay out of trouble and off the streets.Also it helps think and carry oursleves different.Gives us purpose in life.They tie together because like jeremiah said we can devour i believe that we can devour the scriptures with the teeth of our mind.They talk about relationships. They create a very joyful and calm theme to me Brother.They are related through logos

  16. 1: FIND A QUIET PLACEFind a quiet place that is free from interruptions. Adjust to a comfortable position and quietyourself before God. Take a slow, deep breath. Slowly and deliberately release the breath. Godsays in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God." Again, take a slow, deep breath. Slowlyand deliberately release the breath.
    2: FOCUSING PRAYER Take a slow, deep breath before each sentence of the prayer. Slowly and deliberately release the breath while praying:Lord, purify and restore my inner thoughts and desires.Fill my thoughts and desires with you.Strengthen me to always love and serve you in all that I do.
    )Read or recite a designated scripture selection two or more times in a row. For example:Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souland with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment.
    )Reflect on a special word or phrase that caught your attention from the reading. Deliberatelythink about the word or phrase. Let the word or phrase mingle with your thoughts, feelings,experiences, hurts, and aspirations.
    )Respond to God. Thank God for something, or make a godly declaration, or pray for a need of yours, or pray for a need of others.
    )Surrender all thoughts and feelings to God while resting and basking in God's love. Let Godtransform you for divine purpose.
    7: OPTIONS AFTER DIVINE READINGAfter resting in God's love, say, "Lord, thank you for your love and your work in my life.
    The three logos are quacko, the relationship between a golden mums plant and Jesus Christ, and the relationship between these fall leaves and Jesus Christ. These Scripture verses and nature pictures tie together because they were made from God’s image also they’re related because God made them smiliar in different ways but they’re related. The theme is hope and faith, they help the Hayesman because everyone should have hope and have faith at what they do in class and in sports that’s why it helps

  17. 1:FIND A QUIET PLACEFind a quiet place that is free from interruptions. Adjust to a comfortable position and quietyourself before God. Take a slow, deep breath. Slowly and deliberately release the breath. Godsays in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God." Again, take a slow, deep breath. Slowlyand deliberately release the breath.
    2: FOCUSING PRAYER Take a slow, deep breath before each sentence of the prayer. Slowly and deliberately release the breath while praying:Lord, purify and restore my inner thoughts and desires.Fill my thoughts and desires with you.Strengthen me to always love and serve you in all that I do.
    )Read or recite a designated scripture selection two or more times in a row. For example:Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souland with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. (Matthew22:37–38)
    )Reflect on a special word or phrase that caught your attention from the reading. Deliberatelythink about the word or phrase. Let the word or phrase mingle with your thoughts, feelings,experiences, hurts, and aspirations.
    )Respond to God. Thank God for something, or make a godly declaration, or pray for a need of yours, or pray for a need of others.
    )Surrender all thoughts and feelings to God while resting and basking in God's love. Let Godtransform you for divine purpose.
    7: OPTIONS AFTER DIVINE READINGAfter resting in God's love, say, "Lord, Thank you for your love and your work in my life”.

  18. The 2nd question is They were created by God’s image and they’re related because God made them smilier in different ways

  19. 1.Tolle lege: TAKE UP AND READ

    2.Psalm 3: 4 speaks about a “ shield.”

    3.Psalm 3: 7 speaks about “thousands of people ( enemies)”

    4. RTA: Read, Think, Apply

    5.Lectio Divina – Holy Reading

    6. “Chew the Scriptures with the teeth of your mind.” -- Saint Jerome

    7.Exegete – a person who studies the Scriptures( Bible)

    The 3 logos of the week:
    2:What is the relationship between a
    golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ?
    3:What is the
    between a
    silver haired bat
    ( lasionycteris noctivagans)
    Jesus Christ

    They were created by God’s image and they’re related because God made them smilier in different ways.

  20. The seven Lectio Divinas are 1. Holy Reading 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2. Matthew 10:29-31, 3. Jeremiah 15:16,4. Philipians 3:8-9, 5. Luke 2:19, 6. Hispanic Heritage, and 7. Hebrews 12:22-24.
    The Three Logos of the Week are 1. What is the relationship between a chicken and Jesus Christ, 2. What is the relationship between a golden mums plant and Jesus Christ, and 3. What is the relationship between a maple leaf and an elf tree leaf.
    These Scripture verses and nature pictures are tied together by Jesus Christ. They are related though Jesus Christ. The theme they create is kindness. They help a Hayesman by helping us get closer to Jesus Christ.
    Destine Straughn

  21. Lectio Divina #7
    As we prepare to celebrate All Souls Halloween and All Saints
    Hebrews 12:22-24
    22 No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and countless angels in festal gathering, 23 and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven, and God the judge of all, and the spirits of the just made perfect, 24 and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently than that of Abel.

    Lectio Divina #6 For a week when Hayes celebrates Hispanic Heritage
    Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra. Cantad la gloria de su nombre.
    Salmos 66: 1
    Saint Jerome believed one should begin reading the Bible with the Book of Psalms. Originally written in Hebrew and Greek, the Bible was translated into the Latin Vulgate by Jerome c.400AD.  The first English translation appeared c. 1300. A Spanish translation of the Bible appeared in 1569 and is credited to Cassiodoro de Reina.

