Monday, November 20, 2017

A Brother and a Mother - Period 4 Exegetes

List five interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assisi.
List five interesting facts about Mother Elizabeth Lange.
How are these two people similar?


  1. 2020337

    Nelson Lassalle November 24, 2017
    Cardinal Hayes High School Homeroom 2D

    Five interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assissi are:

    - His father wanted him to become a businessman.
    - He was a prisoner in a dungeon for a year until his father paid a ransom.
    - He and his followers travelled to Rome to get permission for their religious Order from the pope.
    - His basic rule was to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and follow His teachings.
    - He started an Order that was for men and women who did not have to take vows or leave their jobs.

    Five interesting facts about Mother Elizabeth Lange are:

    - She changed her name to Mary after becoming the first Superior of the Oblate Sister of Providence.
    - She opened a school for children in a rented house.
    - She suffered racial injustice.
    - She took action to meet the social, religious and educational needs of poor women and children.
    - She spoke French even though she was born in Cuba.

    Saint Francis of Assissi and Mother Elizabeth Lange are similar because they are both saints in the Catholic Church. Also, both dedicated their lives to helping the poor and bringing them into the Catholic Church.

  2. Christopher Olivera
    Religion 10
    Period 4

    1.List five interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assisi.
    a.Saint Francis left a life of luxury for a life devoted solely to Christianity.
    b.He is the Patron Saint of animal, merchants, and of the environment.
    c.Saint Francis was a prisoner of war.
    d.He designed the first Nativity set.
    e.Saint Francis was born in 1181 in Assisi, Italy.

    2.List five interesting facts about Mother Elizabeth Lange.
    a.Mother Elizabeth Lange was born in Santiago de Cuba.
    b.She is the founder of the Oblate Sisters of the Providence, which allowed African American woman to enter religious life of the Catholic Church.
    c.She was a highly educated woman before she moved to the United States.
    d.Mother Elizabeth Lange opened up a free public school for African American children in her hometown in the United States.
    e.She died on February 3rd, 1882.

    3.How are these two people similar?

    Saint Francis of Assisi and Mother Elizabeth Lange are similar because they are both inspirational people who devoted their lives to helping others around them through the work of the Catholic Church. They both left their luxurious and educated lifestyles behind them to follow a calling from God to help others in need. For example, Mother Elizabeth Lange left her native country of Cuba to further spread the Catholic religion and to educate poor African American immigrants in the United States. Saint Francis of Assisi left his wealthy lifestyle for a lifestyle of helping animals and the Earth around him.

  3. Saint Francis Of Assisi
    1) He was named after the people of France.
    2) He was a POW for a year.
    3) He was inspired by Matthew 10.9.
    4) Within a year, he had already gained 11 followers.
    5) He traveled to a Muslim Sultan, preached the Gospel, and challenged them to a trial-by-fire in order to prove the truth of Christianity.
    Mother Elizabeth Lange
    1) well-educated free black woman in a slave-holding state, also had money from her merchant father.
    2) She saw a need in educating children of Caribbean immigrants and slaves, a practice which was illegal at that time.
    3) Lange used her money and set up a school in her home with her friend, Marie Magdaleine Balas.
    4) Joubert presented Lange with a challenge to found a religious congregation for the education of black children.
    5) Lange and three other women pronounced promises of obedience to the Archbishop and the chosen superior.
    There are similar because they both helped people and try to change the environment so it can become unique. They both wanted to do what The Lord told them to do which was helping and looking out for others.

  4. saint francis-1. he was named after the French people which his father was a merchant who discovered a name which Francesco” means “Frenchman.2 he had seven other siblings including himself which is eight brothers and daughters.3 he was inspired by Jesus to spread the word of the lord and willing to help people.4 his body was hidden from invader who disturb the dead and do not let their spirits rest.5 his tomb was lost for years until I think their was a bunch of archeologist who found it and brought it home.
    Mother Elizabeth Lange-Santiago de Cuba this is where she was birthed into the world.2 Lange had taken a name sister Mary she became a new superior general in a new community.3 Lange took part in working as a domestic at St. Mary’s Seminary. How they are similar is that they both fight untl death to make sure that people are safe and that they are okay. They also spread the word of the lord spiritually and emotionally and give people hope and to give them no matter what that god is always on your side. Ethan Zayas

  5. Miguel A. Berrios SerranoNovember 29, 2017 at 6:16 PM

    Miguel A. Berrios-Serrano
    Br. Sherlog
    November 30, 2017

    5 Interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assisi
     Saint Francis loved animals and nature
     Saint Francis received the Stigmata 2 years before he died. These were the same wounds of Christ from the cross including his hands, feet and side.
     He was born of wealth but live a life of poverty.
     Saint Francis had visions from God.
     He was the founder of Order of Friars Minor

    5 Interesting Facts about Mother Elizabeth Lange
     She was the founder and 1st superior of the Oblate Sister of Providence
     Mother Elizabeth started a school for “colored girls”.
     She had a deep faith.
     Mother Elizabeth founded 1st black congregation in US.
     She began with 11 followers.

