Monday, November 20, 2017

Faith and Reason - Period 2 Exegetes

Albert Einstein and God

Click on Albert Einstein and God. Read the article

Create 10 questions that we can use in class that are based on the contents of the article.
This project is related to our dialogue about the ecotone.
Some of the questions can be very basic, lower order thinking skill questions.
Try to create at least three higher order thinking skills questions.


  1. Bryan Banfield
    Per 2 Exegete

    Question 1:Would Einstein's ideas in both theology and physiology improve if he had a better understanding of the Bible's theme?

    Question 2: “everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man.” What is the difference between this "universal spirit" and the Holy Spirit?

    Question 3: Which Bible stories do you think Einstein called childish, why?

    Question 4:“To sense that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense...I am a devoutly religious man.” Does this interpretation of God fit into the Agnostic, Deist, Atheist, or Pantheist category?

    Question 5: Is the criticism of the Catholic book of faith by Einstein a negative or positive thing for religious and scientific ecotone, why?

    Question 6: Would both Thomas Aquinas' book the Summa Theologica and Einstein's book be considered important books of knowledge for Catholicism why or why not?

    Question 7: Why do you think there is so much spectacle between Einstein's religious beliefs and his theories? What is the correlation between the two?

    Question 8:

  2. Question 8: How is Einstein's idea of faith flawed? What are the benefits to his idea.

    Question 9: Can both atheism and Christianity help each other maximize the "efficiency" of both religions.

    Question 10:Why does Einstein find the idea of a superstitious God childlike?

  3. Jose Torres, Period 2, 147 Exegetes, November 29, 2017:
    10 Questions on Einstein and God
    1. Why have biblical stories been considered childish by Einstein when some are very serious and complex?
    2. Why have scientists claimed that religious beliefs belong to children?
    3. Is God immanent or transcendent, or equally both?
    4. Did Einstein believe in God as a child?
    5. What is the ecotone between religion and science?
    6. Is there an ecotone between religion and science?
    7. How was the universe created, by God (religion) or by the Big Bang (science)?
    8. Should people side with scientists or followers of God?
    9. Are most scientists “antipathetic,” or against, religion?
    10.Since Einstein did not have an “adequate appreciation” for Sacred Scripture, can we trust him in his claims?

  4. Dhani Joseph
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9H

    Why didn’t Einstein believe in christianity?
    What made him believe the Bible stories were childish?
    What does “science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind” mean?
    How are religion and science similar?
    How are religion and science different?
    Why would Einstein have agreed that Christianity is a religious belief that belongs to the childhood of the human race?
    According to the article, how did Joseph Ratzinger prove God’s existence?
    Did Einstein ever believe in religion?
    What made him not believe in God?
    Does science prove religion?

  5. Oluwagbohunmi OyebodeNovember 29, 2017 at 4:22 PM

    1.Was Albert Einstein an atheist?
    2.Why did Einstein write that letter about dismissing belief in God?
    3.Why did he believe that the bible stories were childish?
    4.Where has this letter been since it was written?
    5.Did Einstein prove that God exists?
    6.Did Einstein believe that Gog was an immanent or transcendent figure?
    7.Did Einstein express his skepticism regarding the existence of an anthropomorphic God?
    8.Did Einstein believe in Cosmic Spirituality?
    9.Did certain scientific studies impact Einstein's belief in God?
    10.Why did Einstein use his scientific studies to determine if God was real?

  6. Obinna Anyikwa
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog
    1. What dramatic event(s) had caused Albert Einstein to convert to atheism?
    2. Why would a pope be so committed to changing the religious beliefs of others if us catholics believe in the freedom to allow others choose different faiths?
    3. What made atheism so popular during the 20th century?
    4. Did Einstein have physical proof that God does not exist?
    5. Had Einstein’s new perspective on the catholic faith been an accumulation of thoughts and feelings overtime, or had he changed his view all after one event?
    6. If atheism was not a popular concept during the 20th century, would Albert Einstein have remained a catholic? In other words, had atheism’s popularity influenced his decision?
    7. Had Charles Darwin’s “Evolution Theory” influence Atheism’s popularity during the 20th century?
    8. What did Einstein mean by “The stories in the bible are childish”?
    9. How do age and religion correlate, as stated by Saint Paul
    10. Could the rise of atheism be connected the traumatic events during the early 20th century?

