Saturday, October 14, 2017

Period 1 Exegetes : The Temple and the Garden

That's me at the West Wall in Jerusalem.
1.When was the Second Creation Account written?
2. Remember the Babylonian Exile was the sitz-in-lebem for the First Creation Account.  What do we mean by sitz-in-lebem?
3. What happens in  Genesis 3: 23-24?
4. What happens in   1 Kings 11: 4-6?
5.What do we mean by "Speaking truth to power?'
6. Literally, what was the original sin?
7. In the spiritual sense what does this original sin represent?


  1. Henry Castillo
    The Jewish People were held captive by the Persians. They suffer intense labor, Hardships and even some lost their faith. Sitz in Lebem means the setting of the story. God Banned adam and eve for sinning against god and disobeying. Solomon followed his wife and sinned against god by worshiping a other god. Tell the truth and you will see the real power. The First Sin commited by adam and eve our founding parents. The sin we are born with because the the disobedience of adam and eve

  2. 1. a kushiyah is the problem in the holy scripture.
    2. adams intentions was to stop eve from eating the fruit.
    3. I don't think adam should be blamed he just made a normal human mistake.
    4.the lesson we can learn is to never put words in others mouths. alexe alexander

  3. 1.the second creation account was written sometime before Christ.

    2. we mean the setting Genesis 3: 23-24 Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of eden because of their original sin.

    4. in 1 kings 11:4-6 solomon got expelled from the temple, because of his sins.

    5. speaking truth to power means you stand up for whats right no mater the situation or consequence

    6. the original sin was adam and eve disobeying God and eating from the tree of life, making them realize there nakedness, the devil tricked them into thinking that if they ate from the tree they would be like God.

    7. spiritually, original sin represents the separation bewtween God and man.

  4. Isaiah Rivers

    1. The second creation account was written B.C times.
    2. Sitz-im-leben means setting the stage.
    3. In Genesis 3:23-24 Adam and Eve are banished from the garden of Eden.
    4. In Kings 11:4-6 Solomon is exiled from the temple.
    5. “Speaking truth to power” means to speak about what you believe and do what you believe even if it is legal.
    6. The original sin was Adam and Eve eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, which disobeyed God.
    7.The original sin represents when humans fell from divine grace.

  5. The second creation account was written when Solomon was building the temple.The word sitz-in-lebem means the setting. God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and put a sword to guard the path to the garden, in Genesis 3:23-24. In 1 Kings 11:4-6, Solomon forgets about God and starts praising false gods.Speaking truth to power means saying the truth to someone that has greater power. Original Sin was created when Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God said not to eat. Original Sin represents the the suffering in the world.

  6. 1.We do not know when the second creation account was written

    2.Sitz-in-lebem means the setting of life

    3.God banished Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden

    4.God banished Solomon from the temple

    5."Speaking the truth to power" means speaking the truth on people that have a lot of power

    6.The original son is Adam and Eve disobeying god by eating the fruit that he told them not to eat

    7.The original sin represents the disobedience of humanity in a whole.

  7. Justin Suriel period 1 the second account was written when humanity came to earth.the word sitz in lebem means setting it can be historical setting or geographical setting of the story. in genesis 3:23-24 Adam and eve were banished from the garden of Eden because of original sin. in 1 kings 11:4-6 soloman gets expelled from the temple. speaking truth to power mean s like speaking the truth to someone wit a greater authority like god. the original sin was Adam and eve eating the forbidden fruit. original sin represents the temptation of humans.

  8. 530 BCE was about the time the Second creation account was written. setting in life is what the meaning of sitz-in-lebem is. in Genesis "So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken". In Chapter 1 Kings As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods.In My opinion Speaking truth to power means believing fully everything you protest or state and your standing up. The original sin was Adam and eve consuming the fruit from the tree.I think original sin it represents good and evil

  9. 1.In the early 1600s. 2. Babylonian Exile-God-Sciu-Cosmocentric. 3. Its when the man tried to become one of them. 4.As Solomon grew old his wives turned his heart after other gods. 5. What it means is Speak the truth from your heart. 6.The original sin was that the fall of men from Adam and eve. 7. This means in the name of god let there be light.
