Friday, November 3, 2017

Homo Viator - Period 1


1. Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas? Answer with a paragraph.

2. Define "homo viator."

3. Fully explain the graph.
     a.   Why is it circular and not linear?
     b.   What does the solid green line represent?
     c.   What does the black slash represent?
     d.  What does the dotted blue line represent ?

4. Create A Litany of Saints. Use five saints. Select saints that inspire you!
     Here is an example.

    Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us.
    Saint  Padre Pio, pray for us.
    Saint Gelasius, pray for us.
    Saint Gregory the Great, pray for us.
    Saint Maria Goretti, pray for us


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    1. jeffrey santanaNovember 7, 2017 at 8:11 PM
      Jeffrey Santana Period 1
      1. Saint Thomas Aquinas was born in the middle Ages. He was a Dominican Priest, a Theologian, a Philosopher and a Doctor of the church. He also made 5 logical proofs of Gods existence. He joined the Dominican order in secrete because of his family but he was caught so His family kidnap him and held him in a castle for a year to try and change his beliefs and even after he was released he went back to the Dominican monks.
      2. Homo Viator means Man on a journey or Man on a mission.
      3. A. The graph is a circle because we start and end on G-d, it’s a loop.
      B. The solid Green line represents our time here on Earth.
      C. The black slash is when we die
      D. The dotted blue line is when we try to reach G-d in the afterlife
      4. Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us
      Saint Martin de Porres, pray for us
      Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us
      Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us
      Saint Joseph, pray for us

  2. Justice Chalen

    1.)Saint Thomas Aquinas OP was an Italian Dominican friar, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church. St. Thomas Aquinas was born circa 1225 in Roccasecca, Italy. Combining the theological principles of faith with the philosophical principles of reason, he ranked among the most influential thinkers of medieval Scholasticism. He wa so important because he poroved the 5 reasons god was real they where
    1.the Argument from Motion;
    2.the Argument from Causation;
    3.the argument from contingency;
    4.the argument from degree;
    5.the teleological argument ("argument from design").

    2.)“homo viator,” which translates to “man on the journey.

    3.) a. It is circular because we start with God we are just finging out way back to him
    b. The line on the circle is green because it represents our time on earth
    c. The black slash line is representing the pass of a human
    d. it is purgatory a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven.

    4) St. Peter, pray for us.
    St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
    St. Joseph, pray for us.
    St. Luke, pray for us.

  3. Justin suriel

    1. saint Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican theologian. he was one of the most influential medieval thinkers of Scholasticism, and was the father of the Thomistic school of theology.

    2. homo viator means Man on the Way

    3.the graph is circular because life is a loop starting from god and ending with god. the solid green on the graph represents our life and the black slash represent our end in life. the dotted blue represents our life in purgatory heading to god.

    4. saint francis of assisi pray for us
    saint Mary pray for us
    saint Gabriel pray for us
    saint Miguel pray for us
    saint Teresa pray for us

  4. 1.saint thomas aquinas was a middle age dominican priest. He was a theologian and was considerd a doctor of the church. He is also considerd the father of thoism, in which he argued that reason is found in God.He is a model teacher for those studying priesthood. he is considerd one of the dozen greatest philosophers of the western world.

    2. homo viator means man on a journey or man on a mission.

    3.a) the graph is circular not linear because life is a cycle and not a timeline.
    b) the solid green line represents a persons lifetime.
    c) the black slash represents the end of a persons life.
    d) the dotted blue line represents a persons after life , and their journey on their way back to God.

    4. saint Paul, pray for us
    saint peter, pray for us
    saint joseph, pray for us
    saint francis of assisi, pray for us
    saint thomas aquinas, pray for us

  5. Ramon Liriano
    Religion 10
    November 12th, 2017

    Philosopher and theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas was born circa 1225 in Roccasecca, Italy. Combining the theological principles of faith with the philosophical principles of reason, he ranked among the most influential thinkers of medieval Scholasticism
    Homo-Viator - A man on a journey
    The circle represents the circle of life. The green line can possibly represents our human form life span. The black slash represents the mark where we die, and the blue is our soul as we come close to the dot where God is in Heaven.
    Saint Paul - Pray for us
        Saint Jerome - Pray for us
        Saint Mary - Pray for us
        Saint Tobit - Pray for us
        All the men and women whose souls are at peace - pray for us

  6. 1.
    2.homo viator means a man on a mission or a man on a journey
    3.its a circular line because its a cycle
    B) the solid green line means our life on earth
    c)the black slash represents our death or the day we leave this earth
    d)the dotted blue line means our afterlife journey
    saint Luke, pray for us
    saint Mark, pray for us
    saint Jerome, pray for us
    saint John the Baptist, pray for us

