Friday, November 3, 2017

Homo Viator- period 2

Write a one or two paragraph summary of our last class. Look at the other blogs I posted to review details. Be sure to make reference to All Souls Day and purgatory.


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  2. In our last class, we had a guest, Mr. Coffey, who was a Jesuit Scholastic, who helped teach us. We learned about St. Thomas Aquinas, who was the man who wrote the Summa Theologica, which was proof that God was indeed real. St. Aquinas also considered the Christian as “homo viator”, which meant a man on a mission. Mr. Coffey also drew us a circular graph with the only word there being God. The graph had to do with “homo viator”, Christians are men on a mission or a journey to find God, and that before we end that journey, we will eventually have to go to Purgatory, so we can be cleansed of our sins before we go to heaven. The only human to not have to go to Purgatory was Mary because she was essentially a sinless person, going through immaculate conception to give birth to Jesus. Mr. Coffey also referenced All Souls day, and how it can be thought of as the souls almost to the finish line of heaven, but we’re cheering for them on All Souls day so they can make it there.

  3. Obinna Anyikwa
    Religion 9H
    Brother Sherlog
    November 12,2017:
    The quintessential 147 Exegetes were paid a visit by Mr. Coffey. He informed us about the life of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Saint Thomas Aquinas’ famous philosophy is “homo viator,” which means man on a journey. We spoke about how important it is to cheer for the dead on their journey to heaven. Moreover, we also discussed the goal to enter heaven and a graph of a circle symbolizing life, death, purgatory, and heaven.

  4. Christopher Maldonado
    Brother Sherlog,CFC
    Religion 9 Period. 2
    12 November, 2017

    In our last class, Mr. Coffey visited and mentioned All souls day and purgatory. He drew a diagram which represented homo viator. The diagram contained a half circle which represented how close we can get to God while we are alive. After the circle came dots which represented purgatory. In purgatory we are able to get closer to God with the help of people praying for us. When we are cleansed of all our sins we go into heaven. In heaven, we have fully reached God and finished our mission. We also talked about St. Thomas Aquinas who is also known as the doctor of the church. He came up with the term homo viator which means man on a mission. He lived in the middle ages and was a dominican priest. St. Thomas Aquinas talked about how he saw God in nature. He also had theology relate with science and science relate with theology. He never blocked either one out and searched for how both support each other.

  5. Samuel Obeng
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9 H
    November 13, 2017
    Homo Viator
    In our lives as humans, we are homo viators, travelling man wandering around looking for the meaning of existence. In our religion class, a guest came to visit named Mr.Coffey, to teach us about homo viator. He draws a circle diagram that talks about the cycle between us humans and God. I think it means that we can discover God anywhere and when we do, He will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

  6. Jeremiah Johnson
    Religion 9 Honors
    Period 2

    On November 2, 2017 the adherent of Christ, Mr. Coffey told us about Saint Thomas Aquinas and his correlation towards All Saints Day. Saint Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Dominican friar which was a theologian, or a doctor of the church. Saint Thomas Aquinas believed all Christians are homo viator's, or a man on a journey, as we are taking a journey to reach heaven. All Saints Day correlates to this idea as all the saints which have reached heaven finished their journeys. When we pray for those who have passed during All Saints Day, we are cheering the saints on for finally finishing their journey and reaching God. All Saints Day inspires us that one day, we will finally finish our journeys and those praying for us especially our loved ones will be cheering us on as we reached our finish line to God. Nonetheless, even when we die following what God wanted to do in our lives, we still haven’t reached God as we have to go through purgatory. Purgatory is the immediate place people destined for heaven go to for a purification of their soul and mind. This purification allows you to be cleansed and then allowed into the house of God, where then you will become a saint and finish your journey.

  7. Andres Cintron The ExegeteNovember 12, 2017 at 4:28 PM

    On November 2nd, All Souls day, the theme of that class was purgatory. A special guest named Mr. Coffey came to teach my class a lesson about Saint Thomas Aquinas. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican priest during the middle ages and is considered a doctor of the church. St. Thomas Aquinas had a philosophy in which he called, “Homo Viator.” Homo Viator is latin for “man on a mission/journey.” St. Thomas Aquinas believed that we continue our journey to God in the afterlife. This journey to God in the afterlife is our purgatory. Purgatory is the penance for the sins that we commited in our life on earth. This journey was also represented by a circle, in which there is 75% completed then there is a cutoff with three dots left to reach God. The cutoff is the end of our life on earth and the three dots is our journey to God in the afterlife. Our journey to God is like a cross country race, and when we pray for the dead it’s like we are cheering them on in their race. All Souls day is a day dedicated to those on their journey to God in the afterlife.