  7. Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9H Per 2
    Why did Einstein wait so late in his life to believe God is not real?
    Why did Einstein claim the stories of the Bible are childish when he once believed and used them?
    How did Hitchens, Harrises and Dawkins influence Einstein’s belief on religion so much?
    Why did Einstein believe science is lame without religion, and religion without science is blind?
    Why do men believe that their is a superior being above us all when we have no proof?
    “To sense that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp.” What is this thing Einstein believed we cannot grasp?
    Does science need religion or does religion need science?
    Why did people even think about disregarding the beliefs of God in the first place?
    If God put humans on earth before ancient animals why is that dismissed even though people believe God is real?
    Which better explains the earth and everything that happens in it, science or religion?

  8. Cardinal Hayes High School Ryan Napoleon
    Religion 9H November 29, 2017
    Bro. Sherlog CFC

    10 Questions
    1.In what respect does Einstein see God as?
    2.How is science without religion lame?
    3.How is religion without science blind?
    4.Elaborate a pantheist view on Ratzinger’s proof?
    5.How does Einstein perceive the Bible?
    6.What religious group would Einstein fall into?
    7.“Homo viator,” means man on a mission. What was Einsteins mission?
    8.What was the purpose of Einstein's letter?
    9.Which saint does Einstein’s beliefs most correlate with?
    10.What was Joseph Ratzinger’s mission?

  9. Cardinal Hayes High School Ryan Napoleon
    Religion 9H November 29, 2017
    Bro. Sherlog CFC

    10 Questions
    1.In what respect does Einstein see God as?
    2.How is science without religion lame?
    3.How is religion without science blind?
    4.Elaborate a pantheist view on Ratzinger’s proof?
    5.How does Einstein perceive the Bible?
    6.What religious group would Einstein fall into?
    7.“Homo viator,” means man on a mission. What was Einsteins mission?
    8.What was the purpose of Einstein's letter?
    9.Which saint does Einstein’s beliefs most correlate with?
    10.What was Joseph Ratzinger’s mission?

  10. Christopher Maldonado
    Brother Sherlog, CFC
    Religion 9 Period 7
    29 November, 2017

    Why did Einstein drastically change his viewpoint on religion at the end of his life compared to his explanation in his book “What I believe?”

    Did Einstein write the letter at the end of his life because he discovered something no one else did, but did not share it with others because it was horrifying?

    If science and religion are not enemies, why do so many scientist dismiss the idea of God?

    If the bible is meant to be taken symbolically, has it ever been thought that God does not represent a being, but the the big bang or an event unknown that made the universe?

    Was Albert Einstein thoughtlessly saying the things about religion before the letter he wrote, so people would not discriminate against him?

    Did Einstein experience a sad event at the time he wrote this letter?

    Do people reject the idea of God because they can not see or because they refuse to believe in a being superior to humans?

    Was Einstein influenced by the holocaust when he wrote this letter about the stories in the bible?

    Is it possible that Einstein's remark was influenced by St. Pauls?

    How do science and religion relate to each other?

  11. Andres Cintron Period 2November 29, 2017 at 8:13 PM

    1. What was Einstein's outlook on religion?
    2. How does religion correlate to science?
    3.Why do yo think Einstein's beliefs changed from the time he wrote "What I Believe" to the time he wrote the letter?
    4. What does Einstein mean by "science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”?
    5. What was Pope Benedict XVI's argument for the existence of God?
    6.Why do you think scientists like Einstein don't believe in a God?
    7.Why do you think regular people don't believe in a God?
    8. Do science and religion go with or against eachother?
    9.What is a superstition?
    10. Do you believe in God? Why or why not?