    Lectio Divina # 5
    And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.  
                                                                                  Luke 2:19

    Lectio Divina # 4 Philippians 3: 8-9
    For a week that includes the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.
    Philippians 3:8-9
    More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.

    Lectio Divina # 3Jeremiah 15:16
    When I found your words, I devoured them;
    your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart,
    Because I bear your name,  Lord, God of hosts

    LECTIO DIVINA # 2 Matthew 10:29-31
    “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge.  Even all the hairs of your head are counted.  So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

    LECTIO DIVINA #1 1 Corinthians 3:16
    Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

  22. Saul leal
    The seven lectio divina are
    1. Corinthians 3:16
    2.Mathew 10:29-31
    3. Jeremiah 15:16
    4. Philippians 3:8-9
    5. Luke 2:19
    6. Salmos 66:1
    7. Hebrews 12:22-24

    The 3 logos are
    1. Chicken
    2. Plant
    3. Leaf

    These verses and picture are related because every verse can describe a certain animal. These animals reflect on the word of God. Each one of these animals represents various things in the Bible. These verses can help a hayes man in many situations whether it’s good or bad. Each verse has a moral or lesson to it and we can all learn from it one day when we understand the meaning of it.

  23. Lectio Divinas: Three logos of the week:
    1.Corinthians 3:16 1. Quako/gallus domesticus
    2.Matthew 10: 29-31 2. Golden mums plant
    3.Jeremiah 15:16 3.lasionycteris noctivagans
    4.Philippians 3: 8-9
    5.Luke 2: 19
    6.Salmos 66: 1
    7.Hebrews 12:22-24 Demarco Goodwin

  24. Justin Oliveras (period 7 exegete)

    here are the 7 lectio dinvinas we have learned this year

    1.1 Corinthians 3:16- "You are a temple of god, and that the spirit of god dwells within you."

    3.Jerimiah 15:16- "You spoke to me, and I listened to every word, I belong to you, Lord God almighty, and so your words filled my heart with joy and happiness.

    4.Philipians-3 8:9- "Not only those things; I reckon everything as complete loss for the sake of what is so much more valuable, the knowledge of Christ jesus my lord. For his sake I have thrown everything away; I consider it all as mere RUBBISH so that I may gain Christ.

    5.Luke 2:19- "Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart"

    6.Salmos 66:1- "aclamad a dios con alegria, todo la tierra cantad la Gloria de su nombre(Hispanic heritage night at hayes!)

    7.Hebrews 12 22:24- "No you have approached mount zion and the city of the living god, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the assembly of the first born enrolled in heaven, and god the judge of all and the spirits, of the just made perfect, and jesus, the mediator of the men and covenant and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently.

    Here are the three logos of the week

    1.Gallous Domesticus (also known as Quacko in the room 147 exegetes class)

    2.Chrysanthemum Morifolium(also known as the golden mums in the room 147 exegetes class)

    (there was no lectio divina #2 and no 2 third logos of the week in the brother sherog notebook)

    These scripture veres and nature pictures tie together because god is apart of all of it he is whatever we read, write see, hear etc. to me there is god in everything we just have to believe there is. there was a logos that we called batman(the white haired bat) that died right outside a classroom window brother sherlog says that that is connected to god because that bat is a stree bat, it came from the tree and it died you know what else died on a tree... JESUS! he died on a cross that was made from wood from a tree that proves that GOD IS EVERYWHERE. They at related because god made the scriptures and the gallus domesticus, and the golden mums. every thing has a story for example the golden mums is a plant it represents jesus and or god the sun is god which helps the plant grow, god is in the soil and water which helps it live. The theme that creates is knowledge if he look and listen carefully to gods plan we will make it to heaven. This helps us hayesman because we always will know that god is with us and the holy spirit is with us it gives us faith, strength, and Courage. God says we have one life so live it abundantly.

  25. Vashaun Wallace

    Lectio Divinas

    1.Corinthians 3:16
    2.John 8:12
    3.Jeremiah 15: 16
    4.Philippians 3: 8-9
    5.Luke 2: 19
    6.Salmos 66: 1
    7.Hebrews 12:22-24

    Three Logos of the Week

    1.LOGOS OF THE WEEK, #1 –“ Quacko” What is the relationship between a chicken and Jesus Christ?

    2.The Second “Logos of the Week”What is the relationship between a golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus christ?

    3. The Fourth
    “Logos of the Week”

    What is the
    between a
    silver haired bat
    ( lasionycteris noctivagans)
    Jesus Christ?

    These Scriptures help us get to understand jesus and god better but they also help us who we become today.