  8. Bryan Banfield
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9 Per.2
    13 November 2017

    Within the previous class, Mr.Coffey created a discussion with us about St.Thomas Aquinas’ idea “Homo Viator” or man on a mission. The theme with “Homo Viator” is an incomplete circle signifying how close a person can be to God, with the shaded line expressing the person’s potential path on his own, and the dotted path symbolizing how far a person can potentially go with the help and prayer of the saints. An example of “Homo Viator” used in class was purgatory, on All Souls Day Christians pray for all the souls in purgatory undergoing purifications to enter the Kingdom of the Almighty I Am. Therefore, without the extra aid it would be much harder or maybe impossible for the circle or the souls to completely loop or enter heaven. The same idea goes for humans, without the aid of the saints we can never fully revelate as the image of God.

  9. Jeremy Singh

    In our last class Mr. Brendan Coffey came in and gave us a presentation. In his presentation he talked about many things including All Souls Day, purgatory, homo viator and Heaven. Purgatory is the state between death and heaven while homo viator is a man on a journey. In his presentation Mr. Coffey mentioned Saint Thomas Aquinas and his diagram. This diagram showed a man on a journey on going to heaven. It takes a while to get there and you reach heaven by people praying for you. On All Souls Day we pray for those who have died and we hope they reach heaven in perfect peace so they can pray for us as well.

  10. Stanley Harper
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion 9H
    13 November 2017
    The class with Mr. Coffey was about how we are all on a journey through life to make it back to god. We are cheering for the people have already passed and are on their way to god. They may already be there or they may be in purgatory. Purgatory is a state where people can be purified before entering heaven. All Souls day would be the day that we pray for the people have departed off the earth. We are hoping that someday they can complete their journey or mission to make it back to god.

  11. In November the period 2 Exegetes were visited by Mr. Coffee. He began to tell the class about Saint Thomas Aquinas and his life/beliefs. As class went on we then were introduced to this phrase,"homo viator," which means man on a mission. We learned how every soul is on a mission to God. Mr. Coffee used a drawing of a circle that had a portion of dotted lines that in the end lead back to the word God to show how man will always come back to God. The dotted portion of the circle represented purgatory which in essence is a state of preparation in which souls enter after death,based on a persons life,before entering heaven. On All Souls Day we remember the souls that are in heaven and those still trying to reach the Kingdom of God.

  12. Oluwagbohunmi OyebodeNovember 14, 2017 at 5:17 AM

    In our last class with Brother Coffey, we talked about Purgatory and All Souls’ Day. We talked about how 2 Maccabees 12:42-46 and 2 Timothy 1:16-18 are Sacred Scriptures that support ideas about Purgatory. We also talked about how Homo Viator which means man on a mission or man on a journey. The meaning of this is that we have to finish a journey to God in the afterlife. Furthermore, we talked about many Saints such as St. Thomas Aquinas who was a philosopher. We talked about the parts of the chapel that are connected to the Sacraments which were, Holy Water Fonts, Altarand Tabernacle, and the Repository of Sacred Oils.This is a Christian rite recognised as of particular importance and significance. Finally, we learned about the stained window and how it was based on the Sacred Scripture and tradition.

  13. Jose Torres, Period 2, 147 Exegetes, November 14, 2017:
    On November 2, 2017, the 147 Period Two Exegetes were visited by a Jesuit scholastic named Mr. Coffey. As a kind act from our exegete leader, Brother Sherlog, he invited Mr. Coffey to talk about the life of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the importance of prayers for the dead. My fellow brothers and I learned much more about the life and works of Saint Thomas Aquinas including the philosophy he named “homo viator,” or “man on a journey.” Additionally, we learned that we should pray and remember the dead to “cheer” for them on their journey to heaven. Furthermore, other aspects of religion were discussed including the quest to heaven in purgatory, All Souls Day and a graph of a circle representing life, death, purgatory, and heaven. In the upcoming weeks, my brothers and I will learn about how saints inspire us to become better Hayesmen on our journey.

  14. Jorge Perez
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion Per. 2
    November 10 2017

    On November 2 we were visited by Mr. Coffey. He talked to us about Thomas Aquinas and how we must pray for the dead in order for them to get to heaven. I also learned about a circle that represents life, purgatory, and heaven. Purgatory is a state after death before you go to heaven. That is where your sins get washed off in order to go to heaven. Finally, I learnt that all souls day is a day where we stop our busy lives and remember the dead.

  15. Jelani MarteNovember 12, 2017 at 3:34 PM
    Marte 1
    Jelani Marte
    Brother Sherlog
    Religion H Per 2
    In our class Mr. Coffey paid us a visit and gave us a walkthrough of purgatory and all souls day, which is Halloween. When teaching us he drew a diagram for us. The diagram was meant to represent homo viator, a man on a mission. St. Thomas Aquinas came up with this term. He is known as the doctor of the church and sees god in nature. He has related science and theology and does not dismiss any of the beliefs. The diagram was a circle but towards the closing end of the circle there were dotted lines which connected the circle. The part which was not dotted represented how close a man can get to god in his lifetime. The dotted section of the circle represents purgatory, which is the place where souls are purified before entering heaven. Then after purgatory there was a dot which represented god and after purgatory we reach god. On his journey to god, a man must be prayed for. This is why we have all souls day, when we pray for the dead.