  12. Samuel Obeng
    Religion 9 H
    Brother Sherlog
    November 29, 2017
    Albert Einstein and God

    When does the correlation of religion and science separate from one another?
    What makes people believe in religion and why do people depart from the belief or stay?
    What did Einstein think of God and Religion?
    Why do Atheist have different perspectives on the world?
    What do Atheist believe they came from?
    Do non-believers believe in science instead?
    Do people turn religious because of science?
    Do people become Atheist if they are ignorant?
    What makes people believe in God?
    If we believe in God, is that an advantage or a disadvantage?

  13. 1. Was Einstein serious about god?
    2. What were Einsteins religious beliefs?
    3. Did Einstein go to church?
    4. When was Einsteins letter written
    5. What does Einstein feel towards the bible?
    6. How did God affect Einsteins life?
    7. Who introduced God to Einstein?
    8. Why did Einstein change his beliefs?
    9. How in touch is Einstein with God?
    10. Was Einstein Baptized?
    - Tristin Fong

  14. Mamadou Diallo

    What is Albert Einstein's perspective on Jesus?
    Why did Albert Einstein change from Christianity to Agnostic?
    Why did Albert Einstein change from Agnostic to Atheist?
    What is his perspective on God in the beginning of his life?
    Did his parents restrict him from any other Religious beliefs?
    How did his parents react to his changing of religions?
    What could've possibly been the reason he changed religion?
    In what ways did christianity play roles in his life?
    Was Albert criticized for his decision?
    Why was he criticized?

  15. Jeremy Singh

    Why did Albert Einstein write a letter in which he dismissed belief in God as superstitious and characterized the stories in the Bible as childish at the end of his life? Why not earlier?

    What is his perspective on God at the beginning of his life?

    Why did atheists emerged rather aggressively in the popular culture?

    Do you think Albert Einstein praised god for his outstanding brilliance?

    “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind” what do you think this quote by Einstein mean?

    Why did it seem as religion was becoming more powerful than science? What do you think is more important?

    What do you think his family believed in?

    Who did Einstein agree with when he said the world in holding that religious belief belongs to the childhood of the human race?

    In 1930, Einstein composed a kind of creed what was it titled?
    Do you think Einstein was the greatest theoretical physicist of the last century?

  16. Jeremiah Johnson
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9 Honors
    30 - 11 - 2017

    Why did Einstein’s idea of “science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind change if he reflected on this in his early life?

    Was Einstein influenced on his religious views and possibly discouraged on Christianity as a whole, or d

    If Einstein was a devout Christian in his early life, he was a homo viator, so if he stopped believing Christianity does that mean he ended his journey?

    Did Einstein ever find any connection of evidence between religion and science.

    If Einstein ever read the Bible, what scripture did (he enjoy/would enjoy) the most?

    Has Einstein ever visited a church, or asked a priest/scholar of the church questions about the church?

    If Einstein was confused about the Church, why didn’t he ask the questions by asking a religious savant or attempt to pray to God for answers?

    If Thomas Aquinas was an intellectual, could Einstein relate to his ideas and concepts especially with Aquinas’ knowledge on modern philosophy, metaphysics, and political theory?

    Did Einstein ever have natural or divine revelation

  17. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    November 30 2017

    1. Why did Einstein dismiss believe in god?
    2.What made Einstein believe the stories were childish?
    3. Did Einstein believe religion and science were connected?
    4. Would Einstein be considered a deist?
    5. What is the complexity and multivalence of the bible’s symbolism?
    6. Did Einstein believe in science more or religion more?
    7. Was the letter not from Einstein?
    8. Can negative comments such as Einstein’s contribute to the growth of Catholic faith?
    9. Why did atheist emerge aggressive in the popular culture?
    10.What does Einstein have against primitive and superstitious forms of religion?