  26. The seven Lectio Divinas are 1. 1Corinthians 3:16 2. Matthew 10:29-31 3. Jeremiah 15:16 4. Philippians 3:8-9 5. Luke 2:19 6. For a week when Hayes celebrates Hispanic heritage 7 .We prepare to celebrate All souls Halloween and All Saints. The three logos of the week are 1. Quacko 2. The relationship of golden mums and Jesus Christ 3. What is the relationship between a maple leaf and an elm tree leaf and Jesus Christ? The scripture verses all talk about how we should live a holy life did and follow in Jesus footsteps. These scriptures all reflect on the life that Jesus had and some of his teachings. The theme is to learn from Jesus teachings and do it in our life. This helps a hayesman to understand what was the mission of Jesus and how to reflect it in our life. Julian Garcia Period 7

  27. Ramon Liriano
    Religion 10 Period 1
    October 24th, 2017
    Logos #1 - Quako the chicken, Logos #2 - Relationship between Golden mums plant and Jesus Christ, Logos #3 - Relationship between maple leaf, elm tree leaf, and Jesus Christ
    Lectio Divina #1 - Corinthians 3:16, Lectio Divina #2 - Matthew 10:29-31, Lectio Divina #3 - Jeremiah 15:16, Lectio Divina #4 - Philippians 3:8-9, Lectio Divina #5 - Luke 2:19, Lectio Divina #6 - For a week when Hayes celebrates Hispanic Heritage Salmos 66:1, Lectio Divina #7 - Hebrews 12:22-24
    All these are related because they all show how Jesus plays into the roll of our life. We all one, come from the same origin. Different skin color, different traditions yet we’re all still one. This shows how Jesus was Dominican, African, Japanese, Russian, ETC we’re all connected because he created us in his image.
    The theme it creates is that we’re all one person created under God
    This helps a Hayesman because this shows how we’re all brothers just created in a different way. It shows how we should all be brothers together and help one another.

  28. christian guzman period 7 the first Lectio Divina is the temple of god. This is how we believe in god and how he lives in us. The third Lectio Divina is Jeremiah 15:16 talks about how we should ask for help and that is how we succeed by asking questions. Lectio Divina # is pilippians 3:8-9 the week that includes the feast of saint Assisi. Lectio Divina #5 is Luke 2:19 This was the bible on a string or the cross. Lectio Divina #6 is the when Hayes celebrated our culture as the Hispanic Heritage night.Lectio DIvina # 7 we celibrate all souls day, Halloween, and All saints. 1 LOGOS was quako and how he connect with god. The relationship between the golden mums plant and god. and logos #4 was batman he celibrates Halloween and all souls day. all of these are taking place on important events and it makes us better people.

  29. Lectio Divinas :
    1.jeremiah 15: 16
    2.Matthew 10:29-31
    3.philippians 3:5-9
    4.Corinthians 3:16
    5.hebrews 12:22-24
    6.salmos 66:1
    7.luke 2:19

    Three logas of the week:
    1, Quako /gallus domesticus
    2. Golden mums plant
    3. lasionycteris noctivagans

  30. Lectio Divina logos of the week
    1.1 Corinthians 3:16 quacko (Gallus domesticus)
    2. Matthew 10:29-31 golden mums(chrysanthemum morifolium)
    3. Jeremiah 15:16 the maple leaf(acer rubrum)
    4. Philippians 3:8-9 the elm leaf(ulmus hallandica)
    5. Luke 2:19
    6. Salmos(psalms) 66:1
    7. Hebrews 12:22-24

    Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16 states that we are a temple of god and the spirit of god dwells within us, so the spirit of god could dwell within the chicken or the plants. matthew chapter 10 verses 29-31 states that god notices everything from sparrows to humans this ties into the logos of the week because this shows god notices everything and anything including the logos of the week. Philippians capter three verse 8-9 talks about every thing is a loss no matter what or who it is. this states every thing matters. alexe alexander

    1. Some good interpretations!
      Watch typos!
      Keep thinking!

  31. Lectio divina 1 was- 1 Corinthians 3:16
    Lectio divina 2 was-
    Lectio divina 3 was- Jeremiah 15:16
    Lectio divina 4 was- Philippians 3:8-9
    Lectio divina 5 was- Luke 2:19
    Lectio divina 6 was- Salmos 66:1
    Lectio divina 7 was- Hebrews 12:22-24
    Logos of the week 1 was- Quacko
    Logos of the week 2 was- Chrysanthemum morifolium
    Logos of the week 3 was-
    Logos of the week 4 was- lasionycteris noctivagans

    The scripture verses and nature pictures tie together because they all tie together with religion. They are related because they all connect to jesus christ. They help a hayesman connect more with religion and jesus to show them religion equals relationships.

  32. Edgar Guzman Reyes
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion Period 7
    October 24,2017

    7 Lecto Divinas:
    #1 Corinthians 3:16
    #2 John 2:5
    #3 Jeremiah 15:16
    #4 Phillipians 3:8-9
    #5 Luke 2:19
    #6 Salmos 66:1
    #7 Hebrews 12:22-24

    Three Logos of The Week
    The 1st “Logos of The Week”- Quako
    The 2nd “Logos of The Week”-What is the relationship between a golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ)
    The 3rd “Logos of The Week”-What is the relationship between a silvered bat and Jesus Christ?

    Explain how the scripture verses and nature pictures put together? How are they related? What theme do they create?

    Scripture versus and nature pictures tie together because they use things in nature to show how they are the same. For example a chicken and Jesus Christ, the chicken escaped the Poultry and 680 Grand Concourse and took refuge on the Hayes front lawn. They help a hayesman because we can take these examples and learn from them and develop into the man we are called to be.

