Saturday, October 14, 2017

Period 7 Exegetes: Adam and Eve

Read Genesis 2: 15-16. Then read Genesis 3: 1-3.
What is the kushiyah?
What were Adam's intentions?
Is he to be blamed?
What lessons might we learn from Adam?
Your answer becomes the midrash!


  1. The Kushiyah of Genesis 15-16 and Genesis 1-3 was that the serpent convinced Eve that it was okay to eat from the tree of "Knowledge of good and evil" and then Eve tried to convinced Adam that it was also okay to eat from the tree. Adams intentions were to avoid Eve from committing sin. No, Adam is not to be blamed. The lesson we might learn from Adam is to never be naive.- Avian Bracero

  2. Tylik McCullum

    brother sherlog not sure how to answer these questions but I read the scriptures and used the bible and this is how I got them

    kushiyah is the act of being afiraid or doing something harsh with nobel action.

    adam intentions were to eat from the trees god told him to eat from but eve, adams wife was persuaded by this serpent to eat the fruit.

    adam is to blame because it was his one job to do and he failed when his directions were clear to him. simultaneously, he was tricked so it wasn't his intentions to disobey god but it still happened.

  3. Kushiyah is to not touch the apple from the tree of knowledge. Adam's Intentions was to tell eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Adam shouldn't blamed because he ate was not the first to eat from the tree first, Eve eat the apple first and Adam followed along. We learn that we should think before we do something, listen to what others say, and see how we benefit and don't from what we do. Julian Garcia Period 7

  4. 1. A kushiyah is a problem in the text.
    2. Adams intentions were to stop eve fromm eating the fruit.
    3.i don't think adam is to be blamed for what he did.
    4. the lesson we can learn from this is not to put words in others mouth. that may be the reason why eve ate the fruit, when adam said not to touch or eat the fruit that could be why eve might've ate the fruit what adam said could've tempted her. alexe r. alexander

  5. 1. The Kushiyah are the problems with the text

    2. Adam's intention were to eat the fruits of the trees in the garden.

    3. He is not to be blamed because God didn't say exactly what the snake said to Adam

    4. The lessons we may learn from Adam is to listen to the person that says the truth.

  6. christian guzman period 7

    The kushiyah is a challenging question or it is something hard or difficult. Adams intentions were to not touch the apple and to tell Eve to not even touch it which was wrong God told him to not eat it. He was not really blamed because it was the snake or the devil who told them to not do it and she tempted eve and she told Adam. The lessons that we could learn from Adam are to not be tempted and to listen.

  7. Kaevon kontosis- Adams intentions were to keep the fruit away from her so she wont want it more. No adam is not to be blamed he didnt want her eyes to be widen so he tried to help but the woman never listened.some lessons we can learn from adam is that you should listen to people who have good intentions for you because there here to help not get you in trouble

  8. 1.The Kushiyah in Genesis 3:1-3 is that there not sure if they should eat the fruit or not.2. Adams intentions are to eat the fruit.2.The serpent is to blame because it told them that if they eat the fruit they will be able to see good and evil.3. The lesson you learn from this is that if some one tells you do something that you know is not right dont do it. Derrell Mcclain oct,20,2017