  7. Isaiah Rivers
    Period 1

    1.)Saint Thomas Aquinas was known as a theologian. A theologian were known as doctors of the Church. Thomas was born in the middle ages and had his own philosophies and proofs for the existence of God. For example he believed there needed to be a first mover to start creation.
    2.)Homo viator means “Man on a journey”.
    3.)A. The graph is circular because we start our journey with god and end off our journey coming back to God.
    B. The solid green line represents our life on Earth.
    C. The black slash represents our death on Earth.
    D. The dotted blue line represents our time in purgatory.
    4.) Saint Tobit, pray for us
    Saint Moses, pray for us
    Saint Francis,pray for us
    Saint Jeremiah,pray for us
    Saint Mark, pray for us

  8. Amani Allen
    Br. Sherlog
    November 12th, 2017
    Saint Thomas was a Dominican saint. Homo Viator means man on a mission. The graph is circular and not linear because life is a reacurring cycle that has a beginning and end for all. The solid green line represents how much of life we have experienced and our life spand all the way up until our time comes to pass away. The black slash represents the end being death for one after they’ve lived their life. The dotted blue line represents purgatory and the road to heaven.
    Saint Thomas, pray for us
    Saint Tobit, pray for us
    Saint Ignatious, pray for us
    Saint Luke, pray for us
    Saint Matthew, pray for us

  9. Jaequan Williams
    Period 1

    1.St.Thomas Aquinas was a Italian Dominican priest, doctor of the church. He was an influential philosopher, theologian and jurist. He was also know as the Doctor of Angelicus and the Doctor of Communis.

    2.Homo viator means man on a journey or man on a mission
    3. It is circular because he is in a bubble

    The solid green line represents God

    The slash represents line between god a humanity

    The dotted blue line represents humanity

    4.St.Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

    St.Francis, pray for us.

    St.Mary, pray for us.

    St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us

    St. Patrick, pray for us

  10. 1.) Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican saint .
    2.)man on a mission
    3a.)life is a circle
    3b.)our life
    3c.)the end of your life
    3D.)purgatory on your way to heaven
    4.) Saint Jerome
    Saint Joseph
    Saint peter
    Saint ignatius
    Saint Teresa

  11. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a dominican priest . Homo viator is your jorney to heaven . Thr graph is circulsr because it revolves around god. The life of the human. When you made it to heaven and the blue is your jorney to heaven .
    Saint joseph pray for us
    Saint john pray for us
    Saintvincent pray for us
    Saint Aquinas pray for us
    Saint jeffrry pray for us

  12. This is Giovani Clarke.
    Saint Thomas Aquinas was Dominican philosopher and a doctor of the church. He spread new ideas about natural laws to inspire the Catholic Church.They regard him as a saint and are thankful for the things he taught.Therefore Saint Thomas Aquinas was a great role model.

    2. Homo viator is man on a mission
    3. The line is circular because it’s us trying to get to God.
    4. The green line is our life on earth.
    5. The black line represents death.
    6. The blue dotted line is us after death which is purgatory. Purgatory is a place of purification.
    These are my saints
    Saint Mary, pray for us.
    Saint Job, pray for us.
    Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
    Saint Matthew, pray for us.
    Saint Luke, pray for us.

  13. 1.St Thomas Aquinas was a Italian and Dominican catholic priest. he was a doctor of the church and a philosopher. He taught people things and they were very thankful. 2.Homo viator means a traveling man on a mission. 3.It is a circle because it our way of going back to god. 4.The green line represents our life. 5.The black line represents our death. 6.The blue dots represents is purgatory where we tried to becpme pure.
    St Mary,pray for us.
    St Tobit,pray for us. St Jerome,pray for us. St Thomas Aquinas,pray for us. St Job,pray for us.
    Jayron Paula


  14. 1. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican philosopher and also a priest. Saint Thomas was also an inspiration to the church. He was also a good representation of the church.

    2. Homo Viator means man on a mission or a man on a journey which i would say is life

    3. Fully explain the graph.
    a. The Graph is circular in my opinion because of tolle lege we are around god and we take up and read.
    b. The green line represents natural revelation and grass is green just like the line which involves nature.
    c. The Black slash represents a humans death.
    d. The dotted blue line i think the after life from life to back on earth

    4. Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
    Saint Ignatius Loyola, pray for us.
    Saint Mary, pray for us.
    Saint Jerome, pray for us.
    Saint Tobit, pray for us