  33. The Seven Lectio Divinas are choose, take, read, find, focus, experience, and communicate. One logos of the week is Quako, Ecotone, and feast of the guardian angel. These scripture verses and nature pictures tie together by finding the mean of Quako or Ecotone and focusing what these scriptures mean. They are related by focusing the meaning of these photos and actually reading/analyzing these photos. The theme they create are the experiences of these photos and how we focus on them and actually read them. This helps a Hayesmen by the pictures being memorable to a hayesmen. Avian Bracero Period 8

  34. Dathan Coplon 10/23/17

    1:FIND A QUIET PLACEFind a quiet place that is free from interruptions. Adjust to a comfortable position and quietyourself before God. Take a slow, deep breath. Slowly and deliberately release the breath. Godsays in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God." Again, take a slow, deep breath. Slowlyand deliberately release the breath.
    2: FOCUSING PRAYER Take a slow, deep breath before each sentence of the prayer. Slowly and deliberately release the breath while praying:Lord, purify and restore my inner thoughts and desires.Fill my thoughts and desires with you.Strengthen me to always love and serve you in all that I do.
    )Read or recite a designated scripture selection two or more times in a row. For example:Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souland with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. (Matthew22:37–38)
    )Reflect on a special word or phrase that caught your attention from the reading. Deliberatelythink about the word or phrase. Let the word or phrase mingle with your thoughts, feelings,experiences, hurts, and aspirations.
    )Respond to God. Thank God for something, or make a godly declaration, or pray for a need of yours, or pray for a need of others.
    )Surrender all thoughts and feelings to God while resting and basking in God's love. Let Godtransform you for divine purpose.
    7: OPTIONS AFTER DIVINE READINGAfter resting in God's love, say, "Lord, Thank you for your love and your work in my life”.

    These scriptures verses and nature pictures tie together by, they were created by God’s image and they’re related because God made them smilier in different ways

  35. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog

    7 lectio divinas
    1. corinthians 3:16
    2.Jeremiah 15:16
    3.Philippians 3 8-9
    4. Luke 2:19
    6. Solmos 66:1
    Logos of the week
    2.Golden mums plant
    3. Bat

    These scripture verses and pictures tie together because nature can relate to the scriptures. They connect because Jesus created all of them. They create the theme that everything happens for a reason

  36. The first lectico divina is Corinthians,the second lectico divina is Matthew 10:29-31,the third lectico divina is Jeremiah 15:16,the fourth lectico divina is Philippians,the fifth lectico divina is Luke 2:19 and the 6 lectico divina is Adamad a dios con alegria,todo la Tierra cantas la Gloria de su nonbre,and the seventh lectico divina is Hebrews.
    The first logo of the week is Quacho and the second logo of the week is Flowers and the third logo of the week is sliver bat.

  37. Samuel Obeng
    Brother Sherlog
    October 25, 2017

    The God of Second Chance
    Lectio Divinas of the year:
    1) 1 Corinthians 3:16
    3) Jeremiah 15:16
    4) Philippians 3: 8-9
    5) Luke 2:19
    6) Salmos 66:1(Psalm 66:1)
    7) Hebrews 12:22-24

    Logos of The Week:
    1) “Quako”
    2) The relationship between golden mum plants and Jesus
    3) The relationship between a silver haired bat and Jesus

    All these scripture verses and logos on nature all have things related because they have to do with God. God created nature and everything that is on this earth, which connects to the Logos’ of the week, due to the subject of things that are in nature. Also, the lectio divinas connect to the logos because they both talk about creation and how creation is a precious thing created by God. It also makes a Hayesman cherish the thing that is life and you should be proud that you are also a creation of God.

  38. Obinna Anyikwa
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog

    The seven Lectio Divinas are Corinthians 3:16, Matthew 10:29-31, Jeremiah 15:16, Philippians 3:8-9, Luke 2:19, Salmos 66:1, and Hebrews 12:22-24. The 3 logos of the week are about Quacko, the Maple and Elm Tree leaves, and the Golden Mums plant. While reviewing the seven Lectio Divinas and Three Logos of the Week, I noticed something rather outstanding. Each scripture verse and nature picture tied together. The scripture verses explain a nature picture. For example, when Quacko, a chicken that, stumbled upon CHHS property, he seem unbothered by the new environment. As stated in Lectio Divina 1, we are a temple of God, and the spirit of God dwells within us. The chicken is the creation of God, and so are we. In a way, Quacko is part of the Hayes family. This revelation creates the theme of Family, which essentially sums up the Hayes brotherhood. These specific Scripture verses help a Hayesman by allowing him to enter a deep exegesis, and to chew them with the teeth of his mind.

  39. These seven Lectio Divinas and four Logos tie together because through them, the presence of Jesus and God can be discovered. In all seven Lectio Divinas, Jesus and God are either mentioned or can be discovered in the scripture through exegesis and if chewed “with the teeth your mind.” God is found in the four Logos of the Week since they are about His creations, including a chicken, golden mums plant, maple leaf, and an elm tree. Also, the logos involve the celebration of the day before all saints day, for people who have been guided by Him to try and live a holy and pure life like Jesus. The theme they all create is that in different ways, whether it be through nature, scripture, or celebrations, that God can be recognized anywhere and his presence is in everything. Even though all the Lectio Divinas and Logos are uniquely different, He can still recognized if analyzed deeply. Lastly, all of these can help a Hayseman to become a better Hayesman. To become a better Hayesman is to become more loyal, respectful, faithful, and to follow the steps of Jesus Christ.