    What both St. Francis and Mother Elizabeth both had in common was their deep love and faith in God. They also both were founders of their orders with each having 11 members/followers. At the time before their death, they both were going blind.

  6. Miguel A. Berrios SerranoNovember 29, 2017 at 6:17 PM

    Miguel A. Berrios-Serrano
    Br. Sherlog
    November 30, 2017

    5 Interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assisi
     Saint Francis loved animals and nature
     Saint Francis received the Stigmata 2 years before he died. These were the same wounds of Christ from the cross including his hands, feet and side.
     He was born of wealth but live a life of poverty.
     Saint Francis had visions from God.
     He was the founder of Order of Friars Minor

    5 Interesting Facts about Mother Elizabeth Lange
     She was the founder and 1st superior of the Oblate Sister of Providence
     Mother Elizabeth started a school for “colored girls”.
     She had a deep faith.
     Mother Elizabeth founded 1st black congregation in US.
     She began with 11 followers.

    What both St. Francis and Mother Elizabeth both had in common was their deep love and faith in God. They also both were founders of their orders with each having 11 members/followers. At the time before their death, they both were going blind.

  7. Dathan Coplon

    1) St. Francis died oct 3 1226
    2) The feast was in oct 4
    3) Italian Roman Catholic friar, deacon and preacher.
    4) Full name is Francisco
    5) He was born in Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone

    1)Mother Mary Lange was an African American
    2) born in 1794 Santiago de Cuba
    3)died February 3 1882 Baltimore
    4) foundress of The oblate sisters of providence
    5) she allow African American women to enter religious life in the Catholic Church


  8. Saint Francis
    1. He was one of seven kids
    2. He was named after the people of France
    3. He was a Prisoner Of War for a year
    4. He was inspired by Matthew 10:9
    5. In a year he gained 11 followers

  9. 1) St. Francis died oct 3 1226
    2) The feast was in oct 4
    3) Italian Roman Catholic friar, deacon and preacher.
    4) Full name is Francisco
    5) He was born in Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone

    1)Mother Mary Lange was an African American
    2) born in 1794 Santiago de Cuba
    3)died February 3 1882 Baltimore
    4) foundress of The oblate sisters of providence
    5) she allow African American women to enter religious life in the Catholic Church

  10. Justin Cabrera
    5 facts about st. francis
    -St. Francis of Assisi died on October 1226 at the of 44 in Assisi
    -Francis cared for the poor and sick he preached sermons to animals and praised all creatures as brother and sisters under god
    -francs of Assisi born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernard one informally named as Francesco was an Italian roman catholic friar, deacon and preacher.
    -Francis devotion to god was expressed through his love for all god Francis cared for the poor and sick
    -Francis de sales was beatified in 1661 by pope Alex Ander vll who then canonized him four years.
    5 facts about mother Elizabeth Lange
    -African American religious sister who was the foundress of the oblate sisters of providence a religious congregation established to allow African American women to enter religious life in the catholic church.
    -she was born in Santiago de Cuba in a culturally French community about 1794.
    -African American in Baltimore Lange met a Sulpician priest James Nicholas joubert SS who was a native of France and a former solder.
    -on July 2 1829 Lange and three other women Marie balsa and an older student.
    Stfrancis and Elizabeth are the same they both meetthe needs of the poor throw of religus. And they both help there country

  11. Saint Francis of Assisi
    -Was a wealthy man of privilege
    -Served as a soldier and a prisoner of war
    -He was one of the most venerated saints of the Catholic saints
    -He designed the first nativity set
    -First man ever recorded to receive the stigmata

    Mother Elizabeth Lange
    -She used her own money to create a school
    -She has a group of schools in Baltimore named after her
    -She was born in Cuba
    -She helped the poor
    -She nursed a community back to help of the cholera outbreak

    They’re similar because both of them helped the world become a better place like how Saint Francis was in the war to help us live our lives and Mother Elizabeth helped the poor and people who were injured to live out their lives

  12. Edgar Montalvo 2E  
    This is my first religion class ever. This is my first time using a blog. So far the three top things I learned this year are lectio divina, Cardinal Patrick Hayes,  and the definition of a Hayesman. Lectio divina is reading the bible. Cardinal Patrick Hayes created a Catholic Charities to help the poor. A Hayesman is for God and country. With this knowledge I can go to church and be blessed by the Lord so he could protect me. Then I could help others.
    Like Saint Francis and Mother Lange I want to make the world a better place.
