Monday, November 20, 2017

Period 8 Exegetes: Salvator Mundi

Do some research on this Leonardo DaVinci painting, "Salvator Mundi."

List 5 facts about the painting.

How does the story of this painting's existence relate to the existence of the Church ?

A Man and a Woman Who Spoke Truth to Power: Period 7 Exegetes

Explain how Saint Thomas of Canterbury went against the King of England.

Explain how Venerable Henriette DeLille went against Church leaders and government leaders.

A Brother and a Mother - Period 4 Exegetes

List five interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assisi.
List five interesting facts about Mother Elizabeth Lange.
How are these two people similar?

Faith and Reason - Period 2 Exegetes

Albert Einstein and God

Click on Albert Einstein and God. Read the article

Create 10 questions that we can use in class that are based on the contents of the article.
This project is related to our dialogue about the ecotone.
Some of the questions can be very basic, lower order thinking skill questions.
Try to create at least three higher order thinking skills questions.

A Stained Glass Window- Period 1

1. What scene from Acts 9 is illustrated in this window from the Hayes Chapel?

2. Stained glass windows are not effective without a light  that passes through them. Comment on this light in both the literal and spiritual sense.

3. Stained glass windows can only be properly seen from the inside. Comment on this observation.

4. Explain why it may be said that saints are like windows that allow God to use them to help others. 

4. If you could add  two stained glass windows to the Hayes Chapel what two saint would you choose. Explain your choices,

Friday, November 3, 2017

Homo Viator- period 8

1. What do the three Hayesmen with medals represent?

2. What does the dotted line represent?

3. Define homo viator?

4. What does the white slash on the circle represent?

5. Why is the line in a circle, and not a straight line?

Homo Viator Period 7

1. What saint gave us the idea of  "homo viator?"

2. Define  "homo viator?"

3. How does the runner and the people in the background cheering him relate to Heaven, All Souls Day, and Purgatory?

Homo Viator - Period 4


1.  Define "homo viator."

2. What saint gave us us this idea of homo viator?

3. Fully explain the graph.
     a.   Why is it circular and not linear?
     b.   What does the solid green line represent?
     c.   What does the black slash represent?
     d.  What does the dotted blue line represent ?
     e. How do the Hayes Cross Country runners fit in with the graph?

Homo Viator- period 2

Write a one or two paragraph summary of our last class. Look at the other blogs I posted to review details. Be sure to make reference to All Souls Day and purgatory.

Homo Viator - Period 1


1. Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas? Answer with a paragraph.

2. Define "homo viator."

3. Fully explain the graph.
     a.   Why is it circular and not linear?
     b.   What does the solid green line represent?
     c.   What does the black slash represent?
     d.  What does the dotted blue line represent ?

4. Create A Litany of Saints. Use five saints. Select saints that inspire you!
     Here is an example.

    Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us.
    Saint  Padre Pio, pray for us.
    Saint Gelasius, pray for us.
    Saint Gregory the Great, pray for us.
    Saint Maria Goretti, pray for us

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Mercy Triumphs Over Justice in All 73 Books of the Bible!


As a Hayes 147 Exegete(one who studies the Bible)  you are expected to do work( exegesis).
You are expected to have a Bible for my class.  Have the NABRE- New American Bible Revised Edition.  It is almost November. You need a Bible.

Many students are emailing me about low grades. Here is a way to improve your grade.
You must meet the due dates for assigned work.
This work must be done before midnight, 12:00 AM, Wednesday.
If you are not passing this class or have a low grade it is probably because you are not posting your work on the blog page. There are only four class days left in this marking period! Empower yourself!
Computer literacy is a key skill for you to develop.  I realize not all of us have computers, however, there are computer labs and libraries and I give you sufficient time to do the work. Many of you are doing excellent work. Continue to be quintessential!


Remember to type the work in Microsoft Word. Use the correct heading . Save the document. Copy and paste into the comment box on this page. When you see the box appear saying "Comment is awaiting moderation" you know  you have successfully completed the assignment. If you do not see this message then you have not properly  completed the assignment properly.


List the Seven Lectio Divinas and the Three Logos of the Week that we have studied this year. They all appear on the Cardinal Hayes Webpage under News and Announcements. They also appear  in my Notebook.

Explain how these Scripture verses and nature pictures tie together. How are they related?
What theme do they create? How do they help a Hayesman?

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Period 1 Exegetes : The Temple and the Garden

That's me at the West Wall in Jerusalem.
1.When was the Second Creation Account written?
2. Remember the Babylonian Exile was the sitz-in-lebem for the First Creation Account.  What do we mean by sitz-in-lebem?
3. What happens in  Genesis 3: 23-24?
4. What happens in   1 Kings 11: 4-6?
5.What do we mean by "Speaking truth to power?'
6. Literally, what was the original sin?
7. In the spiritual sense what does this original sin represent?

Period 7 Exegetes: Adam and Eve

Read Genesis 2: 15-16. Then read Genesis 3: 1-3.
What is the kushiyah?
What were Adam's intentions?
Is he to be blamed?
What lessons might we learn from Adam?
Your answer becomes the midrash!

Period 4 Exegetes: The First Creation Account

  The  confusion and chaos of the Middle Passage, the trauma of the Holocaust, and situations  that make us feel like giving up are all too real. 

When was this creation account written?

Identify the myth to which it was reacting.

 Explain the intentions of the author. How does this story help a Hayesman?


Read Genesis 2: 15-16. Then read Genesis 3: 1-3.
What is the kushiyah?
What were Adam's intentions?
Is he to be blamed?
What lessons might we learn from Adam?
Your answer becomes the midrash!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

For Those Who Missed the First Blog: A Second Chance!



How does the story of  Tobit connect to the  Resurrection. Answer this question with five sentences. Include details. Try to work in the idea of "blindness."

Monday, September 18, 2017

Period 8 Exegetes

Identify the statute.
Identify the four types of shields that surround the building.
 What do the shields represent?
 Select one shield and fully describe it and tell why it is important.
 Identify the black and yellow sign to the right of the front door.

Period 7 Exegetes

List the four  central mysteries of Catholicism. Which mystery is best connected to this icon?

Period 4 Exegetes

In this picture is Jesus reading the Scriptures, sharing the bread of the Eucharist, or doing both? Give me an answer and  explain your idea.

Period 2 Exegetes

Here is a photo of Jesus reading from the Scriptures in the synagogue. Please select one verse from the Psalms that contains the word "enemy," "foe," "afraid," " fear," or "courage."
Simply identify the verse and copy it. Write a sentence or two to develop and elaborate on some ideas about the verse.

Period 1 Exegetes

Above is the personal crest ( shield) of Patrick Hayes. Identify the five parts of the shield.
Develop and elaborate some ideas on one part of the shield.
Translate the Motto from Latin into English.