Friday, November 3, 2017

Homo Viator Period 7

1. What saint gave us the idea of  "homo viator?"

2. Define  "homo viator?"

3. How does the runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory?


  1. Julian Garcia Period 7November 5, 2017 at 9:32 AM

    1. St. Augustine gave us the idea of Homo Viator. 2 Homo Viator means man on a journey and man on a mission. 3. The runner represents those who have died and are trying to get to haven. The people in the background are the people on Earth praying for those who died.

  2. Period 7 Christian Guzman
    The saint that gave us the idea of homo viator is Saint Thomas Aquinas. Homo viator is man on a mission or man on a journey. Because he made it to heaven and God.

  3. 1.the saint that gave us the idea of homo viator is saint Thomas Aquinas
    2.a homo vaitor is a man on a journey
    3.the runner is us in purgatory and the people cheering us on is the saints and our family on earth alexe alexander

  4. 1. Saint Thomas Aquinas gave us the idea of "homo viator."

    2. "homo viator," is a man on a mission, or man on a journey.

    3. The runner and the people in the background relate to Heaven in that the crowd cheering is the people in heaven cheering for us. They relate to All Souls Day in that the souls are also cheering for us to continue to grow in faith. Finally, they relate to purgatory because of how the runner is running to the finish line the people in purgatory are running to make their way to heaven. - Giovanny Correa, Period 7

  5. Justin Oliveras Period 7 147 exegete

    The saint that gave us the idea of homo viator was Saint Thomas Aquinas. What des Homo Viator mean, it means the term "Man on a Journey". The runner and the people cheering him relate to heaven All Souls Day and Purgatory because it all brings us closer to god our father.

  6. 1. Saint Thomas of Aquinas
    2. Homo Viator means "Man on a journey"
    3. On all souls day, we cheer on souls on their way to heaven. The runner is a soul of a deceased person and the crowd is us cheering the runner out of purgatory and into heaven.

  7. The saint that gave us the idea of "homo viator" is Saint Jerome. Homo Viator is a man on a journey.
    The runner and the people in the background cheering for him relate to heaven, all souls day, and purgatory by the runner is the one achieving his goal of finishing the race and the crowd chanting him on to keep going basically the crowd being the runners motivation in order to do his best to win the race.

    Avian Bracero 1A

  8. Christian Guzman period 7

    1.) Saint Thomas Aquinas combined faith and reason.

    2.) Man on a journey, Man on a mission.

    3.) The solid line is life on earth
    The slash is death
    The dotted line is purgatory.
    The line is circular because in the circle of life we start with God and go back to God.
    The runner has died and the crowd is us who are cheering the person on with our prayers.

    All souls day is a day to remember.

  9. Ryan Ruiz- The saint that gave us the idea of homo viator was Saint Thomas Aquinas. Homo viator has two of somewhat the same definitions. You could say it means a man on a journey, but people believe it sounds better if you was to say a man on a mission. As you look at the picture above you may think what is that and whats the meaning behind it. In the picture the solid lines means earth, the slash means death, and the dotted line means purgatory. This all connects to a man running meaning because its the circle of life. As we live on earth we enjoy it and give thanks to those in heaven who helped us and took good care of us, so when we die we have those to give thanks to us. They give thanks to us so it shows the respect that they give us and it shows that we did a good job while on earth.

  10. 1. What saint gave us the idea of "homo viator?"
    st thomas aquinas

    2. Define "homo viator?"
    man on a journey , man on a mission

    3. How does the runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory?

    we are helping the runners with prayers so he can reach heaven

  11. Justin Le Period 7 Exegete

    Saint Thomas aquinace

    Man on a mission

    The solid line is life on earth the slash is death the dotted line is purgatory the line is circular because in the cycle of life we start from God and go back to God the runner has died and the crowd is us and we are cheering him with our prayers on on his way to heaven All Souls’ Day is a special day to remember our loved ones and pray for them.

  12. 1.St. Thomas of Aquinas gave us the idea of Homo Viator. 2 Homo Viator means man on a journey and man on a mission. 3. The runner represents those who have died and are trying to get to haven. The people in the background are the people on Earth praying for those who died. Julian Garcia Period 7


    1. ST Thomas Aquinas
    2. Man On A Journey
    3. It praise us early to God

  14. 1. Saint Thomas Aquinas gave us the idea of the homo viator

    2. Homo viator means Man on a journey

    3. The runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory in that the runner is the deceased one in purgatory and the people in the background cheering him are us because we are praying for the deceased one so he/she can reach heaven and we can pray for that person and All Souls Day. Reny Burgos P7

  15. Demarco Goodwin

    1.What saint gave us the idea of "homo viator?"

    Answer: Saint Thomas Aquinas gave us the idea of "Homo viator".

    2.Define "homo viator?"

    Answer:"Homo Viator means Man on a journey or Man on a mission.

    3.How does the runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory?

    Answer: The Solid line is life on earth. The slash is death. The dotted line is purgatory. The line is circular because in the cycle of life we start from God go back to God.The runner has died and the crowd is us who are cheering the person on with the peoples prayers. All souls day is a special day to remember our lost one and pray for them.

  16. Kaevon kontosis - the saint that gave us the idea homo viator was sain thomas aquanis and homo viator means "man on a mission" the runner and the fans cheering connect to heaven, all souls day , and purgutory because it brings us closer to god and life

  17. 1. What saint gave us the idea of "homo viator?”
    Saint Thomas Aquinas gave us the idea of the homo viator. He combined faith and reason.

    2. Define "homo viator?"
    Man on a journey, Man on a mission.

    3. How does the runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory?
    The solid line is the on earth. The slash is death. The dotted line is Purgatory! The line is circular because in the cycle of life we start from God and go back to God. The runner has died and the crow is us who are cheering, the person on with our prayers. All Souls day is a special day to remember our love ones and pray for them.
    -Destine Straughn

  18. 1. Saint Thomas Aquinas gave us the idea of homo viator.2. Homo viator means Man on A Mission.3. The runner and the people in the background cheering him relates to heaven, all souls day and purgatory because were cheering on the people that died to help them get to heavon. -Derrell Mcclain

  19. Edgar Guzman

    1. What saint gave us the idea of "homo viator?"
    Saint Thomas Aquinas

    2. Define "homo viator?"

    Man on a journey

    3. How does the runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory?

    This relates to Heaven, All Saints Day, and purgatory since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that easily trips us, and let us run with endurance the race of God has set before us, this is found in Hebrews 12:1. The Bible says that we have an audience, Heaven is watching us and cheering us up.The Lord know all of our movements and never misses a single thing, he doesn’t want you to give up.