  40. Miguel A. Berrios-Serrano
    Religion 10
    Br. Sherlog
    October 25, 2017

    The following are the Seven Lectio Divinas which we have read/prayed.
     Corinthians 3:16
     Matthew 10:29-31
     Jeremiah 15:16
     Philippians 3:8-9
     Luke 2:19
     Salmos 66:1
     Hebrews 12:22-24

    The first logo is QUACKO. The second logo is GOLDEN MUMS PLANT (Chrysanthemum morifolium). The third logo is TWEET.
    The scripture verses and the nature pictures are tied together by Jesus. The verses talk about joy, sorrow and relationships. They are related because the animals and plants in the nature pictures also go through joys and sorrows. For example, look how Tweet just flew into the room at that exact moment, teaching us a lesson. Then how sad it was that he slammed into the window and was hurt. Plants bring us that same joy as we watch them grow and the sadness we feel when it dies. We need as disciples of Jesus to do what we can to keep our Earth a good place for not just people but for animals and plants. Earth is the temple for plants and animals as church and Hayes is our temple.
    As a Hayesman, it is our responsibility to take care of our temple and those gifts from God around us.

  41. Bryan Banfield
    Religion 9 Per.2
    26 October 2017

    The seven lectio divinas are;1 Corinthians 3:16, Psalms 3:7, Jeremiah 15:16, Luke 2:19, Salmos 66:1, Hebrews 12: 22-24 and Philippians 3:8-9 and the three Logos were the chicken, plant, and the elm and maple leaf. The Scripture verses and nature tie together through Sacred Tradition and Scripture. These two go “hand in hand” or together with each other so well because without one there can not be another. The theme ultimately created is that all objects of creation do breathe, they are the breath and living word of God’s control and Jesus’ wisdom throughout Earth. As a Hayesman this idea is supposed to help provide evidence for our essential question for religion class to understand why does“rel = rel” or Religion equals relationships. The essential question would have to be Jesus’ “But who do you say I am?” which their is no right or wrong answer for but a true understanding of self and situation.

    1. You touch upon breath, living word and the Word.

  42. Jonathan Jenkins
    Religion 9
    Brother Sherlog

    Lectio Divinas:
    1. 1 Corinthians 3:16
    2. Matthew 10:29-31
    3. Jeremiah 15:16
    4. Philippians 3: 8-9
    5. Luke 2:19
    6. Salmos 66: 1
    7. Hebrew 12:22-24

    1. Quacko
    2. Golden mums plant
    3. Fall leaves

    These scriptures and nature pictures tie together because they both have a connection with Jesus. The scriptures and nature pictures are related because they both have the same morals. The theme that they create is to follow my own path. They help a Hayesman by teaching him how to become a man.

  43. The Seven Lectio Divinas :#1 is Corinthians 3:16 #2mathew10:2931 #3jeremiah15:16 #4Phillipians3:8-9 #5Luke2:29 #6 Hayes celebration of Spanish heretage night #7 Hayesman prepare to celebrate all saints and Halloween Also the three logos of the week are #1 The chicken #2 the golden mums plant #3the maple leaf. The Seven Lectio Divinas and nature tie together because the chicken has to do wit the first Lectio and how we where being thankful to be alive number two is to see how anything we do can affect any life . The the third logo of the week shows that halloween is coming . They help a Hayes man because it gives us a different way to look at it .

  44. lectio divina #1
    Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

    lectio divina #2 matthew, how does the feast of saint

    lectio divina #3
    For a week that includes
    The Feast of Michael, Gabriel
    and Raphael, Archangels,
    Yom Kippur
    and the Feast of Saint Jerome.

    lectio divina #4 For a week that includes the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi

    leotio divina #5 Luke 2: 19
    For a week that includes the distribution of Rosary Beads
    The Rosary is simply “A Bible on a String!” Think about it!

    lectio divina #6 Hispanic heritage

    lectio divina #7 all souls halloween

    1 logos: This project was created in July at the University Of Notre Dame McGrath Institute in South Bend, Indiana.

    2 logos:What is the relationship between a golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ?

    3 logos: What is the relationship between a maple leaf (acer rubrum) and an elm tree leaf (ulmus hollandica) and Jesus Christ?

  45. Andres Cintron Period 2October 25, 2017 at 6:45 PM

    The scripture verses and nature all tie together because they are a reflection. All of the Logos are images of nature. All the scripture verses call us to appreciate all that the Lord has done for us. We are all God’s Creation and we need to appreciate God for creating us humans along with nature. As it says in Lectio Divina #3, we should devour the scripture in order to appreciate God’s creation. We should reflect as Mary did in lectio Divina #5 “And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” As God’s creation we should all praise God, and reflect/appreciate all that he has done for us.

  46. Jeremy Singh

    The seven Lectio Divinas are 1 Corinthians 3:16, Jeremiah 15: 16, Philippians 3: 8-9, Luke 2: 19, Salmos 66: 1, Matthew 8: 23-27 and Hebrews 12:22-24. The three Logos of the week were “Quacko”, “Chrysanthemum morifolium”, and “Acer rubrium”. These scripture verses and nature pictures tie together because they all involve religion. All the logos represent god’s creation that are all alive. The scriptures are sacred and deals with the gift of life. There is a relationship revolving god within these scriptures. A hayesmen can read these scriptures and use them to impact his life. They can make him a more insightful person really digging deep into the scripture.


  47. Amani Allen

    Br. Sherlog

    Religion 10

    October 26, 2017

    Second Chance Blog Assignment

    The seven lectio divinas that we have discussed this year so far are...

    1.Jeremiah 15: 16

    2.John 2: 5

    3.Philippians 3: 8-91

    4.Corinthians 3:16

    5.Luke 2: 19

    6.For a week when Hayes celebrates Hispanic Heritage

    7.Hebrews 12:22-24

    The three logos of the week that we have discussed is the chicken “Quacko” [Gallus Domesticus}, the Chrysanthemum, and the bats. These scriptures, verses, and nature pictures all tie together because they all tie together in the spirit of Jesus Christ and Halloween. The theme these scriptures, verses, and pictures create is that all things are created in the image of God[Imago Dei]. They help a potential Hayesman because they teach us god’s children that we should always treasure the bible as if they do with sports and etc. Also to praise God and Christ for his sacrifice for us.

  48. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    Logos #1 : What is the relationship between a chicken (gallus domesticus) and Jesus Christ?

    Logos #2 : The relationship between a golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus
    Logos #3 : For Halloween >>> What is the relationship between a silver haired bat (lasionycteris noctivagans) and Jesus Christ?
    Lectio Divina #1 : 1 Corinthians 3 : 16
    Lectio Divina #2 : Matthew 10 : 19-31
    Lectio Divina #3 : Jeremiah 15 : 16
    Lectio Divina #4 : Philippians 3 : 8-9
    Lectio Divina #5 : Luke 2 : 19
    Lectio #6 : For Hispanic Heritage Week : Salmos 66 : 1
    Lectio Divina #7 : Hebrews 12 : 22-24
    These lectio divinas and logos tie together because they show us that all life forms struggle. The common theme between the lectios and logos is that everyone must have a down fall before they are able to rise. This helps us Hayesmen because it teaches that life is not always easy and we have to struggle before we are able to succeed.

  49. Christopher Maldonado
    Brother Sherlog, CFC
    Religion 9H, Period 2
    25 October, 2017

    The seven lectio divinas are 1 Corinthians 3:16, Matthew 10: 19-31, Jeremiah 15:16, Philippians 3: 8-9, Luke 2: 19, Salmos 66: 1, and Hebrews 12: 22-24. The 3 logos of the week gallus domesticus, Chrysanthemum morifolium, and lasionycteris noctivagans. The logos and lectios are related because they all deal with suffering and living one’s life to the fullest potential. The theme the lectios and logos create are all livings come to an end, but we must work hard and make contributions before that happens. This can help a Hayesman by teaching us to think about the future and do as much as we can before our time is up.

  50. Isaiah Rivers
    Period 1

    Corinthians 3:16

    Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you .
    Lectio Divina #2
    Matthew 10:29-31
    “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
    Lectio Divina #3
    Jeremiah 15:16
    “When I found your words, I devoured them;
    your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart,
    Because I bear your name, Lord, God of host”
    Lectio Divina #4
    Philippians 3:8-9
    More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.
    Lectio Divina #5
    And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.
    Luke 2:19
    Lectio Divina #6
    Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra. Cantad la gloria de su nombre.
    Salmos 66: 1
    Lectio Divina #7
    Hebrew 12:22-24
    22 No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and countless angels in festal gathering, 23 and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven, and God the judge of all, and the spirits of the just made perfect, 24 and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently than that of Abel.
    The Second “ Logos of the Week”
    What is the relationship between a golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ?
    The Third “Logos of the Week”
    What is the relationship between a maple leaf (acer rubrum) and an elm tree leaf (ulmus hollandica) and Jesus Christ?
    The Fourth “Logos of the Week”
    What is the relationship between a silver haired bat (lasionycteris noctivagans) and Jesus Christ?
    All the scripture verses and nature pictures all tie into the first creation account. The elm tree connects to the third day of creation while the chicken and bat connect to the sixth day of creation. Corinthians 3:16 also focus on the sixth day saying that humans were made in God’s image. Corinthians 3:16 really shows us hayesman that we are all important because we have the temple of God inside us.

    1. Isaiah!
      Yes the Genesis story is deeper than it appears

  51. Jeffrey Santana Period 1
    Lectio Divina
    1. 1 Corinthians 3:16
    “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
    2. Matthew 10:29-31
    “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
    3. Jeremiah 15:16
    “When I found your words, I devoured them; your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart, because I bear your name, Lord, God of hosts”
    4. Philippians 3:8-9
    “More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.”
    5. Luke 2:19
    “And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”
    6. Salmos 66:1
    “Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra. Cantad la gloria de su nombre.”
    7. Hebrews 12:22-24
    “No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and countless angels in festal gathering, and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven, and God the judge of all, and the spirits of the just made perfect, and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently than that of Abel.”
    1. Quacko
    2. Golden mums plant (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
    3. Fall Leaves
    4. silver haired bat (lasionycteris noctivagans)

    These pictures and/or logos represents imago dei because all things are made in the image of G-d, Lectio #1 shows this by saying you are the temple of G-d and his spirit dwells in you. Logos shows us that even the littlest most overlooked things are made in the image of G-d. This shows how you are sacred and important because G-d is powerful and loved, and to have his presence in you is amazing. For example Lectio #6 shows how much we should praise G-d because he is glorious. This can help a Hayesman by helping him realize he is great and should be proud of who he is and what he believes. Another example of this is Lectio #2 because it shows how you may think G-d isn’t paying attention but he cares for everything even for a worthless sparrow, so to say, he even knows all the hairs counted on your head. As an exegete this tells me that G-d is watching and he knows all the little details because he cares. Lectio #3 & #5 can help a Hayesman learn to reflect and anticipate situations or anything in his everyday life. “Chew the scripture with the teeth of your mind.” It is important to consume information because you are being told the information to benefit you and if you don’t take it in you won’t be helping yourself. For example you must tolle lege which means take up and read, this is also just as important as devouring information that is told. Ultimately Lectio Divina and Logos can help a Hayesman see a whole new world and a different perspective to reading and information.

    1. Is there something that makes us distinctly Imago Dei! See Genesis. Great , wide-open perspective! Excellent

  52. Cardinal Hayes High School Ryan Napoleon
    Religion 9H October 2017
    Bro. Sherlog, CFC
    Lecito Divinas:
    #1 Corinthians 3:16 - Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells within you?
    #2 Matthew 10:29-31 - Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
    #3 Jeremiah 15:16 - When I found your words, I devoured them; your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart, Because I bear your name, Lord, God of hosts.
    #4 Philippians 3:8-9 - More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.
    #5 Luke 2:19 - And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.
    #6 Hispanic Heritage- Salmos 66:1 Aclamad a Dios can alegria, toda la tierra. Cantad la gloria de su nombre- Acclaim God with joy, all of the Earth. Sing the glory of his name.
    #7 Hebrews 12:22-24 - No, you have approach Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the countless angels in festal gathering, and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven, and God the judge of all, and the spirits of the just made perfect, and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently than that of Abel.

    Logos of the Week:
    #1 Quako (gallus domesticus)- What is the relationship between a chicken (gallus domesticus) and Jesus Christ?
    #2 Golden mums (Chrysanthemum morifolium)- What is the relationship between golden mums (Chrysanthemum morifolium) and Jesus Christ?
    #3 Maple leaf (acer rubrum) and elm tree leaf (ulmus hollandica)- What is the relationship between a maple leaf (acer rubrum) and an elm tree leaf (ulmus hollandica) and Jesus Christ?
    #4 Silver haired bat (lasionycteris noctivagans)- What is the relationship between a silver haired bat (lasionycteris noctivagans) and Jesus Christ?

    The Lecito Divinas and Logos tie together in the aspect of Imago Dei. The Scripture verses pertain to actions of God including his words and creations. God created everything in his image which includes nature and all the things in it living and non-living. The Scripture verses and Logos both teach lessons each pertaining to their own specific idea. For example, Logos 3 is to remind us of death and how precious our time is. The Logos uses nature and the season of fall to express this idea. A Hayesman can use these lessons to grow spiritually and intellectually on their way to becoming a man. We are male by birth and men by choice and the Lecito Divinas and Logos can help on this journey

  53. Oluwagbohunmi OyebodeOctober 26, 2017 at 5:05 AM

    Lectio Divina #1- 1 Corinthians 3:16-Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
    Lectio Divina #2- John 10:10b-I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.
    Lectio Divina #3- Jeremiah 15:16-When I found your words, I devoured them;
    your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart, Because I bear your name,
    Lord, God of hosts.
    Lectio Divina #4- 4 Philippians 3:8-9-More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having any righteousness of my own based on the law but that which comes through faith in Christ,the righteousness from God, depending on faith.
    Lectio Divina #5- Luke 2:19-And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.
    Lectio Divina #6- Salmos 66:1-Aclamad a Dios con alegría, toda la tierra.

    Lectio Divina #7- Hebrews 12:22-24- but ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable hosts of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better than that of Abel.
    Logos of the week #1- Quako.
    Logos of the week #2- The relationship between a Chrysanthemum morifoliums and Jesus Christ?
    Logos of the week #3- ?
    Logos of the wekk #4- What is the relationship between a silver haired bat and Jesus Christ?

  54. quako tree bat Tom 6 Lectio divina do Ewangelii św. Mateusza przedstawia sekcję narracyjną piątej mowy Jezusa – Mowy eschatologicznej (rozdz. 19,1 – 22,46). Sekcja narracyjna tej piątej mowy jest dość obszerna. Przedstawione są w niej dwa stanowiska ludzi wobec Jezusa, głoszącego nadejście królestwa Bożego: ludzi, którzy chętnie za Nim podążają i którzy są przez Niego obdarzeni darami uzdrowienia i mądrości, oraz ludzi, którzy z trudem rozpoznają w Nim proroka, a tym bardziej Mesjasza, dochodzą wręcz do nienawiści do Niego i wyeliminowania Go fizycznie. Właściwa Mowa eschatologiczna znajduje się w rozdziałach 24 i 25. Jezus poucza apostołów o tym, co ma nastąpić w czasach ostatecznych. Zostanie ona omówiona w kolejnym tomiku lectio divina (7). they all relate to god they breathe because god crated them.

  55. Justin leon per 8 10/26/17
    lectio divina
    1.Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you .
    2.John 2: 5 Do whatever he tells you!
    3.Jeremiah 15: 16
    Our exegesis of the curing of the demoniac(s) encourages us to ask for help.
    4. Philippians 3:8-9
    More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.
    6.salmos 66.1
    7.prepare to celebrate halloween all saints day.

    2.what is the relation of a golden mums and Jesus

  56. Jeremiah Johnson
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9 Honors | 1D | Period 2

    The Seven Lectio Divina we have studied this year are
    Lectio Divina #1
    Corinthians 3: 16
    This scripture states that you are the temple of God, and us being the temple; the spirit dwells in our bodies. This means that God is always with us, and that we are a temple for God’s glory.

    Lectio Divina #2

    Lection Divina #3
    Jeremiah 15: 16
    This scripture is about devouring the scriptures. This can be referred as exegesis, or reading into the scriptures, analyzing what the text means in an allegorical and anagogical sense. We can devour the scriptures in an eisegesis sense also, or understanding how the text makes us feel.

    Lectio Divina #4
    This scripture represents that Paul and Timothy know that everything is rubbish and useless due to their supreme knowing and love of Jesus Christ. They want to gain Christ, which is possible because they are a temple of God. Additionally, they believe that only righteous comes from the faith in Christ, not their own based on the law.

    Lectio Divina #5
    Luke 2: 19
    The scripture states that Mary kept what the Shepherds said that the infant in her hands, Jesus is the Messiah and Lord, she also received the message; “Glory to God in the highest / and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” This represents that she took the message and represented the message in her heart, knowing that the child in her hands will be the Lord and Savior of the world.

    Lectio Divina #6
    Salmos 66:1 or Psalm 66: 1
    This scripture is about a song praising God and how powerful and gracious he is. God is described as awesome and that his eyes are fixed upon nations, hinting that when he is watching over nations no rebellions with ever rise under his omnipotence.

    Lectio Divina #7
    Hebrews 12: 22-24

    Logos of the Week #1
    A chicken or scientifically known as the gallus domesticus

    Logos of the Week #2
    Golden Mums Plant scientifically known as chrysanthemum morifolium

    Logos of the Week #3
    Maple tree scientifically known as acer rubrum
    Elm Tree scientifically known as ulmus hollandica

    Logos of the Week #4
    Silver haired bat scientifically known as lasionycteris noctivagans

    The Lectio Divina and Logos are all connected because all creations of the Lord praise him, not only that everything must eventually die, nature will die, the lectio divinas will die and so will the logos, Additionally, all of God creations breathe, may it be the rocks on the ground, the animals that roam along with the humans on the Earth. In the scriptures of Luke 19: 40 it states “He said in reply, ’I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!’ ” This represents that indeed even the stones and rocks on the ground will cry and breathe. Not only that, but all of the things God create is a temple, further referenced by Psalm 150: 6, “Let everything that has breath give praise to the Lord!” This shows that since the rock breathes it is also a follower of God. This represents that all things follow God. It shows us that if a rock can be a temple for the spirit of God we have to follow the right and just to also be a example of a temple of God. They create the theme of letting God take control of your life, and sometimes letting all wait to take in nature around you and allow for some natural/divine revelation.

  57. Edgar, Steven, Asad, and Amoadou

    1. List the Seven Lectio Divinas come from 1 Corinthians, Matthew, Jeremiah, Philippians, Luke, Salmos and Hebrews .

    2. The four Logos of the Week that we have studied this year are Quako, the flowers, the leaves, Sliver Bat.
    3. Explain how these Scripture verses and nature pictures tie together.
    They connect God and nature

    4. How are they related?
    They all point to Jesus

    5. What theme do they create?
    The theme is that everything connects to God in some way.

    6. How do they help a Hayesman?
    The lectio helps us to become better exegetes. The Logos help us to go out and explore God’s creation.

  58. Justin Leon Giancarlo’s Grullon Jaylen Murray, r. J lynch, Souleymane sylla
    1 The Seven Lectio Divinas come from 1 Corinthians, Matthew, Jeremiah, Philippians, Luke,Psalms and Hebrews .
    2 Diancarlos/ temple
    3 Souleymane/ devour
    4 RJ/ heart
    5 Jaylen/ reflecting
    6 Justin/ sparrow

    2The four Logos of the Week that we have studied this year are Quako, Mums , the leaves,Batman.
    3 . Explain how these Scripture verses and nature pictures tie together.
    The scriptures explain how it works through stuff
    4. How are they related? They all point to Jesus
    5. What theme do they create? The theme is that everything connects to God in some way.
    6. How do they help a Hayesman? The lectio helps us to become better exegetes. The Logos help us to go out and explore God’s creation.
    7.We believe that Lectio teaches more than the Logos.

    8.Logos supports Lectio !
    9.Natural revelation supports divine revelation.
    10. Whatever humanizes divinizes!
    11. We are Imago Dei!

  59. Rasheem Lee HW
    Lectio Divinas :
    1. Jeremiah 15: 16
    2. Matthew 10:29-31
    3. Philippians 3:5-9
    4. Corinthians 3:16
    5. Hebrews 12:22-24
    6. Psalms 66:1
    7. Luke 2:19

    Three logos of the week:
    1, Quako /gallus domesticus
    2. Golden mums plant
    3. Batman lasionycteris noctivagans

    L + L = 16.15
    We could learn who Jesus is in two ways.
    The two ways are through the scripture and through nature.
